1,604 research outputs found

    Average motion of emerging solar active region polarities I: Two phases of emergence

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    Our goal is to constrain models of active region formation by tracking the average motion of active region polarity pairs as they emerge onto the surface. We measured the motion of the two main opposite polarities in 153 emerging active regions (EARs) using line-of-sight magnetic field observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory Helioseismic Emerging Active Region (SDO/HEAR) survey (Schunker et al. 2016). We first measured the position of each of the polarities eight hours after emergence and tracked their location forwards and backwards in time. We find that, on average, the polarities emerge with an east-west orientation and the separation speed between the polarities increases. At about 0.1 days after emergence, the average separation speed reaches a peak value of 229 +/- 11 m/s, and then starts to decrease, and about 2.5 days after emergence the polarities stop separating. We also find that the separation and the separation speed in the east-west direction are systematically larger for active regions with higher flux. Our results reveal two phases of the emergence process defined by the rate of change of the separation speed as the polarities move apart. Phase 1 begins when the opposite polarity pairs first appear at the surface, with an east-west alignment and an increasing separation speed. We define Phase 2 to begin when the separation speed starts to decrease, and ends when the polarities have stopped separating. This is consistent with the picture of Chen, Rempel, & Fan (2017): the peak of a flux tube breaks through the surface during Phase 1. During Phase 2 the magnetic field lines are straightened by magnetic tension, so that the polarities continue to move apart, until they eventually lie directly above their anchored subsurface footpoints.Comment: accepted A&

    Dietary bioactive lipid compounds rich in menthol alter Interactions among members of ruminal microbiota in sheep

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    This study aimed to investigate the effects of two practically relevant doses of menthol-rich plant bioactive lipid compounds (PBLC) on fermentation, microbial community composition, and their interactions in sheep rumen. Twenty-four growing Suffolk sheep were divided into three treatments and were fed hay ad libitum plus 600 g/d of concentrate containing no PBLC (Control) or PBLC at low dose (80 mg/d; PBLC-L) or high dose (160 mg/d; PBLC-H). After 4 weeks on the diets, samples of ruminal digesta were collected and analyzed for short-chain fatty acid (SCFA), ammonia, and microbiota; microbiota being analyzed in the solid and the liquid digesta fractions separately. Ruminal SCFA and ammonia concentrations were not affected by the PBLC treatments. The microbiota in the solid fraction was more diverse than that in the liquid fraction, and the relative abundance of most taxa differed between these two fractions. In the solid fraction, phylogenetic diversity increased linearly with increased PBLC doses, whereas evenness (lowest in PBLC-L) and Simpson diversity index (greatest in PBLC-H) changed quadratically. In the liquid fraction, however, the PBLC supplementation did not affect any of the microbial diversity measurements. Among phyla, Chloroflexi (highest in PBLC-L) and unclassified_bacteria (lowest in PBLC-L) were altered quadratically by PBLC. Lachnospiraceae, Bacteroidaceae (increased linearly), BS11 (increased in PBLC-L), Christensenellaceae (decreased in PBLC treatments), and Porphyromonadaceae (increased in PBLC treatments) were affected at the family level. Among genera, Butyrivibrio increased linearly in the solid fraction, YRC22 increased linearly in the liquid fraction, whereas Paludibacter increased and BF311 increased linearly with increasing doses of PBLC in both fractions. The PBLC treatments also lowered methanogens within the classes Thermoplasmata and Euryarchaeota. Correlation network analysis revealed positive and negative correlations among many microbial taxa. Differential network analysis showed that PBLC supplementation changed the correlation between some microbial taxa and SCFA. The majority of the predicted functional features were different between the solid and the liquid digesta fractions, whereas the PBLC treatments altered few of the predicted functional gene categories. Overall, dietary PBLC treatments had little influence on the ruminal fermentation and microbiota but affected the associations among some microbial taxa and SCFA

    Duplications and functional divergence of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase genes in plants

