37 research outputs found

    Uncertainty analysis of intermodulation-based antenna measurements

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    Intermodulation measurement principle has been proposed for characterizing transponder antennas. Although the method seems to offer certain advantages compared to traditional antenna characterization methods, the measurement uncertainty has not yet been well characterized. We aim at identifying the main sources of measurement uncertainty and estimating the achievable accuracy in a certain case at 1 GHz.Peer reviewe

    Intermodulaatiovasteen käyttö antennien karakterisoinnissa

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    The intermodulation measurement technique enables the contactless measurement of transponder antennas by exploiting the inherent nonlinearity of the transponder to generate intermodulation products that can be measured. This intermodulation response can then be used to characterize the antenna. In this master's thesis, this characterization technique is developed further. The theoretical intermodulation response for a harmonic transponder is derived, and this response is then used in measurements to characterize the transponder antenna. Limitations of the dynamic range of the measurement are discussed. The measurement can be performed using different arrangements of the measurement antennas. Three potential measurement geometries are discussed and compared: monostatic, bistatic, and multistatic. A measurement software is created for controlling the measurement. The derived theory is validated by experiments. The measured intermodulation response of a harmonic transponder is compared with the theoretical response. The measurement technique is then used to measure the gain of the transponder antenna using bistatic geometry. The impedance matching of the transponder is also measured. The results show good agreement between the derived theory and the measurements. Based on the results, it can be said that the technique is well-suited for characterizing harmonic transponders.Intermodulaatiovasteeseen perustuva mittausmenetelmä mahdollistaa transponderiantennien langattoman mittaamisen hyödyntämällä transpondereille ominaista epälineaarisuutta. Epälineaarisuus tuottaa intermodulaatiotaajuuksia, jotka voidaan mitata. Mitattua vastetta voidaan käyttää antennin karakterisointiin. Tässä diplomityössä kehitetään tätä karakterisointimentelmää. Työssä johdetaan teoreettinen intermodulaatiovaste harmoniselle transponderille, jota hyödynnetään mittauksissa transponderin antennin karakterisointiin. Mittausmenetelmän dynaamista aluetta rajoittavia tekijöitä tarkastellaan. Mittausta varten mittausantennit voidaan sijoittaa eri tavalla. Menetelmälle esitetään kolme mahdollista mittausgeometriaa: monostaattinen, bistaattinen ja multistaattinen. Eri geometrioita verrataan keskenään. Mittauksen ohjaamista varten kehitetään mittausohjelma. Työssä esitetty teoria varmennetaan kokeellisesti. Harmonisen transponderin intermodulaatiovaste mitataan ja vastetta verrataan teoreettiseen vasteeseen. Mittausmenetelmää käytetään transponderin antennin vahvistuksen mittaamiseen hyödyntämällä bistaattista geometriaa. Myös transponderin impedanssisovitus mitataan. Mittaustulokset ja teoria vastaavat hyvin toisiaan. Mittausten perusteella menetelmä soveltuu hyvin harmonisten transponderien karakterisointiin

    Characterization of Transponder Antennas Using Intermodulation Response

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    The intermodulation measurement technique enables measuring transponder antennas without any cable connections. This contactless technique exploits the inherent nonlinearity of the transponder to generate intermodulation products that can be measured. In this paper, we relate the transponder antenna properties to the intermodulation response, and use this relation to calculate the gain andimpedance matching of the transponder antenna. Additionally, we consider the limitations of the measurement method and present three different measurement geometries for measuring the radiation pattern. The presented equations and methods are experimentally verified by measuring an example harmonic transponder.Peer reviewe

    Physical limitations of phased array antennas

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    In this paper, the bounds on the Q-factor, a quantity inversely proportional to bandwidth, are derived and investigated for narrow-band phased array antennas. Arrays in free space and above a ground plane are considered. The Q-factor bound is determined by solving a minimization problem over the electric current density. The support of these current densities is on an element-enclosing region, and the bound holds for lossless antenna elements enclosed in this region. The Q-factor minimization problem is formulated as a quadratically constrained quadratic optimization problem that is solved either by a semi-definite relaxation or an eigenvalue-based method. We illustrate numerically how these bounds can be used to determine trade-off relations between the Q-factor and other design specifications: element form-factor, size, efficiency, scanning capabilities, and polarization purity.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Edistysaskeleita sähköisesti pienten antennien suunnittelussa ja analysoinnissa

