20 research outputs found

    Kepemimpinan Komunitas Kali Code dalam Menggerakkan Modal Sosial

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali informasi dan data mengenai kepemimpinan komunitas Kali Code pasca Romo Mangun dalam menggerakkan modal sosial, untuk keberlanjutan pembangunan pemukiman Kali Code Ledok Gondolayu Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini memakai pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah para mantan pimpinan komunitas pasca Romo Mangun termasuk bapak RT yang bertugas saat ini. Untuk keabsahan data dipakai teknik trianggulasi sumber, yaitu meng­-crossceck­ data yang diperoleh dari para informan kepada pihak lain dalam hal ini anggota masyarakat dan tokoh masyarakat yang menjadi anggota komunitas Kali Code. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan komunitas Kali Code, semuanya melanjutkan cara dan gaya kepemimpinan yang telah dilaksanakan oleh Romo Mangun, yaitu menanamkan rasa kebersamaan dan kemandirian warga untuk kepentingan bersama. Peran pemimpin dalam menggerakkan modal sosial sangat besar. Pemimpin berdiri di depan memberi keteladanan dan ikut langsung memimpin dan mengarahkan aktivitas. Para pemimpin ini memiliki sikap tegas, namun dalam menggerakkan warga, pemimpin umumnya bersikap persuasif dan mampu menjelaskan manfaat USAha mereka untuk kebaikan bersama. Tipe kepemimpinan mereka kharismatik, yang bersumber dari kepribadian mereka yang sangat dihormati oleh para warga. Sehingga warga rela mengikuti semua yang diarahkan para pimpinan tersebut, dengan demikian modal sosial warga mudah untuk digerakka

    Status Anak yang Dilahirkan dari Perkawinan Wanita Hamil Karena Zina Menurut Kompilasi Hukum Islam dan Undang-undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan

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    The result of the research shows that the regulation on pregnant woman who gets married because of adultery, according to Law No. 1/1974, is not explicitly regulated, but it is implicitly regulated in Article 2, paragraph 1 which stated that a marriage is legitimate when it was done according to each the couple's religion and belief. In Article 53 of the Compilation of the Islamic Law, it is stated that 1) a woman who is pregnant without marriage can be married off with the man who has impregnated her, 2) the marriage can be carried out without waiting for the birth of the baby, and 3) the marriage will not be done over again after the baby is born. The baby is considered legitimate, according to Law No. 1/1974. According to the Compilation of the Islamic Law, the child who is born from adultery is legitimate when the prospect husband is the child's biological father. In Article 99, paragraph 1 of the Compilation of the Islamic Law and Article 42 of Law No. 1/1974, it is stated that a legitimate child is a child who is born from legitimate marriage, but he will be illegitimate when the husband of his mother is the man who has not impregnated his mother. The regulation on an illegitimate child is stipulated in Article 100 of the Compilation of the Islamic Law and Article 43 of Marriage Law No. 1/1974. The legal protection for a child who is born from adultery, according to Marriage Law No. 1/1974 and the Compilation of the Islamic law, is that the Recognition of the Child which can be done by his father after all requirements have been fulfilled, and the child is legally legitimate

    Pemanfaatan Kembali Limbah Potongan Kayu Menjadi Material Furniture melalui Pendekatan Social Entrepreneurship

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    One of the excellent products from Situbondo regency is wooden handicraft product so easy furniture business we meet. Waste wood pieces are the remnants of wood pieces in the form of boards or small pieces that can still be seen form. Wooden board consisting of pieces of wood can be utilized into various objects used in the interior of a room. In addition to adding functionality from waste wood pieces, wooden waste board can also add aesthetic value on an object. This is because the board has different characteristics compared to ordinary wooden boards. Activities that have been done include interior design training, interior making from waste wood pieces, Business Management Training and Employee Motivation Program on UKM Meubel Heni and UKM Meubel Kyky. For 6 months the partners\u27 activities are provided with continuous facilitation and training to produce a table of waste wood products and grow entrepreneurial spirit in all partners

    Measurement of Cement's Particle Size Distribution by the Buoyancy Weighing-bar Method

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    One of the important characteristics of cement quality is particle size distribution. There are several simple methods to measure the particle size distribution of cement based on the Stokes diameter, like Andreasen pipette method, sedimentation balance method, centrifugal sedimentation method, etc. A major disadvantages of these methods are they are time consuming process and require special skills. Particle size distribution also can be analyzed by using a different principle through microscopy, laser diffraction/scattering methods and Coulter counter method. Even these methods produce highly accurate results within a shorter time, however, the equipments are expensive. In the present study, it has developed a new method to overcome the problem. The method is the buoyancy weighing-bar method. This method is a simple and cost-effective. The principle of the buoyancy weighing-bar method that the density change in a suspension due to particle migration is measured by weighing buoyancy against a weighing–bar hung in the suspension, and the particle size distribution is calculated using the length of the weighing-bar and the time–course change in the the apparent mass of the weighing–bar. This apparatus consists of an analytical balance with a hook for underfloor weighing, and a weighing–bar, which is used to detect the density change in suspension. The result obtained show that the buoyancy weighing–bar method is suitable for measuring the particle size distribution of cement, and the result is comparable to that of determined by settling balance method

    Modal Sosial Yang Dikembangkan Guru Di Sekolah Berkualitas Di YOGYAKARTA

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    This study was aimed at (1) analyzing the social capital developed by the reputable schools' teachers in Yogyakarta, (2) providing an overview to school community, especially the teachers, in order to develop their social capital in the school, as well as be able to utilize the social capital for improving schools quality. This research used research and development (R&D) approach. The subjects of this research were senior high schools teachers in SMAN 1, SMAN 3, and SMAN 8 Yogyakarta. The data were collected through questionnaires, observation, interviews and document study, supported by focus group discussion (FGD) and field-note/logbook. Then the data were analyzed qualitatively. The findings show that the most dominant social capital widely used by teachers in reputable schools is mutual trust and norms/ rules. In addition, teachers also have already built and developed productive networks between all communities in their schools

    Electrocoagulation Application in the Processing of Palm Oil Mill Effluent From Anaerobic Fixed Bed Reactor

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    The production of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) in Indonesia keep increase following the amount of wastewater that being produced. Therefore laboratory scale research of processing of palm oil mill effluent of anaerobic fixed bed reactor with electrocoagulation technique was conducted. Electrocoagulation is a process of coagulation using a direct current through an electrochemical events are symptoms of electrolyte decomposition. This research aims to determine the influence of voltage in the adaptor to the performance of this electrocoagulation system and to determine the optimum operating time for the liquid waste treatment. The material that being used is palm oil mill effluent with electrocoagulation equipment devices with the discharge of 1.5 liters/minute, the residence time of wastewater at 1 hour, 5 cm electrode spacing, as well as the strong current of 8, 9, 10, and 11 Ampere. The results obtained by the reduction in COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) at the highest voltage of 9 volts at 120 minutes of operating time 95,76%, the reduction of TS (Total Solid) obtained at the highest voltage of 10 volts at 90 minutes of operating time 24,41%, the reduction of TSS (Total Suspended Solid) the highest obtained at the operating time of 180 minutes and a voltage of 10 volts give the rejection 91,78 %