7,281 research outputs found

    Detailed chemical abundance analysis of the thick disk star cluster Gaia 1

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    Star clusters, particularly those objects in the disk-bulge-halo interface are as of yet poorly charted, albeit carrying important information about the formation and the structure of the Milky Way. Here, we present a detailed chemical abundance study of the recently discovered object Gaia 1. Photometry has previously suggested it as an intermediate-age, moderately metal-rich system, although the exact values for its age and metallicity remained ambiguous in the literature. We measured detailed chemical abundances of 14 elements in four red giant members, from high-resolution (R=25000) spectra that firmly establish Gaia 1 as an object associated with the thick disk. The resulting mean Fe abundance is −0.62±-0.62\pm0.03(stat.)±\pm0.10(sys.) dex, which is more metal-poor than indicated by previous spectroscopy from the literature, but it is fully in line with values from isochrone fitting. We find that Gaia 1 is moderately enhanced in the α\alpha-elements, which allowed us to consolidate its membership with the thick disk via chemical tagging. The cluster's Fe-peak and neutron-capture elements are similar to those found across the metal-rich disks, where the latter indicate some level of ss-process activity. No significant spread in iron nor in other heavy elements was detected, whereas we find evidence of light-element variations in Na, Mg, and Al. Nonetheless, the traditional Na-O and Mg-Al (anti-)correlations, typically seen in old globular clusters, are not seen in our data. This confirms that Gaia 1 is rather a massive and luminous open cluster than a low-mass globular cluster. Finally, orbital computations of the target stars bolster our chemical findings of Gaia 1's present-day membership with the thick disk, even though it remains unclear, which mechanisms put it in that place.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. Some figure sizes reduce

    Spectroscopic study of the elusive globular cluster ESO452-SC11 and its surroundings

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    Globular clusters (GCs) are amongst the oldest objects in the Galaxy and play a pivotal role in deciphering its early history. We present the first spectroscopic study of the GC ESO452-SC11 using the AAOmega spectrograph at medium resolution. Given the sparsity of this object and high degree of foreground contamination due to its location toward the bulge, few details are known for this cluster: there is no consensus of its age, metallicity, or its association with the disk or bulge. We identify 5 members based on radial velocity, metallicity, and position within the GC. Using spectral synthesis, accurate abundances of Fe and several α\alpha-, Fe-peak, neutron-capture elements (Si,Ca,Ti,Cr,Co,Ni,Sr,Eu) were measured. Two of the 5 cluster candidates are likely non-members, as they have deviant Fe abundances and [α\alpha/Fe] ratios. The mean radial velocity is 19±\pm2 km s−1^{-1} with a low dispersion of 2.8±\pm3.4 km s−1^{-1}, in line with its low mass. The mean Fe-abundance from spectral fitting is −0.88±0.03-0.88\pm0.03, with a spread driven by observational errors. The α\alpha-elements of the GC candidates are marginally lower than expected for the bulge at similar metallicities. As spectra of hundreds of stars were collected in a 2 degree field around ESO452-SC11, detailed abundances in the surrounding field were measured. Most non-members have higher [α\alpha/Fe] ratios, typical of the nearby bulge population. Stars with measured Fe-peak abundances show a large scatter around Solar values, though with large uncertainties. Our study provides the first systematic measurement of Sr in a Galactic bulge GC. The Eu and Sr abundances of the GC candidates are consistent with a disk or bulge association. Our calculations place ESO452 on an elliptical orbit in the central 3 kpc of the bulge. We find no evidence of extratidal stars in our data. (Abridged)Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Comparing different coarse-grained potentials for star polymers

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    We compare different coarse-grained models for star polymers. We find that phenomenological models inspired by the Daoud-Cotton model reproduce quite poorly the thermodynamics of these systems, even if the potential is assumed to be density dependent, as done in the analysis of experimental results. We also determine the minumum value fc of the functionality of the star polymer for which a fluid-solid transition occurs. By applying the Hansen-Verlet criterion we find 35 < fc < 40. This result is confirmed by an analysis based on the modified (reference) hypernetted chain method and is qualitatively consistent with previous work.Comment: 9 pages. In the new version, comments added and a few typos corrected. To appear in J. Chem. Phy

