753 research outputs found

    H_2 emission arises outside photodissociation regions in ultra-luminous infrared galaxies

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    Ultra-luminous infrared galaxies are among the most luminous objects in the local universe and are thought to be powered by intense star formation. It has been shown that in these objects the rotational spectral lines of molecular hydrogen observed at mid-infrared wavelengths are not affected by dust obscuration, leaving unresolved the source of excitation of this emission. Here I report an analysis of archival Spitzer Space Telescope data on ultra-luminous infrared galaxies and demonstrate that star formation regions are buried inside optically thick clouds of gas and dust, so that dust obscuration affects star-formation indicators but not molecular hydrogen. I thereby establish that the emission of H_2 is not co-spatial with the buried starburst activity and originates outside the obscured regions. This is rather surprising in light of the standard view that H_2 emission is directly associated with star-formation activity. Instead, I propose that H_2 emission in these objects traces shocks in the surrounding material, which are in turn excited by interactions with nearby galaxies, and that powerful large-scale shocks cooling by means of H_2 emission may be much more common than previously thought. In the early universe, a boost in H_2 emission by this process may speed up the cooling of matter as it collapsed to form the first stars and galaxies and would make these first structures more readily observable.Comment: Main text and supplemental information, 21 pages including 6 figures, 2 table

    Synthesis and Characterization of Core-shell ZrO2/PAAEM/PS Nanoparticles

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    This work demonstrates the synthesis of core-shell ZrO2/PAAEM/PS nanoparticles through a combination of sol–gel method and emulsifier-free emulsion polymerizaiton. By this method, the modified nanometer ZrO2cores were prepared by chemical modification at a molecular level of zirconium propoxide with monomer of acetoacetoxyethylmethacrylate (AAEM), and then copolymerized with vinyl monomer to form uniform-size hybrid nanoparticles with diameter of around 250 nm. The morphology, composition, and thermal stability of the core-shell particles were characterized by various techniques including transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffractometer (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and thermal-gravimetry analyzer (TGA). The results indicate that the inorganic–organic nanocomposites exhibit good thermal stability with the maximum decomposition temperature of ~447 °C. This approach would be useful for the synthesis of other inorganic–organic nanocomposites with desired functionalities

    Reevaluation of the Value of Autoparasitoids in Biological Control

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    Autoparasitoids with the capacity of consuming primary parasitoids that share the same hosts to produce males are analogous to intraguild predators. The use of autoparasitoids in biological control programs is a controversial matter because there is little evidence to support the view that autoparasitoids do not disrupt and at times may promote suppression of insect pests in combination with primary parasitoids. We found that Encarsia sophia, a facultative autoparasitoid, preferred to use heterospecific hosts as secondary hosts for producing males. The autoparasitoids mated with males originated from heterospecifics may parasitize more hosts than those mated with males from conspecifics. Provided with an adequate number of males, the autoparasitoids killed more hosts than En. formosa, a commonly used parasitoid for biological control of whiteflies. This study supports the view that autoparasitoids in combination with primary parasitoids do not disrupt pest management and may enhance such programs. The demonstrated preference of an autoparasitoid for heterospecifics and improved performance of males from heterospecifics observed in this study suggests these criteria should be considered in strategies that endeavor to mass-produce and utilize autoparasitoids in the future

    Variation in the Analysis of Positively Selected Sites Using Nonsynonymous/Synonymous Rate Ratios: An Example Using Influenza Virus

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    Sites in a gene showing the nonsynonymous/synonymous rate ratio (ω) >1 have been frequently identified to be under positive selection. To examine the performance of such analysis, sites of the ω ratio >1 in the HA1 gene of H3N2 subtype human influenza viruses were identified from seven overlapping sequence data sets in this study. Our results showed that the sites of the ω ratio >1 were of significant variation among the data sets even though they targeted similar clusters, indicating that the analysis is likely to be either of low sensitivity or of low specificity in identifying sites under positive selection. Most (43/45) of the sites showing ω >1 calculated from at least one data set are involved in B-cell epitopes which cover less than a half sites in the protein, suggesting that the analysis is likely to be of low sensitivity rather than of low specificity. It was further found that the analysis sensitivity could not be enhanced by including more sequences or covering longer time intervals. Previously some reports also likely identified only a portion of the sites under positive selection in the viral gene using the ω ratio. Low sensitivity of the analysis may result from that some sites under positive selection in the gene are also under negative (purifying) selection simultaneously for functional constrains, and so their ω ratios could be <1. Theoretically, the sites under the two opposite selection forces at the same time favor only certain nonsynonymous changes, e.g. those changing the antigenicity of the gene and maintaining the gene function. This study also suggested that sometimes we can identify more sites under positive selection using the ω ratio by integrating the positively selected sites estimated from multiple data sets

