
Conservation of structure and expression of the c-yes and fyn genes in lower vertebrates


The src-gene family in mammals and birds consists of 9 closely related protein tyrosine kinases. We have cloned the c-yes and fyn bomologues of the src-family from the teleost fish Xiphophorus helleri. Both genes show a high degree of sequence conservation and exhibit all structural motifs diagnostic for functional src-like protein tyrosine kinases. Sequence comparisons revealed three domains (exon 2, exons 3--6, exons 7-12) which evolve at different rates. Both genes exhibit an identical expression pattern, with preferential expression in neural tissues. No transcripts of c-yes were found in liver wbich is contrary to the situation in higher vertebrales. In malignant melanoma, elevated Ieveis of c-yes andfyn were detected indicating a possible function during secondary steps of tumor progression for src-related tyrosine kinases

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