44 research outputs found

    Effects of Ethanol and Acetaldehyde on Tight Junction Integrity: In Vitro Study in a Three Dimensional Intestinal Epithelial Cell Culture Model

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    Background: Intestinal barrier dysfunction and translocation of endotoxins are involved in the pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease. Exposure to ethanol and its metabolite, acetaldehyde at relatively high concentrations have been shown to disrupt intestinal epithelial tight junctions in the conventional two dimensional cell culture models. The present study investigated quantitatively and qualitatively the effects of ethanol at concentrations detected in the blood after moderate ethanol consumption, of its metabolite acetaldehyde and of the combination of both compounds on intestinal barrier function in a three-dimensional cell culture model. Methods and Findings: Caco-2 cells were grown in a basement membrane matrix (Matrigel (TM)) to induce spheroid formation and were then exposed to the compounds at the basolateral side. Morphological differentiation of the spheroids was assessed by immunocytochemistry and transmission electron microscopy. The barrier function was assessed by the flux of FITC-labeled dextran from the basal side into the spheroids' luminal compartment using confocal microscopy. Caco-2 cells grown on Matrigel assembled into fully differentiated and polarized spheroids with a central lumen, closely resembling enterocytes in vivo and provide an excellent model to study epithelial barrier functionality. Exposure to ethanol (10-40 mM) or acetaldehyde (25-200 mu M) for 3 h, dose-dependently and additively increased the paracellular permeability and induced redistribution of ZO-1 and occludin without affecting cell viability or tight junction-encoding gene expression. Furthermore, ethanol and acetaldehyde induced lysine residue and microtubules hyperacetylation. Conclusions: These results indicate that ethanol at concentrations found in the blood after moderate drinking and acetaldehyde, alone and in combination, can increase the intestinal epithelial permeability. The data also point to the involvement of protein hyperacetylation in ethanol- and acetaldehyde-induced loss of tight junctions integrity

    The lipid droplet coat protein perilipin 5 also localizes to muscle mitochondria

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    Perilipin 5 (PLIN5/OXPAT) is a lipid droplet (LD) coat protein mainly present in tissues with a high fat-oxidative capacity, suggesting a role for PLIN5 in facilitating fatty acid oxidation. Here, we investigated the role of PLIN5 in fat oxidation in skeletal muscle. In human skeletal muscle, we observed that PLIN5 (but not PLIN2) protein content correlated tightly with OXPHOS content and in rat muscle PLIN5 content correlated with mitochondrial respiration rates on a lipid-derived substrate. This prompted us to examine PLIN5 protein expression in skeletal muscle mitochondria by means of immunogold electron microscopy and Western blots in isolated mitochondria. These data show that PLIN5, in contrast to PLIN2, not only localizes to LD but also to mitochondria, possibly facilitating fatty acid oxidation. Unilateral overexpression of PLIN5 in rat anterior tibialis muscle augmented myocellular fat storage without increasing mitochondrial density as indicated by the lack of change in protein content of five components of the OXPHOS system. Mitochondria isolated from PLIN5 overexpressing muscles did not possess increased fatty acid respiration. Interestingly though, 14C-palmitate oxidation assays in muscle homogenates from PLIN5 overexpressing muscles revealed a 44.8% (P = 0.05) increase in complete fatty acid oxidation. Thus, in mitochondrial isolations devoid of LD, PLIN5 does not augment fat oxidation, while in homogenates containing PLIN5-coated LD, fat oxidation is higher upon PLIN5 overexpression. The presence of PLIN5 in mitochondria helps to understand why PLIN5, in contrast to PLIN2, is of specific importance in fat oxidative tissues. Our data suggests involvement of PLIN5 in directing fatty acids from the LD to mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation

    Desymmetrization via Activated Esters Enables Rapid Synthesis of Multifunctional Benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxamides and Creation of Supramolecular Hydrogelators