    Contribution of human hematopoietic stem cells to liver repair

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    Immune-deficient mouse models of liver damage allow examination of human stem cell migration to sites of damage and subsequent contribution to repair and survival. In our studies, in the absence of a selective advantage, transplanted human stem cells from adult sources did not robustly become hepatocytes, although some level of fusion or hepatic differentiation was documented. However, injected stem cells did home to the injured liver tissue and release paracrine factors that hastened endogenous repair and enhanced survival. There were significantly higher levels of survival in mice with a toxic liver insult that had been transplanted with human stem cells but not in those transplanted with committed progenitors. Transplantation of autologous adult stem cells without conditioning is a relatively safe therapy. Adult stem cells are known to secrete bioactive factors that suppress the local immune system, inhibit fibrosis (scar formation) and apoptosis, enhance angiogenesis, and stimulate recruitment, retention, mitosis, and differentiation of tissue-residing stem cells. These paracrine effects are distinct from the direct differentiation of stem cells to repair tissue. In patients at high risk while waiting for a liver transplant, autologous stem cell therapy could be considered, as it could delay the decline in liver function

    Transcriptional Regulation of Rod Photoreceptor Homeostasis Revealed by In Vivo NRL Targetome Analysis

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    A stringent control of homeostasis is critical for functional maintenance and survival of neurons. In the mammalian retina, the basic motif leucine zipper transcription factor NRL determines rod versus cone photoreceptor cell fate and activates the expression of many rod-specific genes. Here, we report an integrated analysis of NRL-centered gene regulatory network by coupling chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by high-throughput sequencing (ChIP–Seq) data from Illumina and ABI platforms with global expression profiling and in vivo knockdown studies. We identified approximately 300 direct NRL target genes. Of these, 22 NRL targets are associated with human retinal dystrophies, whereas 95 mapped to regions of as yet uncloned retinal disease loci. In silico analysis of NRL ChIP–Seq peak sequences revealed an enrichment of distinct sets of transcription factor binding sites. Specifically, we discovered that genes involved in photoreceptor function include binding sites for both NRL and homeodomain protein CRX. Evaluation of 26 ChIP–Seq regions validated their enhancer functions in reporter assays. In vivo knockdown of 16 NRL target genes resulted in death or abnormal morphology of rod photoreceptors, suggesting their importance in maintaining retinal function. We also identified histone demethylase Kdm5b as a novel secondary node in NRL transcriptional hierarchy. Exon array analysis of flow-sorted photoreceptors in which Kdm5b was knocked down by shRNA indicated its role in regulating rod-expressed genes. Our studies identify candidate genes for retinal dystrophies, define cis-regulatory module(s) for photoreceptor-expressed genes and provide a framework for decoding transcriptional regulatory networks that dictate rod homeostasis

    Inertio-elastic focusing of bioparticles in microchannels at high throughput

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    Controlled manipulation of particles from very large volumes of fluid at high throughput is critical for many biomedical, environmental and industrial applications. One promising approach is to use microfluidic technologies that rely on fluid inertia or elasticity to drive lateral migration of particles to stable equilibrium positions in a microchannel. Here, we report on a hydrodynamic approach that enables deterministic focusing of beads, mammalian cells and anisotropic hydrogel particles in a microchannel at extremely high flow rates. We show that on addition of micromolar concentrations of hyaluronic acid, the resulting fluid viscoelasticity can be used to control the focal position of particles at Reynolds numbers up to Re≈10,000 with corresponding flow rates and particle velocities up to 50 ml min[superscript −1] and 130 m s[superscript −1]. This study explores a previously unattained regime of inertio-elastic fluid flow and demonstrates bioparticle focusing at flow rates that are the highest yet achieved.National Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (U.S.) (P41 BioMicroElectroMechanical Systems Resource Center)National Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (U.S.) (P41 EB002503)National Science Foundation (U.S.). Graduate Research FellowshipUnited States. Army Research Office (Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies Grant W911NF-09-0001

    Recipes for sparse LDA of horizontal data

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    Many important modern applications require analyzing data with more variables than observations, called for short horizontal. In such situation the classical Fisher’s linear discriminant analysis (LDA) does not possess solution because the within-group scatter matrix is singular. Moreover, the number of the variables is usually huge and the classical type of solutions (discriminant functions) are difficult to interpret as they involve all available variables. Nowadays, the aim is to develop fast and reliable algorithms for sparse LDA of horizontal data. The resulting discriminant functions depend on very few original variables, which facilitates their interpretation. The main theoretical and numerical challenge is how to cope with the singularity of the within-group scatter matrix. This work aims at classifying the existing approaches according to the way they tackle this singularity issue, and suggest new ones