5 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Jalan Pagi terhadap Perubahan Tekanan Darah pada Lanjut Usia dengan Hipertensi di Desa Kalianget Timur Kecamatan Kalianget Kabupaten Sumenep

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    Pendahuluan: Jalan pagi merupakan aktivitas ringan yang sesuai untuk orang dengan lanjut usia (lansia) karena dapat membantu mengendalikan tekanan darah dalam jangka panjang. Keterbatasan lansia untuk melakukan aktivitas fisik sehari-hari dapat mempengaruhi Perubahan tekanan darah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh jalan pagi terhadap Perubahan tekanan darah pada lansia dengan hipertensi. Metode: Desain penelitian pre-experiment menggunakan one group pre-post test design, dengan teknik simple random sampling. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah lansia dengan hipertensi di Desa Kalianget Timur sebanyak 71 orang, sampel sebanyak 60 orang. Analisa data menggunakan uji statistik Wilcoxon. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebelum dilakukan jalan pagi sebagian besar (65%) tekanan darah sistole 140-159 mmHg dan tekanan darah diastole seluruhnya (100%) >100 mmHg. Kemudian sesudah dilakukan jalan pagi tekanan darah menurun, sebagian besar (55%) tekanan darah sistole 140-159 mmHg dan hampir seluruhnya (88,3%) tekanan darah diastole >100 mmHg. Hasil analisa data diperoleh p= 0,000

    Working Climate with Fatigue Levels of Timber Industry Workers in Probolinggo

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    The high-temperature work environment is an additional burden of heat pressure that results in the occurrence of subjective deficiencies in the worker and may cause disruption to the workforce. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between work climate with the level of fatigue in workers in PT. Kutai Timber Indonesia Probolinggo. This research use analytic survey method with the cross-sectional approach and sampling technique using Cluster Random Sampling of 134 samples in Production I section that is hot press, shikumi, and putty. The study was conducted in January 2018. Data were analyzed by Chi-Square statistical test. The result of the research shows that most of the working climate that exceeds threshold value with high fatigue category is 70 respondents (52,5%), almost half of them are 40 respondents (29,9%) with the moderate level of errors. While in the working climate that does not exceed the threshold value with the category of fatigue rate is a small number of 20 respondents (14.9%) and high fatigue rate of 4 respondents (3.0%). Calculation of Chi-Square statistic test with significance level α = 0,05 obtained result ρ = 0,000 (0,000 <0,05) then H0 is rejected, so there is the significant relation between work climate with fatigue level at the worker in PT.KTI (Kutai Timber Indonesia) Probolinggo City. To minimize heat stress from a work climate that exceeds threshold value, it is better for the company to use an exhaust fan where the heat from the working environment sourced from the zinc roof and the production machinery is pulled out of the environment with lower temperatures, periodic health checks on labor, before work stretching for 3-5 minutes and suggest workers consume water every 20 minutes in the work


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    Diabetes mellitus suffers from insulin deficiency which inhibited the transfer of glucose to cells in body tissues that cause starvation cells an in the increase in glucose in the blood that leads to muscle weakness thus disrupt the body’s balance and increase the risk of falling. Diabetic foot exercises aim to improved blood circulation in the feet of people with diabetes mellitus, so that nutrient smoothly to the network. The purpose of this study to determine the effect of diabetic foot gymnastics on body balance elderly people with diabetes mellitus in Diabetic Club Gatoel Hospital Mojokerto in the 27 February – 25 March 2017. This research used a Quasy Experimental method with Pretest-Posttest with Control Group Design. The sampling technique used Simple Random Sampling with the sample of 17 respondents for the control group and 17 respondents for the intervention group. Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test obtained p-value 0,000 &lt; 0,05 concluded that there is an influence of diabetic foot exercises on body balance in elderly people with diabetes mellitus in Diabetic Club Gatoel Hospital Mojokerto. The study recommended that elderly people with diabetes mellitus is expected to take advantage of diabetic foot exercises as an effort to improve the balance of the body to reduce the incidence of fall

    The Influence of Diabetic Foot Gymnastic to Body Balance in Elderly Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Gatoel Mojokerto Hospital Diabetic Club

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    Diabetes mellitus suffers from insulin deficiency which inhibited the transfer of glucose to cells in body tissues that cause starvation cells an in the increase in glucose in the blood that leads to muscle weakness thus disrupt the body’s balance and increase the risk of falling. Diabetic foot exercises aim to improved blood circulation in the feet of people with diabetes mellitus, so that nutrient smoothly to the network. The purpose of this study to determine the effect of diabetic foot gymnastics on body balance elderly people with diabetes mellitus in Diabetic Club Gatoel Hospital Mojokerto in the 27 February – 25 March 2017. This research used a Quasy Experimental method with Pretest-Posttest with Control Group Design. The sampling technique used Simple Random Sampling with the sample of 17 respondents for the control group and 17 respondents for the intervention group. Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test obtained p-value 0,000 &lt; 0,05 concluded that there is an influence of diabetic foot exercises on body balance in elderly people with diabetes mellitus in Diabetic Club Gatoel Hospital Mojokerto. The study recommended that elderly people with diabetes mellitus is expected to take advantage of diabetic foot exercises as an effort to improve the balance of the body to reduce the incidence of fall