48 research outputs found

    Quantum limits in image processing

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    We determine the bound to the maximum achievable sensitivity in the estimation of a scalar parameter from the information contained in an optical image in the presence of quantum noise. This limit, based on the Cramer-Rao bound, is valid for any image processing protocol. It is calculated both in the case of a shot noise limited image and of a non-classical illumination. We also give practical experimental implementations allowing us to reach this absolute limit.Comment: 4 pages, two figure

    TEM10 homodyne detection as an optimal small displacement and tilt measurements scheme

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    We report an experimental demonstration of optimal measurements of small displacement and tilt of a Gaussian beam - two conjugate variables - involving a homodyne detection with a TEM10 local oscillator. We verify that the standard split detection is only 64% efficient. We also show a displacement measurement beyond the quantum noise limit, using a squeezed vacuum TEM10 mode within the input beam.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Programmable Multimode Quantum Networks

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    Entanglement between large numbers of quantum modes is the quintessential resource for future technologies such as the quantum internet. Conventionally the generation of multimode entanglement in optics requires complex layouts of beam-splitters and phase shifters in order to transform the input modes in to entangled modes. These networks need substantial modification for every new set of entangled modes to be generated. Here we report on the highly versatile and efficient generation of various multimode entangled states with the ability to switch between different linear optics networks in real time. By defining our modes to be combinations of different spatial regions of one beam, we may use just one pair of multi-pixel detectors each with M photodiodes in order to measure N entangled modes, with a maximum number of N=M modes. We program virtual networks that are fully equivalent to the physical linear optics networks they are emulating. We present results for N=2 up to N=8 entangled modes here, including N=2,3,4 cluster states. Our approach introduces flexibility and scalability to multimode entanglement, two important attributes that are highly sought after in state of the art devices.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, comments welcome

    A quantum study of multi-bit phase coding for optical storage

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    We propose a scheme which encodes information in both the longitudinal and spatial transverse phases of a continuous-wave optical beam. A split detector-based interferometric scheme is then introduced to optimally detect both encoded phase signals. In contrast to present-day optical storage devices, our phase coding scheme has an information storage capacity which scales with the power of the read-out optical beam. We analyse the maximum number of encoding possibilities at the shot noise limit. In addition, we show that using squeezed light, the shot noise limit can be overcome and the number of encoding possibilities increased. We discuss a possible application of our phase coding scheme for increasing the capacities of optical storage devices.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures (Please email author for a PDF file if the manuscript does not turn out properly

    Arbitrary multi-site two-photon excitation in four dimensions

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    We demonstrate dynamic and arbitrary multisite two-photon excitation in three dimensions using the holographic projection method. Rapid response (fourth dimension) is achieved through high-speed noniterative calculation of the hologram using a video graphics accelerator board. We verify that the projected asymmetric spot configurations have sufficient spatiotemporal photon density for localized two-photon excitation. This system is a significant advance and can be applied to time-resolved photolysis of caged compounds in biological cells and complex neuronal networks, nonlinear microfabrication and volume holographic optical storage.Comment: 10 pages including 4 figure

    Quantum measurements of spatial conjugate variables: Displacement and tilt of a Gaussian beam

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    We consider the problem of measurement of optical transverse profile parameters and their conjugate variable. Using multi-mode analysis, we introduce the concept of detection noise-modes. For Gaussian beams, displacement and tilt are a pair of transverse profile conjugate variables. We experimentally demonstrate their optimal encoding and detection with a spatial homodyning scheme. Using higher order spatial mode squeezing, we show the sub-shot noise measurements for the displacement and tilt of a Gaussian beam.Comment: 3 page

    Subdiffraction-Limited Quantum Imaging within a Living Cell

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    We report both subdiffraction-limited quantum metrology and quantum-enhanced spatial resolution for the first time in a biological context. Nanoparticles are tracked with quantum-correlated light as they diffuse through an extended region of a living cell in a quantum-enhanced photonic-force microscope. This allows spatial structure within the cell to be mapped at length scales down to 10 nm. Control experiments in water show a 14% resolution enhancement compared to experiments with coherent light. Our results confirm the long-standing prediction that quantum-correlated light can enhance spatial resolution at the nanoscale and in biology. Combined with state-of-the-art quantum light sources, this technique provides a path towards an order of magnitude improvement in resolution over similar classical imaging techniques

    Measuring the quality factor of a microwave cavity using superconduting qubit devices

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    We propose a method to create superpositions of two macroscopic quantum states of a single-mode microwave cavity field interacting with a superconducting charge qubit. The decoherence of such superpositions can be determined by measuring either the Wigner function of the cavity field or the charge qubit states. Then the quality factor Q of the cavity can be inferred from the decoherence of the superposed states. The proposed method is experimentally realizable within current technology even when the QQ value is relatively low, and the interaction between the qubit and the cavity field is weak.Comment: 8 page

    Experimental test of modular noise propagation theory for quantum optics

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    We present and test against experiment a general technique that allows modular modeling of noise propagation in quantum optics experiments. Specifically, we consider a multielement frequency-doubling experiment that ultimately produces 1.7 dB/32% (3.0 dB/50% inferred) squeezing at 532 nm. Unlike previous theoretical treatments, we obtain completely analytical expressions for each element of the experiment. This allows intuitive analysis and straightforward experimental modeling. The exact role of driving noise is demonstrated: addition of a narrow linewidth mode cleaning cavity to reduce the driving noise improves the inferred squeezing from 0.75 to 3.0 dB. We find excellent agreement between the modular theory and experiment

    Polarization Squeezing of Continuous Variable Stokes Parameters

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    We report the first direct experimental characterization of continuous variable quantum Stokes parameters. We generate a continuous wave light beam with more than 3 dB of simultaneous squeezing in three of the four Stokes parameters. The polarization squeezed beam is produced by mixing two quadrature squeezed beams on a polarizing beam splitter. Depending on the squeezed quadrature of these two beams the quantum uncertainty volume on the Poincar\'{e} sphere became a `cigar' or `pancake'-like ellipsoid.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure