32 research outputs found

    Aggressive displays and postures.

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    <p>Number of aggressive displays and postures by signaling males in the presence of different audiences. The number of over aggressive acts varied across all audience types and the letters above the bars represent significant differences at α = 0.05.</p

    Overt aggressive acts.

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    <p>Number of overt aggressive acts (biting and ramming) displayed by signaling males in the presence of different audiences. The number of over aggressive acts varied across all audience types and the letters above the bars represent significant differences at α = 0.05. Differences in the number of aggressive acts performed in the presence of a group of females, size-matched males or smaller males did not differ from the control condition.</p

    Aggressive displays by dominants relative to displays by subordinates.

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    <p>Aggressive displays by subordinate males elicit undirected responses by the dominant male. Most chases by the dominant occur within three seconds after an aggressive display by a subordinate.</p

    Aggression displayed while dominant male present and absent.

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    <p>Comparison of the number of agonistic, courtship and submissive behaviors performed by subordinates as a function of dominant male presence vs. absence. Chases directed against males (t = −6.617, p = 0.007) and females (t = −4.098, p = 0.033) as well as fleeing (t = 8.397, p = 0.004) were significantly different.</p

    Whole Brain Transcriptome for S. ocellatus

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    De novo transcriptome assembly was performed using Trinity (Haas et al. 2013) using RNA-Seq reads from male (sneaker, satellite, and nesting male) and female S. ocellatus whole brain mRNA. Lowly-abundant transcripts with an FPKM < 0.5 were filtered by RSEM, resulting in an assembly with 80,103 contigs with an N50 of 2119. To annotate the S. ocellatus transcriptome we employed Blastx (using an E-value cutoff of 1X10-10) on protein sequences for Oryzias latipes and Takifugu rubripes obtained from the Ensembl BioMart database, which resulted in the alignment of 25,856 contigs to the O. latipes genome and 25,213 contigs to the T. rubripes genome. Contigs that aligned with high confidence to more than one database were annotated based on the lowest E value and highest % identity to either reference genome, resulting in an assembly where roughly 32% of high quality contigs were successfully annotated. Contigs without annotations are labelled with contig tags generated by Trinity while annotated contigs have gene symbol following contig tags

    multifasc network data

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    Interaction frequency per five minute observation for each member of five separate communities


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    Data for manipulations of individual shell nests of Neolamprologus multifasciatu

    Neighbor joining dendrogram of the <i>Xenotilapia</i> lineage based on Nei & Li's genetics distance calculated from 2,478 AFLP loci.

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    <p>Numbers at each node indicate bootstrap values (from 10,000 replicates) for that node. Lines on the right indicate current generic assignment of each taxon. The tree was rooted with <i>Opthalmotilapia nasuta</i> and <i>O. ventralis</i>.</p