150 research outputs found

    Consistency of Oblique Decision Tree and its Boosting and Random Forest

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    Classification and Regression Tree (CART), Random Forest (RF) and Gradient Boosting Tree (GBT) are probably the most popular set of statistical learning methods. However, their statistical consistency can only be proved under very restrictive assumptions on the underlying regression function. As an extension to standard CART, the oblique decision tree (ODT), which uses linear combinations of predictors as partitioning variables, has received much attention. ODT tends to perform numerically better than CART and requires fewer partitions. In this paper, we show that ODT is consistent for very general regression functions as long as they are continuous. Then, we prove the consistency of the ODT-based random forest (ODRF), whether fully grown or not. Finally, we propose an ensemble of GBT for regression by borrowing the technique of orthogonal matching pursuit and study its consistency under very mild conditions on the tree structure. After refining existing computer packages according to the established theory, extensive experiments on real data sets show that both our ensemble boosting trees and ODRF have noticeable overall improvements over RF and other forests

    Direct observation of magnon-phonon coupling in yttrium iron garnet

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    The magnetic insulator yttrium iron garnet (YIG) with a ferrimagnetic transition temperature of ∼\sim560 K has been widely used in microwave and spintronic devices. Anomalous features in the spin Seeback effect (SSE) voltages have been observed in Pt/YIG and attributed to the magnon-phonon coupling. Here we use inelastic neutron scattering to map out low-energy spin waves and acoustic phonons of YIG at 100 K as a function of increasing magnetic field. By comparing the zero and 9.1 T data, we find that instead of splitting and opening up gaps at the spin wave and acoustic phonon dispersion intersecting points, magnon-phonon coupling in YIG enhances the hybridized scattering intensity. These results are different from expectations of conventional spin-lattice coupling, calling for new paradigms to understand the scattering process of magnon-phonon interactions and the resulting magnon-polarons.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, PRB in pres

    Topological triply-degenerate point with double Fermi arcs

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    Unconventional chiral particles have recently been predicted to appear in certain three dimensional (3D) crystal structures containing three- or more-fold linear band degeneracy points (BDPs). These BDPs carry topological charges, but are distinct from the standard twofold Weyl points or fourfold Dirac points, and cannot be described in terms of an emergent relativistic field theory. Here, we report on the experimental observation of a topological threefold BDP in a 3D phononic crystal. Using direct acoustic field mapping, we demonstrate the existence of the threefold BDP in the bulk bandstructure, as well as doubled Fermi arcs of surface states consistent with a topological charge of 2. Another novel BDP, similar to a Dirac point but carrying nonzero topological charge, is connected to the threefold BDP via the doubled Fermi arcs. These findings pave the way to using these unconventional particles for exploring new emergent physical phenomena

    Familiarity-based Collaborative Team Recognition in Academic Social Networks

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    Collaborative teamwork is key to major scientific discoveries. However, the prevalence of collaboration among researchers makes team recognition increasingly challenging. Previous studies have demonstrated that people are more likely to collaborate with individuals they are familiar with. In this work, we employ the definition of familiarity and then propose MOTO (faMiliarity-based cOllaborative Team recOgnition algorithm) to recognize collaborative teams. MOTO calculates the shortest distance matrix within the global collaboration network and the local density of each node. Central team members are initially recognized based on local density. Then MOTO recognizes the remaining team members by using the familiarity metric and shortest distance matrix. Extensive experiments have been conducted upon a large-scale data set. The experimental results show that compared with baseline methods, MOTO can recognize the largest number of teams. The teams recognized by MOTO possess more cohesive team structures and lower team communication costs compared with other methods. MOTO utilizes familiarity in team recognition to identify cohesive academic teams. The recognized teams are in line with real-world collaborative teamwork patterns. Based on team recognition using MOTO, the research team structure and performance are further analyzed for given time periods. The number of teams that consist of members from different institutions increases gradually. Such teams are found to perform better in comparison with those whose members are from the same institution

    Autonomous analysis of infrared images for condition diagnosis of HV cable accessories

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    Infrared thermography has been used as a key means for the identification of overheating defects in power cable accessories. At present, analysis of thermal imaging pictures relies on human visual inspections, which is time-consuming and laborious and requires engineering expertise. In order to realize intelligent, autonomous recognition of infrared images taken from electrical equipment, previous studies reported preliminary work in preprocessing of infrared images and in the extraction of key feature parameters, which were then used to train neural networks. However, the key features required manual selection, and previous reports showed no practical implementations. In this contribution, an autonomous diagnosis method, which is based on the Faster RCNN network and the Mean-Shift algorithm, is proposed. Firstly, the Faster RCNN network is trained to implement the autonomous identification and positioning of the objects to be diagnosed in the infrared images. Then, the Mean-Shift algorithm is used for image segmentation to extract the area of overheating. Next, the parameters determining the temperature of the overheating parts of cable accessories are calculated, based on which the diagnosis are then made by following the relevant cable condition assessment criteria. Case studies are carried out in the paper, and results show that the cable accessories and their overheating regions can be located and assessed at different camera angles and under various background conditions via the autonomous processing and diagnosis methods proposed in the paper

    Learned Local Attention Maps for Synthesising Vessel Segmentations

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    Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is an imaging modality for visualising blood vessels. It is useful for several diagnostic applications and for assessing the risk of adverse events such as haemorrhagic stroke (resulting from the rupture of aneurysms in blood vessels). However, MRAs are not acquired routinely, hence, an approach to synthesise blood vessel segmentations from more routinely acquired MR contrasts such as T1 and T2, would be useful. We present an encoder-decoder model for synthesising segmentations of the main cerebral arteries in the circle of Willis (CoW) from only T2 MRI. We propose a two-phase multi-objective learning approach, which captures both global and local features. It uses learned local attention maps generated by dilating the segmentation labels, which forces the network to only extract information from the T2 MRI relevant to synthesising the CoW. Our synthetic vessel segmentations generated from only T2 MRI achieved a mean Dice score of 0.79±0.030.79 \pm 0.03 in testing, compared to state-of-the-art segmentation networks such as transformer U-Net (0.71±0.040.71 \pm 0.04) and nnU-net(0.68±0.050.68 \pm 0.05), while using only a fraction of the parameters. The main qualitative difference between our synthetic vessel segmentations and the comparative models was in the sharper resolution of the CoW vessel segments, especially in the posterior circulation
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