985 research outputs found

    Diversity Oriented Synthesis of Furan Epoxide

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    In this project, we are doing the Diversity Oriented Synthesis of Furan Epoxide. There are two main reactions we are trying to accomplish with the epoxide which are the Achmatowicz reaction with the furan ring, and the epoxide ring opening reaction with amine. During this summer, we are able to make the amino alcohol and the Achmatowicz product has been made from the previous semester. We were also trying to get Achmatowicz reaction happening with the amino alcohol product. However, the result doesn\u27t show the expected structure and still needs further research. Besides organic chemistry synthesis, we also tested the bioactivity of our amino alcohol product since it was similar to another bioactive structure. We did both the Brian Shrimp Lethality Assay with our amino alcohol product

    Diversity Oriented Synthesis of Sulfur Containing Epoxide Compounds

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    Diversity oriented synthesis is a drug discovery approach that allows the creation of a wide variety of new compounds that can each have exciting new characteristics. Previous research involving the opening of epoxide rings with amine groups has shown promising results with regards to bioactivity. Our research involved finding a simple procedure to open the epoxide ring using various thiol groups such as octanethiol, hexanethiol, and benzenethiol. We are hoping to develop a library of new sulfur containing compounds that show promising characteristics, such as pharmacological activity. In our project, we synthesized multiple new sulfur containing compounds and verified their structures using 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy. In the future we are hoping to develop easier and more efficient methods to open epoxide rings and use more complex thiols that show interesting activity

    Visualization for Better Learning in Chem 120

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    Many concepts in organic chemistry relate to spatial reasoning and the ability to translate two-dimensional representations into a three-dimensional mental image. It is critical that students gain a thorough understanding of visualizing atoms, orbitals and their interactions in three dimensions. By developing an E-book with computer graphics, 3D animations, H5P films, and online apps, we hope to enhance Depauw students\u27 learning experiences in the CHEM 120 course. In this project, we would like to demonstrate 3D representations of chemical concepts to help students form these 3D mental images from a 2D surface. The process includes concept developing, storyboarding, 2D and 3D modeling, texturing, animation, rendering, and editing

    ChemWeb: A 2D Molecular Builder Game

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    The research is based on the development of a 2D molecular builder game for CHEM 120 students. The game allows students to draw and check their structures for a given formula against a database of possible correct structures. The game consists of 8 levels, each based on drawing the maximum possible isomers from a given chemical formula. It is created as a web-based application on React.js. The project shall allow greater liberty and ease to students in drawing structures. In addition, they shall be able to perform self-check for drawn structures which will significantly minimize the assistance required from instructors during classes

    Percy Julian and the Rise in Inclusive Pedagogy in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

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    As a research fellow at DePauw, Dr. Percy L. Julian included undergratuate students in his research to synthesize physostigmine. Building on that legacy, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry continues a longstanding history of supporting undergraduate research. Recongnizing tht there is inequity in who participates in research, our department recently initiated an application process open to all students in our courses to equalize the way in which stuents learn about and get started in research. Students in our structure and propterties of organiz molecules course view and reflect on the Forgotten Genius documentary and the recently awarded HHMU Inclusive Excellence Initiative grant has provided many faculty members development opportunities in inclusive pedagogy. In May, Dr. Julian was appointed posthumously to the DePauw University faculty. The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry celebrates this appointment and continues to work toward creating a positive and inviting atmosphere for all students at DePauw

    Characterizing the Effects of Benzyl-Amino Alcohol on Cell Growth, Viability, and Migration

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    The research we are performing investigates a new compound classified as benzyl-amino alcohol and begins a new endeavor into the effects of this class of compound. This compound would work well in chemotherapies because affecting healthy cells can lead to a patient’s health decline

    Pyrrolidine Derivative Targets Actin Cytoskeleton in MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells

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    Recent research has brought pyrrolidine derivatives into consideration for the development of anticancer drugs with high efficacy and low toxicity. Dr. Hansen’s lab at DePauw has synthesized a pyrrolidine derivative that demonstrated anticancer activity. However, there are many ways a compound can affect cancer cells. In this research, we decided to investigate the mechanism of action of this new compound, specifically on MCF-7 breast cancer cell line. Based on the results, we believe that there is a great likelihood that the pyrrolidine derivative can induce apoptosis (cell death) and disrupt cell movement in MCF-7 cells. In other words, these are strong indicators that this compound can inhibit both early and late-stage cancer cells

