227 research outputs found


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    Executive Summary: Daily NM recap. NM Hospital financial challenges. NM absentee voting. NM dairy farmers impact. 19-20 states open May 1? USA halts WHO funding. More NYC deaths. 250K tests AZ first responders. Global pandemic updates. Imported cases China. Masked South Korea elections. Danish children school return. PPE angiography. NYC cancels healthcare workers. GI shedding endoscopes. Blockade reduces transmission. Fever screening. Viral shedding post seroconversion. Radiology mitigations. Endoscopy units. Tracheostomy reduced transmission. Survivors plasma. Medical Imaging. Useful CTs. Electrophysiology procedures. Renin angiotensin blockers. Hemostasis. Dermatologic surgery. Pediatric gastroenterology. Autoimmune liver disease. Orthopedic surgical care. Updated treatment evidence. Asymptomatic detection. CVD pharmacology. Bleach disinfection. Arbidol beats lopinavir/ritonavir. IV immunoglobulin therapy. No HCQ clinical efficacy. Cepharantine inhibition pangolins. Machine learning antivirals. Eat bitter substances. 59 new trials. Combining RNA and antibody tests. No SARS-CoV-2 in patient ward air. Influenza impact prevention. Encephalitis. Low CD4+ and CD8+ severe. G6PD-deficient issues. Cytokine storm. Biosensor detection. Immunopathogenesis

    Supervised learning with word embeddings derived from PubMed captures latent knowledge about protein kinases and cancer.

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    Inhibiting protein kinases (PKs) that cause cancers has been an important topic in cancer therapy for years. So far, almost 8% of \u3e530 PKs have been targeted by FDA-approved medications, and around 150 protein kinase inhibitors (PKIs) have been tested in clinical trials. We present an approach based on natural language processing and machine learning to investigate the relations between PKs and cancers, predicting PKs whose inhibition would be efficacious to treat a certain cancer. Our approach represents PKs and cancers as semantically meaningful 100-dimensional vectors based on word and concept neighborhoods in PubMed abstracts. We use information about phase I-IV trials in ClinicalTrials.gov to construct a training set for random forest classification. Our results with historical data show that associations between PKs and specific cancers can be predicted years in advance with good accuracy. Our tool can be used to predict the relevance of inhibiting PKs for specific cancers and to support the design of well-focused clinical trials to discover novel PKIs for cancer therapy


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    Executive Summary: NMDOH county demographics online. NM emergency business loans. ABQ businesses violations. NM 5 new deaths 62 more cases. May 1 reopening too optimistic. MA contract tracing. Federal Ventilator Reserve. GM mass ventilator production. Ventilator-sharing device. $400M N-95 mask sterilization 60 sites. UNM PPE reprocessing online. Drug quality vulnerable. Managing urgent airway calls. Social distancing until 2022. SARS-Cov-2 blood supply. Contact tracing national blueprint. Mental health endangered. Successful surgical rapid response. Contact tracing medical ethics. Animal coronaviruses: human lessons. IDSA management guidelines. Ophthalmic practice. Pain management. Obstetrics management. Oncology practice. Forward triage. Scoring time-sensitive procedures. Outpatient structural heart disease. Thoracic surgery outcomes. Chest CT screening: epidemics. Sarcoma management. Endocrine diseases. Clinical pharmacists\u27 strategies. Non-invasive ventilation benefits. Essential laboratory testing. Psychiatric service. Hydroxychloroquine negative RCT. JAMA pharmacologic Tx review. Convalescent plasma. Promising antivirals. 55 clinical trials today. NYC hospitalization risk factors. Children milder disease. Blood morphology anomalies. No antimalarial consensus


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    Executive Summary: Extra NM HSD SNAP benefits. NM cases \u3e1000. Meds supply chain threatened. Mass graves in NY. Surgeon General screening app. Presidential briefing. Italian healthcare worker deaths. Taiwan tiered care model. Communicating risks to public. French public demand hydroxychloroquine. Vaccination pause dangers. Retesting needed after discharge. CDC report geography and incidence. UW clinical informatics response. UW preparedness guidelines. Wuhan outbreak control. CDC asymptomatic exposed worker guidelines. Mask innovation. Unemployment spikes. Workforce gaps. Workspace modifications reduce transmission. Guidelines and recommendations: ER physician, surgery, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, chest imaging, geriatrics, critically ill children, postpyloric tube placement, genitourinary malignancies, obstetrics, and home work health. Remdesivir clinically promising. Hydroxychloroquine safe but higher mortality with azithromycin. Lockdown health risks. Post-ICU syndrome. Tetracyline therapy potential. ACE2 review. Repurposing candidates. Patient self-triage tool. Video of aerosol spread and lingering. Modeling challenges. 34 new clinical trials registered today


