24 research outputs found

    Proses Morfofonemik Bahasa Dayak Suhaid

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    The title of this research is the Dayak language Suhaid morphophonemic process. This study is generally to delineate Common Problems in the BDS process Morfonfonomik word. This research uses descriptive method, in the form of qualitative data sources are folklore Suhaid Dayak language that has been spoken by the informant ditranskipkan into written form. This study uses a technique of direct observation, namely fishing techniques, interviews and documentary studies.Data collection tool is a list of questions, instruments, images, stories rakyak and special notes. The conclusion of the study as follows. 1) describe the process of change in the Dayak language phoneme Suhaid. 2) describe the process of adding phoneme Suhaid Dayak language. 3) describe the removal process phonemes Suhaid Dayak language. Phoneme changes occur as a result of morpheme meeting N- and Men- Pen- with basic shapes which have a phoneme / p, b, t, d, c, s, k, g and vocal /. The addition of phonemes occur as a result of the meeting and the morpheme N-Pen Men with basic shape consisting of a syllable with a basic shape that has the phoneme / g, k, b, c, r, and l /. Phoneme disappearance occurred as a result of the meeting and the morpheme N-Pen Men with basic forms of the / l, h, and w /

    Meningkatkan Aktivitas Peserta Didik dalam Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Media Konkrit Kelas II Sdn 16 Sahek

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    : This internal issue research is USAge of concrete media to increase educative participant activity in study of class mathematics of II SDN 16 Sahek. Target of this research is to improve educative participant activity by using concrete media in study of class mathematics of II SDN 16 Sahek. Method Research the used is descriptive method, with research type that is research of class action. This research is done/conducted in 2 cycle, with step of is each cycle that is planning, execution, observation, and refleksi. technicsly data collecting in the form of teacher observation sheet, and educative participant observation sheet. With performance indicator that is physical activity, activity bounce, and emotional activity. Observation sheet indicate that mean percentage of educative participant for the activity of physical at cycle of I 49,99%, at cycle of II 73,07%. For activity to bounce at cycle of I 42,30%, at cycle of II 73,07%. And for emotional activity at cycle of I 36,53%, at cycle of II 65,38%. From obtained data, earn in concluding USAge of concrete media in study of mathematics can improve educative by participant activity of class of II SDN 16 Sahek

    Meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar IPA Menggunakan Media Gambar pada Siswa Kelas V Sdn 59 Km.2 Ngabang

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    Improving Science Learning Activity using pictures On Fifth Grade Students of SDN 59 Km.2 Ngabang. This research was conducted with the purpose to improve students' learning activities in Natural science lesson by using pictures in class V SDN 59 Km.2 Ngabang. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach . This type of research is classroom action research consist Of 24 students in the class V. The results showed an increase in students' learning activities by using pictures on science learning in fifth grade at SDN 59 Km.2 Ngabang ie on physical activity from the cycle I to cycle II of 80,55% . In the mental activity of the cycle I to cycle II of 86,11% . In the emotional activity of the cycle I to the second cycle II of 80,21% . Initially students were less active in the learning becomes more active because they have the motivation and high spirits to follow the lesson

    Meninggkatkan Aktivitas Belajar IPA Menggunakan Media Gambar Hewan Kelas II Sdn 35 Tumabang Landak

