24 research outputs found

    Team Work in Protein Processing

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    MetAP substrates and their physiological roles have remained elusive. In this issue of Chemistry & Biology, Hu and colleagues [1] employ a small molecule approach to study the impact of MetAP inhibition on the molecular regulation and cellular functions of the proto-oncogene c-Src

    Guanylate cyclase-C/cGMP: an emerging pathway in the regulation of visceral pain

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    Activation of guanylate cyclase-C (GC-C) expressed predominantly on intestinal epithelial cells by guanylin, uroguanylin or the closely related GC-C agonist peptide, linaclotide, stimulates generation and release of cyclic guanosine-3’,5’-monophosphate (cGMP). Evidence that the visceral analgesic effects of linaclotide are mediated by a novel, GC-C-dependent peripheral sensory mechanism was first demonstrated in animal models of visceral pain. Subsequent studies with uroguanylin or linaclotide have confirmed the activation of a GC-C/cGMP pathway leading to increased submucosal cGMP mediated by cGMP efflux pumps, which modulates intestinal nociceptor function resulting in peripheral analgesia. These effects can be reproduced by the addition of exogenous cGMP and support a role for GC-C/cGMP signaling in the regulation of visceral sensation, a physiological function that has not previously been linked to the GC-C/cGMP pathway. Notably, targeting the GC-C/cGMP pathway for treatment of gastrointestinal pain and abdominal sensory symptoms has now been validated in the clinic. In 2012, linaclotide was approved in the United States and European Union for the treatment of adult patients with irritable bowel syndrome with constipation

    Abstracts from the 8th International Conference on cGMP Generators, Effectors and Therapeutic Implications

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    This work was supported by a restricted research grant of Bayer AG

    Conservation of structure and expression of the c-yes and fyn genes in lower vertebrates

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    The src-gene family in mammals and birds consists of 9 closely related protein tyrosine kinases. We have cloned the c-yes and fyn bomologues of the src-family from the teleost fish Xiphophorus helleri. Both genes show a high degree of sequence conservation and exhibit all structural motifs diagnostic for functional src-like protein tyrosine kinases. Sequence comparisons revealed three domains (exon 2, exons 3--6, exons 7-12) which evolve at different rates. Both genes exhibit an identical expression pattern, with preferential expression in neural tissues. No transcripts of c-yes were found in liver wbich is contrary to the situation in higher vertebrales. In malignant melanoma, elevated Ieveis of c-yes andfyn were detected indicating a possible function during secondary steps of tumor progression for src-related tyrosine kinases