    Small Engine Technology. Task 4: Advanced Small Turboshaft Compressor (ASTC) Performance and Range Investigation

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    This contact had two main objectives involving both numerical and experimental investigations of a small highly loaded two-stage axial compressor designated Advanced Small Turboshaft Compressor (ASTC) winch had a design pressure ratio goal of 5:1 at a flowrate of 10.53 lbm/s. The first objective was to conduct 3-D Navier Stokes multistage analyses of the ASTC using several different flow modelling schemes. The second main objective was to complete a numerical/experimental investigation into stall range enhancement of the ASTC. This compressor was designed wider a cooperative Space Act Agreement and all testing was completed at NASA Lewis Research Center. For the multistage analyses, four different flow model schemes were used, namely: (1) steady-state ADPAC analysis, (2) unsteady ADPAC analysis, (3) steady-state APNASA analysis, and (4) steady state OCOM3D analysis. The results of all the predictions were compared to the experimental data. The steady-state ADPAC and APNASA codes predicted similar overall performance and produced good agreement with data, however the blade row performance and flowfield details were quite different. In general, it can be concluded that the APNASA average-passage code does a better job of predicting the performance and flowfield details of the highly loaded ASTC compressor

    Modeled alongshore circulation and force balances onshore of a submarine canyon

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2015. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 120 (2015): 1887–1903, doi:10.1002/2014JC010555.Alongshore force balances, including the role of nonlinear advection, in the shoaling and surf zones onshore of a submarine canyon are investigated using a numerical modeling system (Delft3D/SWAN). The model is calibrated with waves and alongshore flows recorded over a period of 1.5 months at 26 sites along the 1.0, 2.5, and 5.0 m depth contours spanning about 2 km of coast. Field observation-based estimates of the alongshore pressure and radiation-stress gradients are reproduced well by the model. Model simulations suggest that the alongshore momentum balance is between the sum of the pressure and radiation-stress gradients and the sum of the nonlinear advective terms and bottom stress, with the remaining terms (e.g., wind stress and turbulent mixing) being negligible. The simulations also indicate that unexplained residuals in previous field-based estimates of the momentum balance may be owing to the neglect of the nonlinear advective terms, which are similar in magnitude to the sum of the forcing (pressure and radiations stress gradients) and to the bottom stress.Funding was provided by a joint WHOI-USGS postdoctoral scholarship, NSF, ONR, and ASD(R&E).2015-09-2

    Effect of a Hexylamine Derivative on Cancer Cell Viability

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    2-[(p-Chlorophenyl)hydroxymethyl]-1-[(methylamino)hexyl]cyclohexanol is a drug produced by hexyl amine and an epoxide through an aldol epoxidation reaction. Motifs of β-amino alcohols and nonpolar R groups in organic compounds have been found to have cytotoxic properties. Past studies in Dr. Hansen’s lab has shown that this hexylamine derivative has similar LC50 values to other antitumor agents. They also found that the drug was cytotoxic to HL-60 cancer cells. No other cell lines have been tested with this drug. Our study investigates the effect of our compound on varying cell lines to further determine its anticancer properties. Mouse NIH/3T3, Human HEK293, and Human SK-MEL-28 cell lines were cultured and plated into 96-well plates. Varying concentrations of the hexylamine derivative were administered and incubated for 48 hours. MTT assays detected the levels of cell viability. Results showed a significant decrease in HEK293 cells at a 30 μM concentration of our drug. The mouse and cancer cell lines did not produce significant results after statistical ANOVA tests. Future directions include further validation of the current results as well as research on the mechanisms by which this drug causes decreased cell viability. This research includes LDH and wound healing assays in addition to determining which proteins are down- and up-regulated in the process. Our study has found that the compound reduces human embryonic cell viability but does not significantly affect mouse cells or human melanoma cells. Further research is required to determine the methods of the drug and its potential in tumor treatment
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