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase), which catalyses a rate limiting step in starch synthesis, is a heterotetramer comprised of two identical large and two identical small subunits in plants. Although the large and small subunits are equally sensitive to activity-altering amino acid changes when expressed in a bacterial system, the overall rate of non-synonymous evolution is ~2.7-fold greater for the large subunit than for the small subunit. Herein, we examine the basis for their different rates of evolution, the number of duplications in both large and small subunit genes and document changes in the patterns of AGPase evolution over time.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that the first duplication in the AGPase large subunit family occurred early in the history of land plants, while the earliest small subunit duplication occurred after the divergence of monocots and eudicots. The large subunit also had a larger number of gene duplications than did the small subunit. The ancient duplications in the large subunit family raise concern about the saturation of synonymous substitutions, but estimates of the absolute rate of AGPase evolution were highly correlated with estimates of ω (the non-synonymous to synonymous rate ratio). Both subunits showed evidence for positive selection and relaxation of purifying selection after duplication, but these phenomena could not explain the different evolutionary rates of the two subunits. Instead, evolutionary constraints appear to be permanently relaxed for the large subunit relative to the small subunit. Both subunits exhibit branch-specific patterns of rate variation among sites.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These analyses indicate that the higher evolutionary rate of the plant AGPase large subunit reflects permanent relaxation of constraints relative to the small subunit and they show that the large subunit genes have undergone more gene duplications than small subunit genes. Candidate sites potentially responsible for functional divergence within each of the AGPase subunits were investigated by examining branch-specific patterns of rate variation. We discuss the phenotypes of mutants that alter some candidate sites and strategies for examining candidate sites of presently unknown function.</p

    Dietary supplementation of menthol-rich bioactive lipid compounds alters circadian eating behaviour of sheep

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    Background: Plant bioactive lipid compounds (PBLC), commonly known as essential oils, are increasingly evaluated as feed additives in ruminants due to beneficial effects on animal performance and health; however, there is no study evaluating circadian eating behaviour in ruminants. Altered eating behaviour may be implicated in changes of feed intake in ruminants. Therefore, the present study investigated the influence of menthol-rich PBLC on circadian eating behaviour in 24 growing sheep that were equally divided into three treatments, control (without PBLC), a lower dose (80 mg/d) or a higher dose (160 mg/d) of PBLC. Daily doses of PBLC were supplied with 600 g/d of concentrates fed in three equal portions at 07:00, 11:00 and 15:00 h for 4 weeks, whereas, meadow hay was fed ad libitum. Results: The eating behaviour recorded by an automatic transponder-operated feeding system revealed that daily eating time and feeder visits increased with increasing doses of PBLC. The circadian distribution of eating time and feeder visits (with 1-h resolution) was influenced by the treatment. Eating time during concentrate-offering hours and between concentrate-offering hours increased or tended to increase linearly with greater concentrations of PBLC. Feeder visits did not change significantly during concentrate-offering hours, but were greater in the PBLC groups compared with the control between concentrate-feeding hours. Average length of the longest meals (5th percentile) decreased due to PBLC feeding. Daily feed intake was greater in the PBLC groups than the control. Conclusions: Menthol-rich PBLC in the applied dose range stimulate circadian eating behaviour, which cannot only be attributed to their presence during concentrate feeding hours, but persist during post-concentrate feeding hours

    Effects of dietary menthol-rich bioactive lipid compounds on zootechnical traits, blood variables and gastrointestinal function in growing sheep

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    Background The present study aimed at investigating the influence of 90% menthol-containing plant bioactive lipid compounds (PBLC, essential oils) on growth performance, blood haematological and biochemical profile, and nutrient absorption in sheep. Twenty-four growing Suffolk sheep were allotted into three dietary treatments: Control (without PBLC), lower dose of PBLC (PBLC-L; 80 mg/d) and higher dose of PBLC (PBLC-H; 160 mg/d). Sheep in all groups were fed meadow hay ad libitum plus 600 g/d of concentrate pellets for 28 d. Results Average daily gain was not affected by treatment. Feeding of PBLC increased hay and total feed intake per kg body weight (P < 0.05). Counts of total leucocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes were not different among treatments. However, neutrophil count decreased (P < 0.05) in PBLC-H with a similar trend in PBLC-L (P < 0.10). Concentrations of glucose, bilirubin, triglycerides, cholesterol, urea and magnesium in serum were not different among sheep fed different doses of PBLC. However, serum calcium concentration tended to increase in PBLC-H (P < 0.10) and serum concentrations of aspartate & asparagine (P < 0.01) and glutamate & glutamine (P < 0.05) increased linearly with increasing PBLC dose. In ruminal epithelia isolated from the rumen after killing, baseline conductance (Gt; P < 0.05) and short-circuit current (Isc; P < 0.01) increased in both PBLC groups. Ruminal uptakes of glucose and methionine in the presence of Na+ were not affected by the dietary PBLC supplementation. In the absence of Na+, however, glucose and methionine uptakes increased (P < 0.05) in PBLC-H. In the jejunum, Isc tended to increase in PBLC-H (P < 0.10), but baseline Gt was not affected. Intestinal uptakes of glucose and methionine were not influenced by PBLC in the presence or absence of Na+. Conclusion The results suggest that menthol-rich PBLC increase feed intake, and passive ion and nutrient transport, the latter specifically in the rumen. They also increased serum concentrations of urea precursor amino acids and tended to increase serum calcium concentrations. Future studies will have to show whether some of these findings might be commonly linked to a stimulation of transient receptor potential (TRP) channels in the gastrointestinal tract

