27 research outputs found

    Egg traits in Japanese quails

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    The objective of this study was to compare some internal and external egg quality traits between two meat lines of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Line 8 was the result of selection for high adult live body mass (three generations). Line 9 was the control. Birds were housed in four-stage cage technology at the NAFC-Research Institute for Animal Production Nitra. Feed mixture contained 11.7 MJ ME and 200.0 g crude protein. Feed and water were given ad libitum. Females of both lines had the same age. Egg-laying traits were observed daily during 5-day period. Eggs were analysed in the laboratory of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. The egg weight was significantly higher (P≤0.001) in selected line 8: 13.259 g vs. 12.203 g. The egg shell weight, egg width, length and shape index were also higher (P≤0.001) in selected line 8. The shell thickness on egg sharp region differed significantly (P≤0.01) between lines 8 and 9. However, the difference in overall shell thickness was insignificant. Eggshell percentages were 9.128 and 9.200 % in lines 8 and 9. Significant differences (from P≤0.001 to P≤0.05) were found in yolk weight, yolk width, yolk height and yolk percentage. In general, selected line 8 was of higher yolk values, except for yolk percentage - 29.358 % vs. 30.292 %. Significant differences in albumen weight (P≤0.001), albumen width (P≤0.01) and albumen height (P≤0.05) were found. There was no significant (P>0.05) difference in Haugh Unit (89.297 vs. 88.893)

    Effect of breed on some parameters of egg quality in laying hens

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    DOI: 10.15414/afz.2015.18.01.20–24Received 24. September2014 ǀ Accepted 16. March 2015 ǀ Available online 31. March 2015The objective of this study was to compare some internal and external quality parameters of eggs between Oravka and Rhode Island Red laying hens. The flocks kept in National Agriculture and Food Centre - Research Institute of Animal Production Nitra (RIAP Nitra) were involved in the experiment. The females of both breeds were of the same age (11 months, 5th month of lay). Eggs were collected during three days consecutively (10 eggs per breed and day) and were analysed in the laboratory of Department of Poultry Science and Small Animal Husbandry at the Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources of Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. There were 11 females in each group and a total of 30 eggs in each group were analysed. The females were housed in outdoor unheated roofed wooden chicken coop with free range available; fed standard feed ad libitum. The average egg weight was significantly (P≤0.01) affected by breed. Females of Oravka breed were of heavier eggs (60.96 ± 0.56 g) than females of Rhode Island Red (57.60 ±0.76 g). The significant differences were also found in egg width and egg length, however, no significant differences were found in egg shape index. The egg shell thickness significantly differed (P≤0.01) between Oravka and Rhode Island Red (367.78 ±3.12 μm vs. 379.33 ±2.49 μm). The albumen weight was significantly higher in Oravka breed (34.96 ±0.58 g) than in Rhode Island Red breed (32.78 ±0.73 g). No statistical differences were found in the remaining albumen characteristics. However, the slight difference (P≤0.10) was found in Haugh Unit (71.46 ± 1.64 HU for Oravka vs. 74.45 ±1.53 HU for Rhode Island Red). With yolk characteristics, yolk weight and yolk colour significantly differed (P ≤ 0.01) between Oravka breed (19.93 ±0.23 g and 10.60 ±0.09 oHLR) and Rhode Island Red breed (18.61 ±0.20 g and 11.10 ±0.20 oHLR). No statistical differences were found in the remaining yolk characteristics, except for a slight difference (P ≤ 0.10) in yolk index (42.14 ±0.50 % for Oravka and 40.31 ±1.00 % for Rhode Island Red). Keywords: females, Oravka, Rhode Island Red, eg

    Comparative analysis of the external and internal egg quality in different pure chicken breeds