    Clustering and gelation of hard spheres induced by the Pickering effect

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    A mixture of hard-sphere particles and model emulsion droplets is studied with a Brownian dynamics simulation. We find that the addition of nonwetting emulsion droplets to a suspension of pure hard spheres can lead to both gas-liquid and fluid-solid phase separations. Furthermore, we find a stable fluid of hard-sphere clusters. The stability is due to the saturation of the attraction that occurs when the surface of the droplets is completely covered with colloidal particles. At larger emulsion droplet densities a percolation transition is observed. The resulting networks of colloidal particles show dynamical and mechanical properties typical of a colloidal gel. The results of the model are in good qualitative agreement with recent experimental findings [E. Koos and N. Willenbacher, Science 331, 897 (2011)] in a mixture of colloidal particles and two immiscible fluids.Comment: 5 figures, 5 page

    Alas, the dark matter structures were not that trivial

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    The radial density profile of dark matter structures has been observed to have an almost universal behaviour in numerical simulations, however, the physical reason for this behaviour remains unclear. It has previously been shown that if the pseudo phase-space density, rho/sigma_d^epsilon, is a beautifully simple power-law in radius, with the "golden values" epsilon=3 and d=r (i.e., the phase-space density is only dependent on the radial component of the velocity dispersion), then one can analytically derive the radial variation of the mass profile, dispersion profile etc. That would imply, if correct, that we just have to explain why rho/sigma^3_r ~r^{-alpha}, and then we would understand everything about equilibrated DM structures. Here we use a set of simulated galaxies and clusters of galaxies to demonstrate that there are no such golden values, but that each structure instead has its own set of values. Considering the same structure at different redshifts shows no evolution of the phase-space parameters towards fixed points. There is also no clear connection between the halo virialized mass and these parameters. This implies that we still do not understand the origin of the profiles of dark matter structures.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Corporate culture and waste management in the computer systems industry

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    Predicting the thermodynamics by using state-dependent interactions

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    We reconsider the structure-based route to coarse graining in which the coarse-grained model is defined in such a way to reproduce some distributions functions of the original system as accurately as possible. We consider standard expressions for pressure and chemical potential applied to this family of coarse-grained models with density-dependent interactions and show that they only provide approximations to the pressure and chemical potential of the underlying original system. These approximations are then carefully compared in two cases: we consider a generic microscopic system in the low-density regime and polymer solutions under good-solvent conditions. Moreover, we show that the state-dependent potentials depend on the ensemble in which they have been derived. Therefore, care must be used in applying canonical state-dependent potentials to predict phase lines, which is typically performed in other ensembles.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figure; To appear in J. Chem. Phy

    A visitor that has come to stay? The case of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) in Norway

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    This thesis is dedicated to the case of the pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) in Norway. The pink salmon has a large native range and is indigenous to regions of the Pacific Ocean. It was deliberately introduced into rivers that drained into the White Sea by the Soviet Union. This was done through several attempts reaching from 1957 to 2001. These attempts resulted in secondary expansion to the Northern Atlantic and the Barents Sea. The pink salmon demonstrated a high ability to disperse but did not show signs of establishment. Low amount of pink salmon has been observed in the following decades after the attempts of introduction. This remained the case until a sudden and rapid change in 2017. In 2017, pink salmon were observed and caught in over 200 rivers in Norway. Several other countries in northern Europe also experienced an increase in the abundance of spawning pink salmon, but Norway had the highest increase. The pink salmon has distinct groups of odd year- and even year broodlines. The odd year broodline appears to be the strongest, which is further supported by the high amount of pink salmon in 2019. Alien species are considered as the second biggest threat to biological diversity by the Norwegian government (regjeringen.no). Alien species are to be managed in accordance with national legislation and international agreements. The thesis aim is to ascertain whether the pink salmon has come to Norway to stay based on the properties of the management system and the unique biological characteristics of the pink salmon. Challenges are identified and assessed by acquiring an overview of the management system and the pink salmon itself. This thesis has a multidisciplinary approach, because there are several aspects of the case that can determine the outcome. Keywords: Alien species, Alien invasive species, Norwegian management system, risk management, implementation theory, conservation biolog
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