164 research outputs found

    Dispersion relations and the spin polarizabilities of the nucleon

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    A forward dispersion calculation is implemented for the spin polarizabilities γ1,...,γ4\gamma_1, ... ,\gamma_4 of the proton and the neutron. These polarizabilities are related to the spin structure of the nucleon at low energies and are structure-constants of the Compton scattering amplitude at O(ω3){\cal O}(\omega^3). In the absence of a direct experimental measurement of these quantities, a dispersion calculation serves the purpose of constraining the model building, and of comparing with recent calculations in heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory.Comment: 14 pages Latex, 1 ps figur

    The E2/M1 and C2/M1 ratios and form factors in N -> Delta transitions

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    A partial wave analysis of pion photoproduction has been obtained in the framework of fixed-t dispersion relations valid from threshold up to 500 MeV. In the resonance region we have precisely determined the electromagnetic properties of the \Delta(1232) resonance, in particular the E2/M1 ratio R_{EM}=(-2.5 +- 0.1) %. For pion electroproduction recent experimental data from Mainz, Bates and JLab for Q^2 up to 4.0 (GeV/c)^2 have been analyzed with two different models, an isobar model (MAID) and a dynamical model. The E2/M1 ratios extracted with these two models show, starting from a small and negative value at the real photon point, a clear tendency to cross zero, and become positive with increasing Q^2. This is a possible indication of a very slow approach toward the pQCD region. The C2/M1 ratio near the photon point is found as R_{SM}(0)=(-6.5 +- 0.5) %. At high Q^2 the absolute value of the ratio is strongly increasing, a further indication that pQCD is not yet reached.Comment: 10 pages LaTeX including 3 figures. Talk given at the XVIIth European conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Evora, Portugal, 11 - 16 September 2000; to be published in Nucl.Phys.

    A dispersion theoretical approach to the threshold amplitudes of pion photoproduction

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    We give predictions for the partial wave amplitudes of pion photoproduction near threshold by means of dispersion relations at fixed t. The free parameters of this approach are determined by a fit to experimental data in the energy range 160 MeV Eγ\le E_{\gamma} \le 420 MeV. The observables near threshold are found to be rather sensitive to the amplitudes in the resonance region, in particular to the Δ\Delta (1232) and NN^* (1440). We obtain a good agreement with the existing threshold data for both charged and neutral pion production. Our predictions also agree well with the results of chiral perturbation theory, except for neutral pion production off the neutron.Comment: 16 pages LATEX including 4 postscript figure

    Radiative pion capture by a nucleon

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    The differential cross sections for πpγn\pi^- p \to \gamma n and π+nγp\pi^+ n \to \gamma p are computed up to O(p3)O(p^3) in heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory (HBChPT). The expressions at O(p)O(p) and O(p2)O(p^2) have no free parameters. There are three unknown parameters at O(p3)O(p^3), low energy constants of the HBChPT Lagrangian, which are determined by fitting to experimental data. Two acceptable fits are obtained, which can be separated by comparing with earlier dispersion relation calculations of the inverse process. Expressions for the multipoles, with emphasis on the p-wave multipoles, are obtained and evaluated at threshold. Generally the results obtained from the best of the two fits are in good agreement with the dispersion relation predictions.Comment: 24 pages, Latex, using RevTe

    Multipole analysis of pion photoproduction based on fixed t dispersion relations and unitarity

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    We have analysed pion photoproduction imposing constraints from fixed t dispersion relations and unitarity. Coupled integral equations for the S and P wave multipoles were derived from the dispersion relations and solved by the method of Omnes and Muskhelishvili. The free parameters were determined by a fit to the most recent data for \pi^{+} and \pi^{0} production on the proton as well as \pi^{-} production on the neutron, in the energy We have analysed pion photoproduction imposing constraints from fixed t dispersion relations and unitarity. Coupled integral equations for the S and P wave multipoles were derived from the dispersion relations and solved by the method of Omnes and Muskhelishvili. The free parameters were determined by a fit to the most recent data for \pi^{+} and \pi^{0} production on the proton as well as \pi^{-} production on the neutron, in the energy range 160 MeV \leq E_{\gamma} \leq 420 MeV. The lack of high precision data on the neutron and of polarization observables leads to some limitations of our results. Especially the multipole M_{1-} connected with the Roper resonance P_{11}(1440) cannot be determined to the required precision. Our predictions for the threshold amplitudes are in good agreement with both the data and chiral perturbation theory. In the region of the \Delta(1232) we have determined the ratio of electric quadrupole and magnetic dipole excitation. The position of the resonance pole is obtained in excellent agreement with pion-nucleon scattering, and the complex residues of the multipoles are determined with the speed-plot technique.Comment: 46 pages LATEX including 29 postscript figure