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    [Image: see text] Supramolecular materials based on the self-assembly of benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxamide (BTA) offer an approach to mimic fibrous self-assembled proteins found in numerous natural systems. Yet, synthetic methods to rapidly build complexity, scalability, and multifunctionality into BTA-based materials are needed. The diversity of BTA structures is often hampered by the limited flexibility of existing desymmetrization routes and the purification of multifunctional BTAs. To alleviate this bottleneck, we have developed a desymmetrization method based on activated ester coupling of a symmetric synthon. We created a small library of activated ester synthons and found that a pentafluorophenol benzene triester (BTE) enabled effective desymmetrization and creation of multifunctional BTAs in good yield with high reaction fidelity. This new methodology enabled the rapid synthesis of a small library of BTA monomers with hydrophobic and/or orthogonal reactive handles and could be extended to create polymeric BTA hydrogelators. These BTA hydrogelators self-assembled in water to create fiber and fibrous sheet-like structures as observed by cryo-TEM, and the identity of the BTA conjugated can tune the mechanical properties of the hydrogel. These hydrogelators display high cytocompatibility for chondrocytes, indicating potential for the use of these systems in 3D cell culture and tissue engineering applications. This newly developed synthetic strategy facilitates the simple and rapid creation of chemically diverse BTA supramolecular polymers, and the newly developed and scalable hydrogels can unlock exploration of BTA based materials in a wider variety of tissue engineering applications

    Desymmetrization via Activated Esters Enables Rapid Synthesis of Multifunctional Benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxamides and Creation of Supramolecular Hydrogelators

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    Supramolecular materials based on the self-assembly of benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxamide (BTA) offer an approach to mimic fibrous self-assembled proteins found in numerous natural systems. Yet, synthetic methods to rapidly build complexity, scalability, and multifunctionality into BTA-based materials are needed. The diversity of BTA structures is often hampered by the limited flexibility of existing desymmetrization routes and the purification of multifunctional BTAs. To alleviate this bottleneck, we have developed a desymmetrization method based on activated ester coupling of a symmetric synthon. We created a small library of activated ester synthons and found that a pentafluorophenol benzene triester (BTE) enabled effective desymmetrization and creation of multifunctional BTAs in good yield with high reaction fidelity. This new methodology enabled the rapid synthesis of a small library of BTA monomers with hydrophobic and/or orthogonal reactive handles and could be extended to create polymeric BTA hydrogelators. These BTA hydrogelators self-assembled in water to create fiber and fibrous sheet-like structures as observed by cryo-TEM, and the identity of the BTA conjugated can tune the mechanical properties of the hydrogel. These hydrogelators display high cytocompatibility for chondrocytes, indicating potential for the use of these systems in 3D cell culture and tissue engineering applications. This newly developed synthetic strategy facilitates the simple and rapid creation of chemically diverse BTA supramolecular polymers, and the newly developed and scalable hydrogels can unlock exploration of BTA based materials in a wider variety of tissue engineering applications

    Overexpression of Rapsyn in Rat Muscle Increases Acetylcholine Receptor Levels in Chronic Experimental Autoimmune Myasthenia Gravis

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    The primary autoantigen in myasthenia gravis, the acetylcholine receptor (AChR), is clustered and anchored in the postsynaptic membrane of the neuromuscular junction by rapsyn. Previously, we found that overexpression of rapsyn by cDNA transfection protects AChRs in rat muscles from antibody-mediated loss in passive transfer experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis (EAMG). Here, we determined whether rapsyn overexpression can reduce or even reverse AChR loss in muscles that are already damaged by chronic EAMG, which mimics the human disease. Active immunization against purified AChR was performed in female Lewis rats. Rapsyn overexpression resulted in an increase in total muscle membrane AChR levels, with some AChR at neuromuscular junctions but much of it in extrasynaptic membrane regions. At the ultrastructural level, most endplates in rapsyn-treated chronic EAMG muscles showed increased damage to the postsynaptic membrane. Although rapsyn overexpression stabilized AChRs in intact or mildly damaged endplates, the rapsyn-induced increase of membrane AChR enhanced autoantibody binding and membrane damage in severe ongoing disease. Thus, these results show the complexity of synaptic stabilization of AChR during the autoantibody attack. They also indicate that the expression of receptor-associated proteins may determine the severity of autoimmune diseases caused by anti-receptor antibodies