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    The present study was conducted to evaluate some parameters of external and internal egg quality of some pure dual chicken breeds.  A total of 500 eggs (100 eggs from each breed) were collected to study for egg (weight, shape index), albumen (weight, percentage), yolk (weight, percentage) and shell (weight, percentage, thickness, strength) quality. The eggs were analysed in the laboratory of Department of Poultry Science and Small Animal Husbandry of Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. The results showed that the egg weight and egg length of New Hampshire were significantly higher (P0.05). Differences in albumen weight, albumen percentage, yolk weight and yolk percentage of tested dual chicken breeds were statistically no significant (P>0.05). Albumen height was significantly higher (P0.05) in egg shell thickness and strength

    Morphological changes of reproductive organs during egg formation of autochthonous Oravka hens

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    Article Details: Received: 2020-11-01 | Accepted: 2020-11-27 | Available online: 2021-01-31https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2021.24.mi-prap.33-36 In this study we investigated the changes of reproductive organs and duration of egg formation in autochthonous Oravka hens. The changes of ovary and oviduct in defferent time were investigated on 66 hens at the top of the laying. Reproductive organs have to change their weight and morphological structure depending on the dynamics of egg formation. From ovulation to laying the ovary weight increased from 47.29 to 51.55 g, oviduct weight from 71.89 to 76,31 g. Oviduct length varied from 67.39 to 68.51 g, thee functional parts were changed depending on their activity. Length of the individual oviduct parts was – infundibulum from 3.46 to 3.59 cm, magnum 36.89 to 39.98 cm, isthmus 8.87 to 10.78 cm, uterus from 10.39 to 11.97 cm and vagina from 4.89 to 5.41 cm.  Keywords: Oravka, hen, egg formation, ovary, oviduct References Duncan, D. B. (1955). Multiple ranges and multiple F-test. Biometric, 11, 10–42. doi:10.2307/3001478Halaj, M. (1982). Morphological changes of reproductive organs of hens during egg formation. Acta zootechnica, 38, 161-173. In SlovakHead, V. (2010). Keeping chickens and other poultry. London: Aucturus Publishing Limited, 160 s. ISBN 978 -1-90723-014-9.Hobson, J. &  Lewis, C. (2009). Choosing & Raising Chickens. David & Charles Limited, 2009, 160 s. ISBN 978-0-7153-3664-9.Hocking, P.M. et al. (1987). Ovarian follicular structure of white leghorns fed ad libitum and dwarf and normal broiler breeders fed ad libitum or restricted until point of lay. British Poultry Science, 28, 493-506.Hocking, P.M. and McCormack, H.A. (1995). Differential sensitivity of ovarian follicles to gonadotrophin stimulation in broiler and layer lines of domestic fowl. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 105, 49-55.Iwasawa, A. et al. (2010) Morphological and histochemical changes in the uterus epithelium during eggshell formation in quail. Journal of Poultry Science, 47, 183-189.  https://doi.org/10.2141/jpsa.009112JASP 0.8.6 software (2018). Available on https://jasp-stats.org/Khokhlov, R. YU. and Kuznetcov, S. I. (2007). Morphogenesis of a tunica mucosa of oviduct of the hens. International Journal of Morphology, 25(2):329-333. http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0717-95022007000200014Mahmud, M.A. et al. (2017). Gross morphological and morphometric studies of oviduct in three genotypes of Nigerian indigenous laying chickens. Journal of Diary, Veterinary & Amimal Research, 5 (4), 138-142. DOI: 10.15406/jdvar.2017.05.00151Mishra, B. et al. (2019). Genetic and hormonal regulation of egg formation in the oviduct of laying hens. Poultry - An Advanced Learning, Asghar Ali Kamboh, IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.85011. Available from: https://www.intechopen.com/books/poultry-an-advanced-learning/genetic-and-hormonal-regulation-of-egg -formation-in-the-oviduct-of-laying-hensMohammadi, H. and Ansari-Pirsaraei, Z. (2016). Follicle diameters, egg weight, and egg production performance in old laying hens injected with growth hormone and testosterone. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 18, 949-959.Moraes, C. et al. (2010). Morphology and histology of the oviduct of Marrecas Anaboschas. Arq Brasilian Veterinary Medicine and Zoological Technology, 62(2), 34-44. 10.15406/jdvar.2017.05.00151Peris, L. et al. (2005). Effect of lighting program on development of follicles during sexual maturation of laying hens. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 21 (5-6), 247-251.Pollock, C.G. and Orosz, S.E. (2002). Avian reproductive, anatomy, physiology and endocrinology. Veterinary Clinical Exotica, 5(3), 441-474.  DOI: 10.1016/s1094-9194(02)00010-5Rahman, A. (2013). An introduction to morphology of the reproductive system and anatomy of hen’s egg. Journal of Life and Earth Science, 8, 1-10. DOI: 10.3329/jles.v8i0.20133Robinson, F.E. et al. (1996). Effects of age at photostimulation on reproductive efficiency and carcass characteristics. 2. Egg- type hens. Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 76, 283-288.Sah, N and Mishra, B. (2018). Regulation of egg formation in the oviduct of laying hen. World's Poultry Science Journal. 74 (3), 509-522. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0043933918000442Veterany, L. &  Jedlička, J. (2002). Poultry Anatomy. Nitra, Garrmond, 97 p. ISBN 80-968659-4-3. In SlovakVijayakumar, K. et al. (2014) Macro anatomy of female reproductive tract during laying and non-laying period in adult emu birds (Dromaius novaehollandiae). Asian Journal of Science and Technology, 5(12), 793-795

    Comparative study of productive performance and carcass parameters of Oravka, Amrock and their reciprocal crossbred chickens

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    Received: 2018-06-06 | Accepted: 2018-06-08 | Available online: 2018-11-26https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2018.21.04.183-185The objective of this study was to compare the pure chicken breeds Oravka (OR; n = 50), Amrock (AM; n = 50) and their cross Oravka×Amrock (ORAM; n = 50) and Amrock×Oravka (AMOR; n = 50) for productive and carcass parameters. The birds were maintained on a deep litter system for a period of 20 weeks. We recorded that crossbred ORAM and AMOR chickens performed better than the average of parental genotypes for body weight and body weight gain in brooding and growing period. The poor (P0.05) difference among pure and crossbred chickens. The highest carcass yield was observed in ORAM (62.53%) followed by AMOR (62.48%), AM (62.41%) and OR (62.39%) chickens.Keywords: body conformation, body weight, chicken, crossbreding, feed utilityReferencesAdebambo, A.O. (2011) Combining abilities among four breeds of chicken for feed efficiency variation: a preliminary assessment for chicken improvement in Nigeria. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 43, 1465-1466. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11250-011-9844-yAlmasi, A., Suto, Z., Budai, Z., Donko, T., Milisits, G., Horn, P. (2012) Effect of age, sex and strain on growth, body composition and carcass characteristics of dual purpose type chicken. World´s Poultry Science Journal, Supplement 1, 47-50.Besbes, B. (2009) Genotype evaluation and breeding of poultry for performance under sub-optimal village conditions. World´s Poultry Science Journal, 65, 260-271. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.10.17/50043933909000221Brickett, K.E., Dahiya, J.P., Classen, H.L., Gomis, S. (2007) Influence of dietary nutrient density, feed form, and lighting on growth and meat yield of broiler chickens. Poultry Science, 86, 2172-2181.Duncan, D.B. (1955). The Multiple Range and Multiple F-test. Biometrics, 11, 1-42. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.2307/3001478Havenstein, G.B., Ferket, P.R., Qureshi, M.A. (2003) Carcass composition and yield of 1957 versus 2001 broilers when fed representative 1957 and 2001 broiler diets. Poultry Science, 82, 1509-1518.Hoffmann, I. (2005) Research and investment in poultry genetic resources-challengs and options for sustainable use. World’s Poultry Science Journal, 61, 57-69. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1079/WPS200449Iraqi, M.M., Afifi, E.A., Abdel-Ghany, A.M., Afram, M. (2005) Diallel crossing analysis for livability data involving two standard and two native Egyptian chicken breeds. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 17 (7).Janocha, A., Osek, M., Klocek, B., Wasilowska, Z., Turyk, Z. (2003) Quality evaluation of broiler chickens of various genetic groups. Appl. Sci. Rep. Anim. Prod. Rev., 68, 141-148.JASP 0.8.6 software (2018).Khawaja, T., Khan, S. H., Mukhtar, N., Parveen, A. (2012) Comparative study of growth performance, meat quality and haematological parameters of Fayoumi, Rhode Island Red and their reciprocal crossbred chickens. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 11, e39. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4081/ijas.2012.e39Khawaja, T., Khan, S. H., Parveen, A., Iqbal, J. (2016) Growth performance, meat composition and haematological parameters of first generation of newly evolved hybridized pure chicken and their crossbred parents. Veterinarski Arhiv, 86 (1), 135-148.Nawar, M.E., Aly, O.M., Abd El-Hamid, A.E. (2004) The effect of crossing on some economic traits in chickens. Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 24, 163-176.Sengül, T., Cetin, M., Konca, Y., Yildiz, A. (2003) Comparison of growth performance and carcass yield of some commercial broilers. Journal of Poultry Research, 3 (1), 12-16.Sharaf, M.M., Mandour, M.A., Taha, A.E. (2006) Effect of diallel crossing on same growth performance, carcass traits and immune response against new castle disease virus vaccine of Japanese quails. Egyptian Poultry Science, 3, 1451-1470