    A unitary isobar model for pion photo- and electroproduction on the proton up to 1 GeV

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    A new operator for pion photo- and electroproduction has been developed for nuclear applications at photon equivalent energies up to 1 GeV. The model contains Born terms, vector mesons and nucleon resonances (P33(1232)P_{33}(1232), P11(1440)P_{11}(1440), D13(1520)D_{13}(1520), S11(1535)S_{11}(1535), F15(1680)F_{15}(1680), and D33(1700)D_{33}(1700)). The resonance contributions are included taking into account unitarity to provide the correct phases of the pion photoproduction multipoles. The Q2Q^2 dependence of electromagnetic resonance vertices is described with appropriate form factors in the electromagnetic helicity amplitudes. Within this model we have obtained good agreement with the experimental data for pion photo- and electroproduction on the nucleon for both differential cross sections and polarization observables. The model can be used as a starting point to predict and analyze forthcoming data.Comment: 32 pages LaTeX including 23 postscript figures (a few misprints have been corrected

    Radiative decays of decuplet hyperons

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    We calculate the radiative decay widths of decuplet hyperons in a chiral constituent quark model including electromagnetic exchange currents between quarks. Exchange currents contribute significantly to the E2 transition amplitude, while they largely cancel for the M1 transition amplitude. Strangeness suppression of the radiative hyperon decays is found to be weakened by exchange currents. Differences and similarities between our results and other recent model predictions are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 1 eps figure, revtex, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Non-linear doublon production in a Mott insulator --- Landau-Dykhne method applied to an integrable model

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    Doublon-hole pair production which takes place during dielectric breakdown in a Mott insulator subject to a strong laser or a static electric field is studied in the one-dimensional Hubbard model. Two nonlinear effects cause the excitation, i.e., multi-photon absorption and quantum tunneling. Keldysh crossover between the two mechanisms occurs as the field strength and photon energy is changed. The calculation is done analytically by the Landau-Dykhne method in combination with the Bethe ansatz solution and the results are compared with those of the time dependent density matrix renormalization group. Using this method, we calculate distribution function of the generated doublon-hole pairs and show that it drastically changes as we cross the Keldysh crossover line. After calculating the tunneling threshold for several representative one-dimensional Mott insulators, possible experimental tests of the theory is proposed such as angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy of the upper Hubbard band in the quantum tunneling regime. We also discuss the relation of the present theory with a many-body extension of electron-positron pair production in nonlinear quantum electrodynamics known as the Schwinger mechanism.Comment: 15 page

    Compton scattering in a unitary approach with causality constraints

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    Pion-loop corrections for Compton scattering are calculated in a novel approach based on the use of dispersion relations in a formalism obeying unitarity. The basic framework is presented, including an application to Compton scattering. In the approach the effects of the non-pole contribution arising from pion dressing are expressed in terms of (half-off-shell) form factors and the nucleon self-energy. These quantities are constructed through the application of dispersion integrals to the pole contribution of loop diagrams, the same as those included in the calculation of the amplitudes through a K-matrix formalism. The prescription of minimal substitution is used to restore gauge invariance. The resulting relativistic-covariant model combines constraints from unitarity, causality, and crossing symmetry.Comment: 25 pages, 9 ps-figure

    Low-Energy Compton Scattering of Polarized Photons on Polarized Nucleons

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    The general structure of the cross section of γN\gamma N scattering with polarized photon and/or nucleon in initial and/or final state is systematically described and exposed through invariant amplitudes. A low-energy expansion of the cross section up to and including terms of order ω4\omega^4 is given which involves ten structure parameters of the nucleon (dipole, quadrupole, dispersion, and spin polarizabilities). Their physical meaning is discussed in detail. Using fixed-t dispersion relations, predictions for these parameters are obtained and compared with results of chiral perturbation theory. It is emphasized that Compton scattering experiments at large angles can fix the most uncertain of these structure parameters. Predictions for the cross section and double-polarization asymmetries are given and the convergence of the expansion is investigated. The feasibility of the experimental determination of some of the struture parameters is discussed.Comment: 41 pages of text, 9 figures; minor revisions prior to publication in Phys. Rev.