    Dendritic Degeneration, Neurovascular Defects, and Inflammation Precede Neuronal Loss in a Mouse Model for Tau-Mediated Neurodegeneration

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    Adeno-associated virus (AAV)–mediated expression of wild-type or mutant P301L protein tau produces massive degeneration of pyramidal neurons without protein tau aggregation. We probed this novel model for genetic and structural factors and early parameters of pyramidal neurodegeneration. In yellow fluorescent protein–expressing transgenic mice, intracerebral injection of AAV-tauP301L revealed early damage to apical dendrites of CA1 pyramidal neurons, whereas their somata remained normal. Ultrastructurally, more and enlarged autophagic vacuoles were contained in degenerating dendrites and manifested as dark, discontinuous, vacuolated processes surrounded by activated astrocytes. Dendritic spines were lost in AAV-tauP301L–injected yellow fluorescent protein–expressing transgenic mice, and ultrastructurally, spines appeared dark and degenerating. In CX3CR1(EGFP/EGFP)-deficient mice, microglia were recruited early to neurons expressing human tau. The inflammatory response was accompanied by extravasation of plasma immunoglobulins. α2-Macroglobulin, but neither albumin nor transferrin, became lodged in the brain parenchyma. Large proteins, but not Evans blue, entered the brain of mice injected with AAV-tauP301L. Ultrastructurally, brain capillaries were constricted and surrounded by swollen astrocytes with extensions that contacted degenerating dendrites and axons. Together, these data corroborate the hypothesis that neuroinflammation participates essentially in tau-mediated neurodegeneration, and the model recapitulates early dendritic defects reminiscent of “dendritic amputation” in Alzheimer's disease

    Electron microscopic observations in perfusion-fixed human non-alcoholic fatty liver disease biopsies

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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a widespread liver disease in Western society, but its multifactorial pathogenesis is not yet fully understood. Ultrastructural analysis of liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs) in animal models and in vitro studies shows defenestration early in the course of NAFLD, promoting steatosis. LSECs and fenestrae are important in the transport of lipids across the sinusoids. However, human ultrastructural data, especially on LSECs and fenestrae, are scarce. This study aimed to explore the ultrastructural changes in perfusion type fixed liver biopsies of NAFLD patients with and without non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), with a special focus on LSECs and their fenestration. Liver biopsies from patients with NAFLD were fixed using two perfusion techniques, jet and injection fixation, for needle and wedge biopsies, respectively. Ultrastructural changes were studied using transmission electron microscopy. NASH was diagnosed by bright-field microscopy using the SAF score (steatosis, activity, fibrosis). Thirty-seven patients were included, of which 12 (32.4%) had NASH. Significantly less defenestration was found in NASH compared to noNASH samples (p=0.002). Other features, i.e., giant mitochondria and fenestrae size did not differ between groups. Furthermore, we described new structures, i.e., single cell steatonecrosis and inflammatory fat follicles (IFF) that were observed in both groups. Concluding, defenestration was more common in noNASH compared to NASH in human liver samples. Defenestration was not related to the degree of steatosis or fibrosis. We speculate that defenestration can be a protective mechanism in simple steatosis which is lacking in NASH

    An in vitro model system based on calcium- and phosphate ion-induced hMSC spheroid mineralization

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    A challenge in regenerative medicine is creating the three-dimensional organic and inorganic in vitro microenvironment of bone, which would allow the study of musculoskeletal disorders and the generation of building blocks for bone regeneration. This study presents a microwell-based platform for creating spheroids of human mesenchymal stromal cells, which are then mineralized using ionic calcium and phosphate supplementation. The resulting mineralized spheroids promote an osteogenic gene expression profile through the influence of the spheroids’ biophysical environment and inorganic signaling and require less calcium or phosphate to achieve mineralization compared to a monolayer culture. We found that mineralized spheroids represent an in vitro model for studying small molecule perturbations and extracellular mediated calcification. Furthermore, we demonstrate that understanding pathway signaling elicited by the spheroid environment allows mimicking these pathways in traditional monolayer culture, enabling similar rapid mineralization events. In sum, this study demonstrates the rapid generation and employment of a mineralized cell model system for regenerative medicine applications