    The GadX regulon affects virulence gene expression and adhesion of porcine enteropathogenic Escherichia coli in vitro

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    The ability of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) to express virulence factor genes and develop attaching and effacing (AE) lesions is inhibited in acidic environmental conditions. This inhibition is due to the activation of transcription factor GadX, which upregulates expression of glutamic acid decarboxylase (Gad). Gad, in turn, produces Îł-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which was recently shown to have a beneficial effect on the jejunal epithelium in vitro due to increased mucin-1 levels. In the present study, we sought to test whether forced GadX activation/overexpression abolishes virulence associated features of EPEC and provokes increased GABA production. EPEC strains were isolated from diarrheic pigs and submitted to activation of GadX by acidification as well as gadX overexpression via an inducible expression vector plasmid. GABA concentrations in the growth medium, ability for adhesion to porcine intestinal epithelial cells (IPEC-J2) and virulence gene expression were determined. Growth in acidified media led to increased GABA levels, upregulated gadA/B expression and downregulated mRNA synthesis of the bacterial adhesin intimin. EPEC strains transformed with the gadX gene produced 2.1 to 3.4-fold higher GABA levels than empty-vector controls and completely lost their ability to adhere to IPEC-J2 cells and to induce actin accumulation. We conclude that intensified gadX activation can abolish the ability of EPEC to adhere to the intestinal epithelium by reducing the expression of major virulence genes

    Average motion of emerging solar active region polarities II: Joy's law

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    The tilt of solar active regions described by Joy's law is essential for converting a toroidal field to a poloidal field in Babcock-Leighton dynamo models. In thin flux tube models the Coriolis force causes Joy's law, acting on east-west flows as they rise towards the surface. Our goal is to measure the evolution of the average tilt angle of hundreds of active regions as they emerge, so that we can constrain the origins of Joy's law. We measured the tilt angle of the primary bipoles in 153 emerging active regions in the Solar Dynamics Observatory Helioseismic Emerging Active Region survey. We used line-of-sight magnetic field measurements averaged over 6 hours to define the polarities and measure the tilt angle up to four days after emergence. We find that at the time of emergence the polarities are on average aligned east-west, and that neither the separation nor the tilt depends on latitude. We do find, however, that ARs at higher latitudes have a faster north-south separation speed than those closer to the equator at the emergence time. After emergence, the tilt angle increases and Joy's law is evident about two days later. The scatter in the tilt angle is independent of flux until about one day after emergence, when higher-flux regions have a smaller scatter in tilt angle than lower-flux regions. Our finding that active regions emerge with an east-west alignment is surprising since thin flux tube models predict that tilt angles of rising flux tubes are generated below the surface. Previously reported tilt angle relaxation of deeply anchored flux tubes can be largely explained by the change in east-west separation. We conclude that Joy's law is caused by an inherent north-south separation speed present when the flux first reaches the surface, and that the scatter in the tilt angle is consistent with buffeting of the polarities by supergranulation.Comment: accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The Myth of Carbon Offsets

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    The RCRC’s mandate is to help identify and incubate fiscal, monetary, and financial regulatory policy solutions that will put the United States on track for net-zero emissions before 2050. Informed by the work of many scientists, regulators, climate advocates, and international organizations, we take a broadly critical view of the many carbon credit markets and offsetting strategies that have developed thus far and urge policymakers, firms, and other organizations to reevaluate and refine this approach. This paper discusses some of the foundational challenges associated with the practice of offsetting and presents recommendations to chart an alternative path forward

    The Case for Climate Conscious, Low Carbon Federal Procurement

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    Purchasing practices are one of many contributors to the climate crisis. As the world’s largest purchaser of goods and services, the U.S. Federal Government is in a unique position to cut a significant portion of national emissions through the development of more responsible, sustainable, and—most importantly—climate-conscious supply chains. According to the Office of the Federal Chief Sustainability Officer, federal supply chain emissions associated with federal contracts are twice as high as Federal Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions, combined. As such, reforming Federal procurement practices to limit direct emissions as well as emissions in supply chains can play a crucial role in reaching the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. The Biden Administration has taken a strong stance on climate change, initiating, reinstating, and further developing necessary policy adjustments such as transitioning the government fleet to electric vehicles, supporting energy efficiency in buildings, and the uptake in renewable energy generation, and drafting a new Federal Sustainability Plan. The RCRC Committee has prepared recommendations relevant to Federal procurement practices to help achieve maximum emissions reductions at both the government and national levels
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