24 research outputs found

    Peace and quiet beyond the border: The trans-border mobility of Russian second home owners in Finland

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    Russian second home purchases in Finland have grown rapidly since 2000, and have been the source of a contested social debate. This study represents the first investigation of Russian second home ownership in Finland. The aim is to investigate how Russian trans-border second home mobility is produced (its elements and trajectories), challenged, and what are its socio-economic and spatial outcomes at the local and regional levels. The phenomenon is approached theoretically applying the concepts of constellations of mobility and mobility regime. While these theoretical approaches have been used to address leisure mobilities that originate in the West, Russian second home ownership in Finland represents a different mobility pattern, from East to West. The findings emphasise the increasing role of the border in the production and practice, as well as in the outcomes of such mobility. This study shows that the perceived outcome of Russian ownership presented through the social debate has been detached from the actual phenomenon. The empirical part of the dissertation – four research papers – uncovers the driving factors in Russian second home mobility, its challenges, and its socio-economic and spatial outcome, which collectively help address the social debate and inform policy makers. Simultaneously, the empirical study re-interprets Western mobility approaches in relation to Russian trans-border mobility and reveals peculiarities of the East-to-West mobility trajectory

    The New Normal: Tourism Research Directions in Finland and Beyond

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    Angling tourism: A state-of-the-art review

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    This paper represents a scoping review of angling tourism. Using the Google Scholar search engine and Scopus search, the paper reviews 98 journal articles on angling tourism in terms of year of publication, geographic locations of case studies, disciplinary foci, scientific fields and research themes. Studies on angling tourism focus on different facets of this tourism activity and comprise three major research themes: Angling tourism management, General angling tourism and Impacts both of and on angling tourism. This review shows that tourism studies and journals on tourism management/geography have, by and large, ignored angling tourism as a tourism activity across the globe, despite its significant contribution to the tourism economy. Future research on angling tourism development requires broadening the geographical scope of studies, understanding anglers as tourists with subsequent research from tourism studies perspectives, acquiring and mining of quality data for sustainable site-specific tourism offerings as well as focusing on the issues of global environmental change for implementing effective management and adaptation mechanisms. Significantly more studies are required to understand this tourism activity fully. The review supports the use of Google Scholar search as a reliable tool for accessing scientific publications.This paper represents a scoping review of angling tourism. Using the Google Scholar search engine and Scopus search, the paper reviews 98 journal articles on angling tourism in terms of year of publication, geographic locations of case studies, disciplinary foci, scientific fields and research themes. Studies on angling tourism focus on different facets of this tourism activity and comprise three major research themes: Angling tourism management, General angling tourism and Impacts both of and on angling tourism. This review shows that tourism studies and journals on tourism management/geography have, by and large, ignored angling tourism as a tourism activity across the globe, despite its significant contribution to the tourism economy. Future research on angling tourism development requires broadening the geographical scope of studies, understanding anglers as tourists with subsequent research from tourism studies perspectives, acquiring and mining of quality data for sustainable site-specific tourism offerings as well as focusing on the issues of global environmental change for implementing effective management and adaptation mechanisms. Significantly more studies are required to understand this tourism activity fully. The review supports the use of Google Scholar search as a reliable tool for accessing scientific publications

    Second home owners as tourism trend-setters: A case of residential tourists in Gran Canaria

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    This study examines German-speaking second home owners on Gran Canaria, Spain as an example of one of the growing groups of non-conventional tourists. International second home ownership has been increasing rapidly over the last decades with Spain and particularly the Canary Islands being a hot spot for residential tourism. Despite the maturity of the destination, there are few studies on second home tourists on the Canary Islands. Moreover, while second home tourism, including its international forms, has been present as a distinct type of tourism, academic attention has not sufficiently compared and counterposed mass and residential tourism. The aim of this paper is to investigate distinctions between second home and mass tourists to define the features of non-conventional travellers in light of the contemporary growth of alternative ways to engage in recreation. This paper argues that second home tourism reflects the emerging tourism trends of “home stay tourism” and “living like a local” that will reshape the nature of mass tourism as well as receiving destinations. In order to understand the features of rapidly growing alternative or non-mass tourists, this paper examines the experiences of German-speaking second home owners on Gran Canaria. The results reveal a number of distinctive features that collectively help to understand contemporary non-conventional tourists

    Tekoäly tutkimuksen työkaluna

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    In this editorial we describe the advantages of AI use in research, such as help with quick processing of big research data, managing and analysing data, develop modelling methods and future scenarios. AI can support researchers’ work in many ways, but it should be used with caution. One of the most critical aspects in using AI is the importance of interpretation of the results that it offers. There are still questions about personal data and security risks in using AI. Perspectives on the use of AI in research vary significantly. While Italy has banned the use of ChatGPT, the University of Calgary offers courses on the use of ChatGPT in academic publishing and grant writing. AI is here to stay, so we have to learn our ways to understand and use it appropriately

    Minne suuntaat, Matkailututkimus?

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    Tiedon rooli matkailualan johtamisessa

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    In this editorial, we focus on the importance of knowledge in the dynamic and constantly changing tourism industry. Although more knowledge is available than ever before, its application in the development of the tourism industry has been challenging. Leading with knowledge requires an understanding of how knowledge can influence decision-making, strategic development, and the innovation of new services. The use of knowledge should not be confined to analytics and reports; it is a creative process that demands the courage to try new things and learn from mistakes. The tourism industry still needs to develop a culture that encourages experimentation and innovation, as well as managerial practices in leading with knowledge. Through these approaches, the tourism industry can fully utilise the enormous potential of knowledge and propel itself towards a sustainable and successful future.In this editorial, we focus on the importance of knowledge in the dynamic and constantly changing tourism industry. Although more knowledge is available than ever before, its application in the development of the tourism industry has been challenging. Leading with knowledge requires an understanding of how knowledge can influence decision-making, strategic development, and the innovation of new services. The use of knowledge should not be confined to analytics and reports; it is a creative process that demands the courage to try new things and learn from mistakes. The tourism industry still needs to develop a culture that encourages experimentation and innovation, as well as managerial practices in leading with knowledge. Through these approaches, the tourism industry can fully utilise the enormous potential of knowledge and propel itself towards a sustainable and successful future

    VIETS-kevätseminaarista lyhyesti

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    Tekoäly tutkimuksen työkaluna

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    In this editorial we describe the advantages of AI use in research, such as help with quick processing of big research data, managing and analysing data, develop modelling methods and future scenarios. AI can support researchers’ work in many ways, but it should be used with caution. One of the most critical aspects in using AI is the importance of interpretation of the results that it offers. There are still questions about personal data and security risks in using AI. Perspectives on the use of AI in research vary significantly. While Italy has banned the use of ChatGPT, the University of Calgary offers courses on the use of ChatGPT in academic publishing and grant writing. AI is here to stay, so we have to learn our ways to understand and use it appropriately.In this editorial we describe the advantages of AI use in research, such as help with quick processing of big research data, managing and analysing data, develop modelling methods and future scenarios. AI can support researchers’ work in many ways, but it should be used with caution. One of the most critical aspects in using AI is the importance of interpretation of the results that it offers. There are still questions about personal data and security risks in using AI. Perspectives on the use of AI in research vary significantly. While Italy has banned the use of ChatGPT, the University of Calgary offers courses on the use of ChatGPT in academic publishing and grant writing. AI is here to stay, so we have to learn our ways to understand and use it appropriately

    Paneelikeskustelu: Kotimaisten tiedelehtien vaikuttavuus. Miten Matkailututkimus vaikuttaa?

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    Vuosittain järjestettävillä Tiedejulkaisemisen päivillä keskustellaan monipuolisesti tiedejulkaisemiseen liittyvistä aiheista. Tänä vuonna lokakuun alussa vietetyillä päivillä keskusteltiin paneelissa muun muassa kotimaisten tiedelehtien vaikuttavuudesta. Matkailututkimus oli yksi mukana olleista kotimaisista tiedelehdistä. Keskustelu toi esiin monipuolisesti syitä sille miksi kotimaisia tiedelehtiä on olemassa, ja mikä niiden vaikutus on