    Direct visualization of newly synthesized target proteins in situ

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    Protein synthesis is a dynamic process that tunes the cellular proteome in response to internal and external demands. Metabolic labeling approaches identify the general proteomic response but cannot visualize specific newly synthesized proteins within cells. Here we describe a technique that couples noncanonical amino acid tagging or puromycylation with the proximity ligation assay to visualize specific newly synthesized proteins and monitor their origin, redistribution and turnover in situ

    Cell-type-specific metabolic labeling of nascent proteomes in vivo

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    Although advances in protein labeling methods have made it possible to measure the proteome of mixed cell populations, it has not been possible to isolate cell-type-specific proteomes in vivo. This is because the existing methods for metabolic protein labeling in vivo access all cell types. We report the development of a transgenic mouse line where Cre-recombinase-induced expression of a mutant methionyl-tRNA synthetase (L274G) enables the cell-type-specific labeling of nascent proteins with a non-canonical amino-acid and click chemistry. Using immunoblotting, imaging and mass spectrometry, we use our transgenic mouse to label and analyze proteins in excitatory principal neurons and Purkinje neurons in vitro (brain slices) and in vivo. We discover more than 200 proteins that are differentially regulated in hippocampal excitatory neurons by exposing mice to an environment with enriched sensory cues. Our approach can be used to isolate, analyze and quantitate cell-type-specific proteomes and their dynamics in healthy and diseased tissues

    Dynamique des membranes post-synaptiques inhibitrices

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    PARIS-BIUSJ-Thèses (751052125) / SudocPARIS-BIUSJ-Physique recherche (751052113) / SudocSudocFranceF

    The Effect of Various Disinfectants on Hatching Results in Chickens

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of various disinfectants on hatchability, egg weight loss and embryonic mortality of chickens. Eggs were incubated in medium hatchery Bios midi at standard hatching conditions. All eggs were incubated for 21 days. Five treatments, with 300 hatching eggs each, were evaluated: eggs not submitted to disinfection (negative control), formalin gas fumigation by mixing 40 ml formaldehyde of 40 % concentration and 20 g potassium permanganate on 1m3 room capacity (positive control), ozone concentration of 0.45 ppm for 12 hours, Aldekol DES 03 air aerosol dosing by 0.5 l of Aldekol DES 03 to 3 l of water and Virkon S in 1% solution. Hatchability of fertile eggs and embryonic mortality were significant not affected (P>0.05) by disinfectants, but there were significant lower (P<0.05) values in eggs without disinfection. None of the treatments affected (P>0.05) egg weight loss throughout the first 18-days of incubation. The results obtained for hatching traits indicated that alternative disinfectants may be used as an alternative to formaldehyde fumigation for the disinfection of hatching eggs