3 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang tingkatkemampuanpemahamankonsepsiswahomeschoolingpadapelajaranmatematikadanprofilpembelajaranmatematika di homescooling. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahuibagaimanaprofilsistempembelajaranmatematika di homeschooling, mengetahui bagaimana gambaran umum kemampuan pemahaman konsep siswahomeschooling, mengetahui apakah ada hubungan antara keaktifan siswa yang mengikuti homeschooling terhadap kemampuan pemahaman konsepnya, dan untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan antara kemampuan pemahaman konsep siswa homeschooling dengan keterlibatan/partisipasi orangtuanya dalam pembelajaran matematika di rumah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalahmetodeDeskriptifAnalitik. subjek pada penelitian ini adalah siswakelas VIIIHomeschooling Taman Sekar Bandung danHomeschoolingPrimagamaBandung.Instrumenpenelitian yang digunakan adalah tes kemampuan Pemahamankonsep dan instrumen non tes, yaitu angket dan lembar observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwatingkatkemampuan pemahamankonsepsiswaHomeschoolingjenjang SMP padapelajaranmatematikamasihberadapadakategorirendahdanadahubungan yangkuatantarakemampuanpemahamankonsepdengankeaktifansiswadanpartisipasi orang tuasiswadalam proses pembelajaranmatematika.Sistempembelajaranmatematika di homeschoolingberbedadengansekolah formal dalamhalkurikulumdanalokasiwaktu. Bahan ajar, sistempenilaian, danmetodepembelajaran yang digunakan di homeschoolinghampirsamadengan yang ada di sekolah formal. This research investigates the ability to comprehend the concept of Mathematics in homeschooling students and Mathematics learning profile in homeschooling system. This research is aimed to identify how the profile of mathematics learning in homeschooling system is, how the general visible image of student’s ability in comprehending is pictured, the correlation between homeschooling student’s activities and their ability to comprehend the concept, and to identify the correlation between student’s ability to comprehend the concept and the parents’ participation in the Mathematics learning session at home. Analytical descriptive method is used to the subject which is the eighth grade of Taman Sekar Bandung Homeschooling and Primagama Bandung Homeschooling. The research instruments are concept understanding ability test and also non-test instrument such as questionnaire and observation sheets. The research findings show that the ability to comprehend the concept of homeschooling students in junior high school level is still in the beginner level and there is a correlation between the ability to comprehend the concept and student’s activity and parents’ participation in Mathematics learning process. The Mathematics learning system in homeschooling is different with common formal school in terms of curriculum and time allotment; but learning materials, assessment method, and learning method that are used in homeschooling are relatively same with the one which is currently used in the formal school. Keywords : Homeschooling, The Ability to Comprehend the Concept, Descriptive Research

    Why do sanctions need time to work? Adjustment, learning and anticipation

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    Economists disagree on the influence of time on the probability of success of economic sanctions. Some argue that it takes time to convince the sanction target. Others stress that economic adjustment will reduce incentives to comply. We seek to reconcile these different literatures, modelling the target's decision to comply as a function of both (anticipatory) economic adjustment and Bayesian learning. We show that sanctions which do not work instantaneously (ie there is neither political compliance nor economic adjustment) can work in the long run, but only if the learning effect dominates the adjustment effect. A sufficient condition for ultimate compliance is that (potential) sanction damage that cannot be avoided by adjustment in the long run exceeds the yield of misconduct