4,817 research outputs found

    Government, Money, and International Politics

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    In this paper, the author deals with: (1) Definition of government; incentive structure under government: taxation, war and territorial expansion. (2) Origin of money; government and money; the devolution of money from commodity to fiat money. (3) International politics and monetary regimes; monetary imperialism and the drive toward a one-world central bank and fiat currency

    High-Tc Superconductivity: Strong Indication of Filamentary-Chaotic Conductance and Possible Routes to Superconductivity Above Room Temperature

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    The empirical relation of T_co(K)=2740/_c^4 between the transition temperature of optimum doped superconductors T_co and the mean cationic charge _c, a physical paradox, can be recast to strongly support fractal theories of high-T_c superconductors, thereby applying the finding that the optimum hole concentration of h^+ = 0.229 can be linked with the universal fractal constant delta_1 = 8.72109... of the renormalized Henon map. The transition temperature obviously increases steeply with a domain structure of ever narrower size, characterized by Fibonacci numbers. With this backing superconductivity above room temperature can be conceived for synthetic sandwich structures of _c less than 2+. For instance, composites of tenorite and cuprite respectively tenorite and CuI (CuBr, CuCl) onto AuCu alloys are proposed. This specification is suggested by previously described filamentary superconductivity of 'bulk' CuO_1-x samples. In addition, cesium substitution in the Tl-1223 compound is an option. A low mean cationic charge allows the development of a frustrated nano-sized fractal structure of possible ferroelastic nature delivering nano-channels for the very fast charge transport, in common for both high-T_c superconductors and organic inorganic halide perovskite solar materials.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Expression of plasma prekallikrein mRNA in human nonhepatic tissues and cell lineages suggests special local functions of the enzyme

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    At present it is generally accepted that plasma prekallikrein (PPK) is synthesized in the liver and secreted into the bloodstream. Surprisingly, it has recently been shown that PPK mRNA is present also in RNA from the kidney, adrenal gland and placenta. In spite of its novelty and possible important physiological implications this finding has been neglected. Here we report that PPK mRNA is expressed also in the human brain, heart, lung, trachea, endothelial cells and leukocytes as well as in a variety of fibroblast and epithelial cell lines. Expression of PPK mRNA in fibroblasts, endothelial cells and leukocytes suggests that PPK mRNA detected in RNA preparations from whole tissue may originate solely from these ubiquitously occurring cells. However, PPK mRNA expression in various epithelial cell lines demonstrates that tissue-specific cells also transcribe the PPK gene. The presence of PPK mRNA in nonhepatic tissues and cells indicates that they have the capacity to synthesize the protein. The physiological role of PPK synthesized in extrahepatic tissue is unknown. It may participate in local actions within tissues as well as contributing to the PPK pool in blood plasma. Cultured cells will provide a valuable model for exploring the physiological significance of extrahepatic PPK expression

    The identity and cultural stereotypes during the individual and state-preservation: between past and future

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    Ми розглядаємо питання розуміння ідентичності як механізму самовизначення в навколишній дійсності. Ідентичність продовжують розуміти як гнучкий та схильний до розвитку процес самоототожнення будь- чого з аналізом власного «Я». Ідентичність – це певний ідеальний образ, стандарт, до якого скеровано зусилля та рух кожного індивіду. Процес формування ідентичності досить складний і може створюватися викривлена модель ідентичності. У процесі створення власної ідентичності індивід може звертатися як до реальних, так й уявних категорій. Саме на перетині уявного й маскується місце для негативної дії амбітних політичних технологій із заміни та знищення реальних умов для здорової особистості з цілісною ідентичністю. Дослідженням продовжуємо стверджувати наявність в ідентичності унікальної концентрації, співвідношення між намаганням бути «подібним», «відповідним» із протилежним рухом до «знаковості» та «унікальності».The article is devoted to the problem of understanding identity as self-determination in the surrounding world. Identity is understood as a flexible and developing process of self-identification, i.e. of correlation of something there is with yourself. We are considering the question of understanding identity as a mechanism of self determination in the surrounding reality. The identity continues to be understood as flexible and subject to the same process of identification of any of the analysis of his own “I”. Identity is a perfect image, the standard to which directed efforts and movement of each individual. The formation of identity is rather complicated, and can create curved model identity. In the process of creating its own identity individual can apply to both real, and imaginary categories. It is at the intersection of imaginary and masked the negative impact location for ambitious political technologies for replacement and destruction of real conditions for a healthy individual with integral identity. The study goes on to say in the presence of a unique identity concentration ratio between attempts to be “similar”, “appropriate” with the opposite movement to “the token” and “uniqueness”

    Green fluorescent protein: applications in cell biology

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    AbstractThe green fluorescent protein (GFP) of Aequorea victoria is a unique in vivo reporter for monitoring dynamic processes in cells or organisms. As a fusion tag GFP can be used to localize proteins, to follow their movement or to study the dynamics of the subcellular compartments to which these proteins are targeted. Recent studies where GFP technology has revealed new insights regarding physiological activities of living cells are discussed