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    The increasing number of frequency bands used in wireless communications results in added challenges for antenna designers. This challenge is further increased by the limited volume available for antennas in modern wireless devices. The inclusion of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) techniques requires multiple antennas in a device, which further reduces the maximum size of an individual antenna. The upcoming fifth generation of mobile communications promises improvements for three aspects of mobile communications: mobile broadband, massive internet of things, and mission critical services. Of those three, this thesis focuses on the first two. The enhanced mobile broadband promises data rates above gigabits per second, and the capacity to serve even larger number of users. For this to be possible, the spectral efficiency of the devices must be sufficiently large. The first part of this thesis describes the intermodulation measurement technique. The technique enables contactless measurement of passive transponders that contain a nonlinear load. It is used in this work to characterize the realized gain of a harmonic transponder, but the technique can also be used for other passive transponders, such as radio frequency identification (RFID) tags. The second part of the thesis introduces the antenna cluster concept developed in this work. The concept involves using multiple closely spaced antenna elements together to create an antenna that can be tuned to operate across a large number of frequency bands. The basic principle of the concept is described and the necessary theory is formulated. The concept is experimentally verified as part of a mobile antenna prototype and it is further extended to an eight-element MIMO antenna design that can operate across a wide frequency range. Transceiver design is an important part of the cluster concept, as the method is highly dependent on the capabilities of the transceiver. The final part of the thesis analyzes the effect of the transceiver on the overall cluster performance. Both the transmitter and receiver properties are investigated. The transmitter is modeled using the performance data of an existing integrated transmitter and the receiver is investigated using the equivalent circuits of common receiver architectures.Langattomassa viestinnässä käytettävien taajuuskaistojen määrä kasvaa. Tämä tuo lisähaastetta antennisuunnitteluun, koska antennin sähköinen koko rajoittaa antennilla saavutettavaa taajuuskaistaa. Antenneille jätetty tila nykyisissä langattomissa laitteissa on myös varsin pieni. Useita antenneja hyödyntävät menetelmät (esim. MIMO) edellyttävät yhä useamman antennin sijoittamista laitteeseen, mikä edelleen rajoittaa yksittäiselle antennille jäävää tilaa. Tulevan viidennen sukupolven matkapuhelinverkon on tarkoitus kehittää matkaviestintä-tekniikkaa kolmella osa-alueella: parannettu mobiililaajakaista, massiivinen esineiden internet, sekä lyhyttä viivettä vaativat järjestelmät. Tämä väitöskirja keskittyy näistä kolmesta tavoitteesta kahteen ensimmäiseen. Mobiililaajakaistan parannusten pitäisi johtaa yli gigabitin nopeuksiin sekä kyetä palvelemaan yhä useampaa käyttäjää samanaikaisesti. Tämä vaatii taajuusspektrin tehokkaampaa hyödyntämistä.Väitöskirjan ensimmäisessä osassa kuvataan intermodulaatioon perustuva mittausmenetelmä. Menetelmän avulla on mahdollista mitata langattomasti passiivisia transpondereita, mikäli niissä on epälineaarisia komponentteja. Menetelmää hyödynnetään tässä työssä harmonisten transponderien toteutuneen vahvistuksen mittaamiseen. Menetelmä on laajennettavissa myös muihin passiivisiin laitteisiin, kuten radiotaajuiseen etätunnistukseen (RFID). Väitöskirjan toisessa osassa esitellään tässä työssä kehitetyn antenniklusterin konsepti. Antenniklusteri koostuu useista lähekkäin sijoitetuista antenneista, joita eri tavoin syöttämällä klusterin toimintataajuutta voidaan muuttaa. Työssä esitellään antenniklusterin perusidea ja johdetaan tarvittava teoria sen analysoimiseksi. Menetelmän toimivuus varmistetaan kokeellisesti matkapuhelinkokoon suunnitellun antennin avulla. Työssä toteutetaan myös useita klustereita sisältävä antenniprototyyppi, jolla voidaan toteuttaa laajan taajuusalueen yli toimiva kahdeksanelementtinen MIMO. Lähetinvastaanottimen suunnittelulla on merkittävä osuus antenniklusterin toiminnassa. Väitöskirjan viimeisessä osassa tutkitaan lähetinvastaanottimen ominaisuuksien vaikutusta antenniklusterin toimintaan. Työssä tutkitaan erikseen sekä lähettimen että vastaanottimen ominaisuuksia. Lähetintä mallinnetaan olemassa olevan integroidun lähetinpiirin ominaisuuksilla ja vastaanotinta tyypillisten vastaanotinarkkitehtuurien vastinpiireillä

    Harmoniset transponderit

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    Concept for Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna Based on Distributed Transceivers

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    This letter presents a new concept for frequency reconfigurable antennas. The concept involves a multiport antenna, whose elements are mutually coupled. By properly weighting the excitation signals in each port, the total reflected power can be minimized and radiation efficiency maximized. Different frequency components of the transmitter can be weighted differently to obtain broad instantaneous band. The concept is studied by simulations.Peer reviewe

    Frequency Reconfigurable Multiband Handset Antenna Based on a Multichannel Transceiver

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    The upcoming standards of wireless communications result in additional and more stringent requirements for antennas in mobile phones. In this paper, we present a frequencyreconfigurable antenna that could potentially be suited for future mobile devices. Frequency reconfigurability is achieved through a cluster of mutually coupled antenna elements that are excited with frequency-dependent weights using a multichannel transceiver. We report a mobile handset antenna cluster measuring 15x15x1.6 mm3; that covers the frequency bands of 1.7-2.7, 3.3-4.5, and 5.475-6.425 GHz with an antenna efficiency better than 90 %. The operation of the antenna cluster is experimentally verified by feeding all the antenna elements with proper weights using tailor-made power splitters that represent a multichannel transceiver with adjustable amplitude and phase in each branch. The results obtained with the feed networks suggest the feasibility of the reconfigurability concept, and pave way for codesign of the antenna and the transceiver.Peer reviewe

    Frequency Reconfigurable Multiband Handset Antenna Based on a Multichannel Transceiver

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    On bandwidth bounds for periodic antenna elements with a ground plane

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    In this paper, we compare two different bandwidth bounds on array antennas with a ground plane. The first of these bounds is based on the fact that the antenna can be seen as a passive system, which implies that its response can be described in terms of a Herglotz function. This passivity-based bandwidth bound is closely related to a sum rule for lossless arrays over the ground plane. The second bound is a recently developed Q-factor based bound, valid for resonant structures. In this paper, it is shown that this latter bound strongly depends on the allowed shape and the electrical size of the element within the unit cell. It also depends on the size of the unit cell, corresponding to the interelement spacing. The Q-factor bound provides a sharper bound when the structure is resonant