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    Meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar IPA Menggunakan Media Gambar Hewan Kelas II SDN 35 Tumabang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui meningkatkan aktivitas belajar IPA dengan menggunakan media gambar hewan dikelas II SDN 35 Tumabang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptip dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil awal sebelum menggunakan media gambar yaitu nilai rata-rata aktivitas fisik 22,73%, aktivitas mental 39,39%, dan emosional 19,09% kemudian diadakan siklus I dengan rata-rata aktivitas fisik yaitu 65,15%, mental 75,15%, dan emosional 48,18%. Refleksi siklus I yaitu masih terdapat kekurangan dimana siswa masih ada yang kurang bertanya kepada guru, belum efektif dalam menggunakan media gambar sehingga pada siklus I aktivitas belajar siswa masih kurang. Maka diadakan siklus II, pada siklus ke II aktivitas belajar siswa sudah baik yakni pada persentase aktivitas fisik 89,05%, mental 86,36%, dan emosional 84,54%. karena peningkatan aktivitas siswa sudah baik maka penelitian ini dihentikan sampai pada siklus II. Kata kunci: Aktivitas belajar IPA, media gambar Hewan, dan Pembelajaran IPA Abstrack: Raise higher activity of learning to use your sains media images animal grade 2 SDN 35 Tumabang. This study aims to determine the profit increase learning aktivities using media images animal in class 2 SDN 35 Tumabang. Methode study that using is deskriptif with in the average value of physical activity 22.73%, mental activity39.39%, and emotional then ivent one cycle with physcal activity is average 65.15%,75.15% mentally and emotionally 48.18%. I cycle of reflection that is still inadequate where there is less student asked the teacher, not globalizes in media use images up on learning activity cycle 1 st, students learning activities are still lacking. Then ivent 2 cycle to this cycle activity learning student past well this of persentase physical activities 89.05%, mentally 86.36% and emosionally 84.54%. because activities students past well then this study to end in 2st cycle

    Sapaan dalam Bahasa Melayu Pontianak Wilayah Istana Kadriah

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    Objective of this research is to describe Pontianak Malaynese greeting system at Kadriah Palace surrounding area not only in bloodline relationship kinship but also in marriage relationship kinship. This research using descriptive analysis method with qualitative approach. Source data in this research is direct conversation from local citizens. Data collected using tapping and fishing technique. Data analysis shows that; bloodline greeting system divided to primary family and huge family. Marriage relationship greeting system divided to one generation above Ego, in the same generation with Ego and one generation below

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Matematika Menggunakan Alat Peraga Kertas Lipat pada Peserta Didik

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    Masalah pada penelitian ini adalah upaya Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Matematika Peserta didik Menggunakan alat Peraga . Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Matematika Menggunakan alat Peraga Kertas Lipat pada materi FPB dan KPK pada peserta didik kelas VI SDN 57 Pakatan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian Tindakan kelas (PTK) terdiri dari dua siklus tiap siklus meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Adapun yang menjadi subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VI semester I SDN 57 Pakatan tahun pelajaran 2013/2014 yang terdiri dari 10 peserta didik dimana terdapat 7 laki-laki dan 3 perempuan. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini :pada siklus I berdasarkan pengamatan Aktivitas belajar peserta didik 58,1 % dan pada siklus II 73,3 %. Pada siklus I IPKG I 2,47 pada siklus II 2,89. Pada siklus I IPKG II 2,66 pada siklus II IPKG II 2,97. artinya ada terjadi peningkatan Hasil Belajar pada peserta didik untuk menyelesaikan soal FPB dan KPK pada peserta didik kelas VI semester I SDN 57 Pakatan Kecamatan Sengah Temila tahun pelajaran 2013 /2014. Semester Ganjil 2013/ 2014. Kata Kunci: Matematika , Alat Peraga, Kertas lipat Abstrac : The problem in this study is an attempt Improved Learning Outcomes Students Math Using Viewer tool . The purpose of this study is Improved Learning Outcomes Math Using Paper Folding Viewer tool on the material FPB and the Commission on the sixth grade students of SDN 57 Pakatan . The research method used was action research methods class ( PTK ) is composed of two cycles each cycle includes planning , implementation , observation , and reflection . As for the subject of the study is the first semester of the sixth grade students of SDN 57 Pakatan academic year 2013/2014 which consisted of 10 students where there are 7 men and 3 women . The results obtained in this study : in the first cycle based on observations of learners\u27 learning activities 58.1 % and 73.3 % in the second cycle . In the first cycle I IPKG 2.89 2.47 in the second cycle . In the first cycle IPKG II 2.66 in the second cycle IPKG II 2.97 . means there is an increase in the Learning Outcomes for learners to solve the FPB and the Commission in the sixth grade students of SDN 57 first half Pakatan District of Sengah Temila academic year 2013/2014 . Odd Semester 2013/2014

    Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Menggunakan Media Gambar Matematika di Kelas I Sdn 33 Antajam Kabupaten Landak

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    Efforts to Improve Student Results Using Mathematical Image Media class I SDN 33 Antajam District Landak. This study aims to improve student learning outcomes using mathematical images in the media class I SDN 33 Antajam. The research method used is descriptive method. The results of the study on the first cycle calculation of mastery learning students at SDN 33 Antajam class I, ie the value of student learning outcomes by calculating the percentage of completeness of student learning outcomes is 50 % and the classical completeness mathematics courses the students' overall grade I was 50 %. While the second cycle by calculating the percentage of completeness increases student learning outcomes to be 100 % and the classical completeness mathematics courses the students' overall grade I was 100 %. Based on the information above, it can be made a conclusion that the use of media images can improve student learning outcomes in mathematics courses in first grade at SDN 33 Antajam district Landak

    Penggunaan Metode Inkuiri Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Kelas V Sdn 04 Tiang Tanjung Landak

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    The use of method inquiry, to result learn the IPA of class V SDN 04 Tiang Tanjung Landak Regency. This research aim to know the effect of study applying with the method inquiry of study of IPA SDN 04 Tiang Tanjung Landak Ragency. From the research of class action consisted of by 2 cycle, heving the character of collaborator by following procedure of action research that is planning, execultion, observation and reflection. Technique of data collecting of sheet of observation and instrument test,consisted of the test article test. The analysis of data use the analysis descriptive that is calculation of mean and percentage. The result of research abtained is research ability in executing study of score of mean cycle of I meeting to 1 equal to 3,49 and meeting to 2 equal to 3,81 and score of mean of cycle of II meeting to 1 equal to 3,90. Furthermore result of learning student of I meeting to 1 average value of student of equal to 57,82 or 35 % complete student and meeting to mounting to equal to 2 mounting equal to 69,56 or 65% complete student, furthermore cycle of II meeting to 1 average value of student become 80,00 or 95% complete student. Matter of this mean study by using method inquiry can give the effect to hight of result of learning student

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar Menggunakan Metode Eksperimen pada Pembelajaran IPA Kelas III

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    IncreasingLearning Activityby Using an Experimental Method on TeachingScienceto the Third Level Studentsof SDN Raba Sekuap. The purpose of conducting this research is to determine the increase learners\u27 learning activities either physical activity, mental and emotional with the experimental method on teaching science to the third Level Studentsof SDN Raba Sekuap. The method of this researchis class action research, which consisted of two cycles with each cycle stages that include planning,implementation, observation and reflection. Data obtained from observation sheet learners\u27 learning activities either physical activity, mental and emotional. Observation sheet shows that the average percentage of students for physical activity starting from the first cycle is 66.67 % and the second cycle is 88, 89 %. Mental activity begins from the first cycle are 55.56 % and 88.89 % which is the second cycle. Emotional activity starting from the first cycle are 66.67 % and 88.89 % which is the second cycle. The Conclusion of this researchis the use of experimental method on teaching science to the third level students of SDN Raba Sekuap can enhance learners\u27 learning activities either physical activity, mental or emotional

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Surat Dinas Menggunakan Metode Inkuiri SMP Negeri 1 Selimbau

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    The background of this research is the lack of writing skill, the minimum of understanding about writing and the low of students learning results. And what is more, the students got lack of experience and knowledge in writing official letter. Furthemore, to improve the skill in writing official letter to VIII B Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Selimbau, the researcher used the inquiry method. This research is Class Action Research which is coundected in two cycles. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The result of students learning before conducting Class Action Research is in average of 58,70. Afterwards, the result of students learning in cycle I is in average of 64,52. Furthermore, the score in cycle II is increased in average of 71,04. Then, it can be concluded that this classroom action research using inquiry method had improved students' writing skill in writing official letter