15 research outputs found

    Mix and measure fluorescence screening for selective quadruplex binders

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    The human genome contains thousands of regions, including that of the telomere, that have the potential to form quadruplex structures. Many of these regions are potential targets for therapeutic intervention. There are many different folding patterns for quadruplex DNAs and the loops exhibit much more variation than do the quartets. The successful targeting of a particular quadruplex structure requires distinguishing that structure from all of the other quadruplex structures that may be present. A mix and measure fluorescent screening method has been developed, that utilizes multiple reporter molecules that bind to different features of quadruplex DNA. The reporter molecules are used in combination with DNAs that have a variety of quadruplex structures. The screening is based on observing the increase or decrease in the fluorescence of the reporter molecules. The selectivity of a set of test molecules has been determined by this approach

    'Excellence' and exclusion:the individual costs of institutional competitiveness

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    A performance-based funding system like the United Kingdom’s ‘Research Excellence Framework’ (REF) symbolizes the re-rationalization of higher education according to neoliberal ideology and New Public Management technologies. The REF is also significant for disclosing the kinds of behaviour that characterize universities’ response to government demands for research auditability. In this paper, we consider the casualties of what Henry Giroux (2014) calls “neoliberalism’s war on higher education” or more precisely the deleterious consequences of non-participation in the REF. We also discuss the ways with which higher education’s competition fetish, embodied within the REF, affects the instrumentalization of academic research and the diminution of academic freedom, autonomy and criticality

    Intracerebral large artery disease in Aicardi-Goutières syndrome implicates SAMHD1 in vascular homeostasis.

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    Aim: To describe a spectrum of intracerebral large artery disease in Aicardi-Goutières syndrome (AGS) associated with mutations in the AGS5 gene SAMHD1. Method: We used clinical and radiological description and molecular analysis. Results: Five individuals (three males, two females) were identified as having biallelic mutations in SAMHD1 and a cerebral arteriopathy in association with peripheral vessel involvement resulting in chilblains and ischaemic ulceration. The cerebral vasculopathy was primarily occlusive in three patients (with terminal carotid occlusion and basal collaterals reminiscent of moyamoya syndrome) and aneurysmal in two. Three of the five patients experienced intracerebral haemorrhage, which was fatal in two individuals. Post-mortem examination of one patient suggested that the arteriopathy was inflammatory in origin. Interpretation: Mutations in SAMHD1 are associated with a cerebral vasculopathy which is likely to have an inflammatory aetiology. A similar disease has not been observed in patients with mutations in AGS1 to AGS4, suggesting a particular role for SAMHD1 in vascular homeostasis. Our report raises important questions about the management of patients with mutations in SAMHD1. © The Authors. Journal compilation © Mac Keith Press 2010

    Synonymous mutations in RNASEH2A create cryptic splice sites impairing RNase H2 enzyme function in aicardi-Goutières syndrome

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    Aicardi-Goutières syndrome (AGS) is an inflammatory disorder resulting from mutations in TREX1, RNASEH2A/2B/2C, SAMHD1 or ADAR1. Here we provide molecular, biochemical and cellular evidence for the pathogenicity of two synonymous variants in RNASEH2A. Firstly, the c.69G>A (p.Val23Val) mutation causes the formation of a splice donor site within exon 1, resulting in an out of frame deletion at the end of exon 1, leading to reduced RNase H2 protein levels. The second mutation, c.75C>T (p.Arg25Arg), also introduces a splice donor site within exon 1, and the internal deletion of 18 amino acids. The truncated protein still forms a heterotrimeric RNase H2 complex, but lacks catalytic activity. However, as a likely result of leaky splicing, a small amount of full-length active protein is apparently produced in an individual homozygous for this mutation. Recognition of the disease causing status of these variants allows for diagnostic testing in relevant families