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    Executive Summary: More NM cases. Free Shiprock testing. Prison release demands. 8 state parks reopen. Higher US deaths. NY PPE case dismissed. Orthopedic Tx down. European deaths down. UK mortality factors. People leaving large cities. Ending lockdown strategies. Public mask impact. Taiwan tracing. Homeless shelter prevalence. Homeless shelter outbreak. 50-state R0. COVID-19 decades later. US county tracking site. Hospital management model. COVID-19 behavioral transformation. Practice guidelines for: cardiology, IBD surgery, and rheumatic physical inactivity. Roche antibody test approved. Abbott antibody test EU-certified. Home anosmia assessment. CVD and ACE/ARBs. Tocilizumab early evidence. Tocilizumab systematic review. WHO vaccines trial. HCQ slower viral clearance. CBC predicts severity. Kidney disease meta-analysis. Innate/adaptive immunity timing. Combating misinformation. Mental health living reviews


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    Executive Summary: No NM church gatherings. NM a testing champ. Consolidation of elderly care. NM case update. 50-state disaster. Ventilator haggling. Economy reopening planning. PPE decontamination. Hospital ward contamination. Prolonged return to normal. FEMA projections. WHO tracking app. China SEIR model. Hubei epi. Mortality best measure. Covid-19 wave 2. Public should wear masks. Civil liberties. Safe grocery shopping. School closure impact. CDC caretaker guidelines. Psychiatric mobilization. Keep newborns with mom. C-section protocol. Italian obstetrics. Pediatric cardiac catherization. Chinese anesthesiology consensus. Cancer guidelines. Neuro-oncologic Tx. Radiology algorithm. Lung ultrasonography. ARF care. VTE common and predictable. Liver transplantation. Auto-immune treatments. Extracorporeal kidney involvement. Nutrition support. GI endoscopy. No stay-at-home for stroke. Intensive care collaboration. Supine swab collection. Lab tests for severity. Testing assay performance. False negative RT-PCR tests. IgM and IgG serum tests. FDA convalescent plasma. Blood purification device approval. Erythropoietin treatment. Tissue plasminogen activator. ECMO. Lopinavir/ritonavir study results. Immunotherapy review. Vaccine development. Hydroxychloroquine review. Candidates from in silico/virtual screening. Traditional Indian therapies. US trials update. Pathways and risk factors for death. ACE2 polymorphism. Severity in children. Lung tissue replication. Phylogenetic tracing. Text mining dataset. Risk by blood type


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    Executive Summary: NM restrictions loosen. NM case count. Navajo Nation case count. 9 state parks open. Sunport revenue loss. Trump projects vaccine delivery. Wisconsin court case. Smokers quit. Ireland reopening. Danish schools open. Philippine typhoon evacuation. PPE-induced pressure injuries and facial dermatoses. U.S. mask stockpile. PPE for surgeons. Intubation time with aerosol box. Consumer spending with social restrictions. Suicide increase expected. Undetected virus homeless. Chinese infection control. 5% Spain infected. Sanitizing booth. Healthcare worker infection routes. Kawasaki disease France. CDC Kawaski guidance. Italian deaths characterized. CDC reopening school guidance. COVID-19 and epistemology. Monitoring misleading claims. UN mental health policy brief. CDC vaccination schedules. Guidelines on managing endoscopy units. COVID-19 lab testing (for lab professionals). Cancer surgery triage. Operating room practices. Orthodontic treatment. 3D printed NP swabs effective. Salt-water irrigation reduces duration. Corticosteroids ineffectual. Vaccines require biomanufacturing infrastructure. French pharm giant promises fair vaccine distribution. 26 new trials registered. LDH, lymphocytes and hs-CRP predict mortality. Fibrinogen higher in SARS. Insulin resistance. Glycemic monitoring. Hemostasis abnormalities. New phobia scale. OR global consensus. Inpatient cognitive assessments are challenging. Loud speech increases transmission. Monkeys present similarly. Human-to-dog transmission. Cat transmission