49,538 research outputs found

    Metric adjusted skew information: Convexity and restricted forms of superadditivity

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    We give a truly elementary proof of the convexity of metric adjusted skew information following an idea of Effros. We extend earlier results of weak forms of superadditivity to general metric adjusted skew informations. Recently, Luo and Zhang introduced the notion of semi-quantum states on a bipartite system and proved superadditivity of the Wigner-Yanase-Dyson skew informations for such states. We extend this result to general metric adjusted skew informations. We finally show that a recently introduced extension to parameter values 1<p≤2 1<p\le 2 of the WYD-information is a special case of (unbounded) metric adjusted skew information.Comment: An error in the literature is pointed ou

    Co- and counter-helicity interaction between two adjacent laboratory prominences

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    The interaction between two side-by-side solar prominence-like plasmas has been studied using a four-electrode magnetized plasma source that can impose a wide variety of surface boundary conditions. When the source is arranged to create two prominences with the same helicity (co-helicity), it is observed that helicity transfer from one prominence to the other causes the receiving prominence to erupt sooner and faster than the transmitting prominence. When the source is arranged to create two prominences with opposite helicity (counter-helicity), it is observed that upon merging, prominences wrap around each other to form closely spaced, writhing turns of plasma. This is followed by appearance of a distinct bright region in the middle and order of magnitude higher emission of soft x rays. The four-electrode device has also been used to change the angle of the neutral line and so form more pronounced S-shapes

    Chain Reduction for Binary and Zero-Suppressed Decision Diagrams

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    Chain reduction enables reduced ordered binary decision diagrams (BDDs) and zero-suppressed binary decision diagrams (ZDDs) to each take advantage of the others' ability to symbolically represent Boolean functions in compact form. For any Boolean function, its chain-reduced ZDD (CZDD) representation will be no larger than its ZDD representation, and at most twice the size of its BDD representation. The chain-reduced BDD (CBDD) of a function will be no larger than its BDD representation, and at most three times the size of its CZDD representation. Extensions to the standard algorithms for operating on BDDs and ZDDs enable them to operate on the chain-reduced versions. Experimental evaluations on representative benchmarks for encoding word lists, solving combinatorial problems, and operating on digital circuits indicate that chain reduction can provide significant benefits in terms of both memory and execution time

    The Jahn-Teller active fluoroperovskites ACrF3A\mathrm{CrF_3} A=Na+,K+A=\mathrm{Na^+},\mathrm{K^+}: thermo- and magneto optical correlations as function of the AA-site

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    Chromium (II) fluoroperovskites ACrF3(A=Na+,K+)A\mathrm{CrF_3}(A\mathrm{=Na^+,K^+}) are strongly correlated Jahn-Teller active materials at low temperatures. In this paper, we examine the role that the AA-site ion plays in this family of fluoroperovskites using both experimental methods (XRD, optical absorption spectroscopy and magnetic fields) and DFT simulations. Temperature-dependent optical absorption experiments show that the spin-allowed transitions E2E_2 and E3E_3 only merge completely for AA= Na at 2 K. Field-dependent optical absorption measurements at 2 K show that the oscillating strength of the spin-allowed transitions in NaCrF3\mathrm{NaCrF_3} increases with increasing applied field. Direct magneto-structural correlations which suppress the spin-flip transitions are observed for KCrF3{\rm KCrF_3} below its Ne\'el temperature. In NaCrF3{\rm NaCrF_3} the spin-flip transitions vanish abruptly below 9 K revealing magneto-optical correlations not linked to crystal structure changes. This suggests that as the long range ordering is reduced local JT effects in the individual CrF64−{\rm CrF_6^{4-}} octahedra take control of the observed behavior. Our results show clear deviation from the pattern found for the isoelectronic AxMnF3+xA_x{\rm MnF}_{3+x} system. The size of the AA-site cation is shown to be central in dictating the physical properties and phase transitions in ACrF3A{\rm CrF}_3, opening up the possibility of varying the composition to create novel states of matter with tuneable properties

    Bernstein-Szego Polynomials Associated with Root Systems

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    We introduce multivariate generalizations of the Bernstein-Szego polynomials, which are associated to the root systems of the complex simple Lie algebras. The multivariate polynomials in question generalize Macdonald's Hall-Littlewood polynomials associated with root systems. For the root system of type A1 (corresponding to the Lie algebra SL (2;C)) the classic Bernstein-Szego polynomials are recovered.Comment: LaTeX, 12 page

    Classical Strongly Coupled QGP: VII. Shear Viscosity and Self Diffusion

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    We construct the Liouville operator for the SU(2) classical colored Coulomb plasma (cQGP) for arbitrary values of the Coulomb coupling Γ=V/K\Gamma=V/K, the ratio of the mean Coulomb to kinetic energy. We show that its resolvent in the classical colored phase space obeys a hierarchy of equations. We use a free streaming approximation to close the hierarchy and derive an integral equation for the time-dependent structure factor. Its reduction by projection yields hydrodynamical equations in the long-wavelength limit. We discuss the character of the hydrodynamical modes at strong coupling. The shear viscosity is shown to exhibit a minimum at Γ≈8\Gamma\approx 8 near the liquid point. This minimum follows from the cross-over between the single particle collisional regime which drops as 1/Γ5/21/\Gamma^{5/2} and the hydrodynamical collisional regime which rises as Γ1/2\Gamma^{1/2}. The self-diffusion constant drops as 1/Γ3/21/\Gamma^{3/2} irrespective of the regime. We compare our results to molecular dynamics simulations of the SU(2) colored Coulomb plasma. We also discuss the relevance of our results for the quantum and strongly coupled quark gluon plasma (sQGP)Comment: 36 pages, 14 figure

    Toward the Jamming Threshold of Sphere Packings: Tunneled Crystals

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    We have discovered a new family of three-dimensional crystal sphere packings that are strictly jammed (i.e., mechanically stable) and yet possess an anomalously low density. This family constitutes an uncountably infinite number of crystal packings that are subpackings of the densest crystal packings and are characterized by a high concentration of self-avoiding "tunnels" (chains of vacancies) that permeate the structures. The fundamental geometric characteristics of these tunneled crystals command interest in their own right and are described here in some detail. These include the lattice vectors (that specify the packing configurations), coordination structure, Voronoi cells, and density fluctuations. The tunneled crystals are not only candidate structures for achieving the jamming threshold (lowest-density rigid packing), but may have substantially broader significance for condensed matter physics and materials science.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure
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