14 research outputs found

    Assumptions and implementation of smart growth and inclusive growth targets under the Europe 2020 strategy

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    Purpose: The essence of the "Europe 2020" initiative, that is, the strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, is an attempt at creating conditions fostering long-term sustainable economic growth in the European Union. To this end, economies based on knowledge, promoting environment-friendly technologies must be built in the member states of the Community, at the same time taking care to maintain social and territorial cohesion. Design/Methodology/Approach: This paper contains a long-term analysis of selected indicators in the period 2000-2016 and an assessment of their accomplishment. This paper aims at verifying the hypothesis that prolonged economic problems of European economies undermine the success and timely accomplishment of certain priorities of the Strategy. Findings: In connection with a relatively high level of unemployment and unfavourable demographic structure in many EU member states, as well as a public finance policy aiming to mitigate the effects of financial downturn, the success of the Strategy requires a longer time horizon. Many EU member states clearly improved their results in the area of innovation through increasing their R&D expenditure and the number of tertiary education graduates. Practical Implications: An alarming phenomenon is deepening difficulties finding a job in the European employment market, in particular for young people, and a relatively high risk of poverty and social exclusion (on average 23.5% in EU-28). This may mean that the common road to the accomplishment of the targets of Europe 2020 Strategy can be longer than the projected time horizon. Originality/Value: It has boosted the process of building a knowledge-based economy and should create conditions for raising the employment rate, increasing efficiency and social cohesion.peer-reviewe

    The Energy Efficiency of the Production and Conversion of Spring Triticale Grain into Bioethanol

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    According to the assumptions of Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD, the share of biofuels in the global transport sector is estimated to reach 15–23% by 2050. The triticale can be used to produce bioethanol. The appropriate production process should generate as much renewable energy as possible per production unit. Plant production can be carried out in various tillage systems and using appropriate doses of nitrogen fertilization. The objective of this study is to compare the effect of traditional tillage system (TRD) and reduced (RED) tillage technology and nitrogen fertilizer (0, 40, 80, 120 kg N ha−1) on grain and bioethanol yield of spring triticale. The field experiment was performed in the south east of Poland (50°42′ N, 23°15′ E) on medium dystrophic typical brown soil. Based on research and calculations, the TRD system and between 40 and 80 kg ha−1 of N fertilizer are recommended for use in the cultivation of triticale for bioethanol production purposes. Such a variant will ensure a sufficient yield of grain (5.190 and 5.803 t ha−1), starch (3.462 and 3.871 t ha−1) and bioethanol (2487.3 and 2780.7 L ha−1) and good agronomic efficiency of N fertilizer (16.96 and 12.15 L of bioethanol per 1 kg of nitrogen (N) applied). The best ratio of energy efficiency of bioethanol production (EROI—Energy Return on (Energy) Investment or “net energy”) was recorded for the TRD system (1.138:1) and for the N fertilizer at 40 kg N ha−1 (1.144:1)

    Sulphur and Nitrogen Fertilization as a Potential Means of Agronomic Biofortification to Improve the Content and Uptake of Microelements in Spring Wheat Grain DM

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    The aim of the field experiment was to analyze the impact of various nitrogen and sulphur doses on the content and uptake of spring grains of iron, manganese, copper, and zinc. The study was conducted in southeastern Poland (2009–2011) on Cambisols (WRB 2007), in conditions of low soil sulphur content. The experiment included 4 doses of N fertilization (0, 40, 80, and 120 kg/ha) and 2 doses of S application (0 and 50 kg/ha). The analysis showed that fertilization with nitrogen and sulphur had a positive effect on the studied features of spring wheat. The combination resulted in beneficial content of Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu (Fe 45.00, Mn 35.67, Zn 34.63, and Cu 3.65 mg/kg) and beneficial uptake of microelements by grain DM (Fe 216.1, Mn 171.3, Zn 166.4, and Cu 17.52 g/ha). The highest grain yield (5.43 t/ha) was obtained after the application of nitrogen at a dose of 80 kg/ha and sulphur at a dose of 50 kg/ha. In relation to control, this increase of grain yield amounted to 13.3%. Significant correlations were also found between grain yield and the content and uptake of all microelements, as well as between elements. No significant correlation was found only between the content and uptake of Fe and the content of Mn and between the content of Mn and Cu. Sulphur supplementation of NPK fertilization can be a good means of agronomic biofortification for spring wheat in order to increase the content and uptake of micronutrients such as Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu


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    Subject and purpose of work: The subject of this paper is Measure 121 of the 2007-2013 RDP, called Modernisation of agricultural holdings. The objective of the study was to present the diversification of regional absorption of aid funds used under this measure and to assess the correlation between the scale of the use of these funds and the level of labor productivity in agriculture. Materials and methods: On the basis of the GUS data, the regional differentiation of the absorption of aid funds from the analyzed measure and labor productivity in agriculture were assessed. The relation between these categories was determined based on Pearson’s linear correlation index. Results and conclusions: A strong regional diversification of labor productivity in agriculture and the level of utilization of European Union funds directed at modernization of agricultural holdings was observed. There is a relation between the scale of the utilization of funds under Measure 121 of the RDP and the efficiency of labor factor. It can therefore be assumed that the form of support investigated is a significant stimulus for the increase in the level of work efficiency

    Characteristics of Models of Farms in the European Union

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    The article describes and sets the definition of different farm models under the categories of being family, small, and large-scale commercial farms. The distinction was based on the structure of the workforce and the relationship between agricultural income and the minimum wage. Family farms were dominated by the farming family providing the labour and their income per capita exceeded the net minimum wage in the country. The larger commercial farms feature a predominance of hired labour. Based on surveys, it was found that in 2016 in the EU-28 there were 10,467,000 farms (EU-13—57.3%, EU-15—42.7%). They carried out agricultural activities on an area of 173,338,000 ha (EU-13—28.5%, EU-15—71.5%). Countries of the EU-28 generated a standard output (SO) amounting to EUR 364,118,827,100 (EU-13—17.2% and EU-15—82.8%). After the delimitation, it was shown that small farming (70.8%) was the predominant form of management in the European Union (EU-13—88.2% and EU-15—79.8%) compared to family farming (18.4%) (EU-13—10.5% and EU-15—29%). In most EU countries the largest share of land resources pertains to small farms (35.6%) and family farms (38.6%) (UAA—utilised agricultural area of farms)

    Ocena bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego polski na tle produkcji rolniczej w latach 2010–2015

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    Celem artykułu jest zdefiniowanie bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego, sposobu jego pomiaru oraz analiza stanu produkcji rolniczej i samowystarczalności żywnościowej w Polsce. Nasz kraj w chwili obecnej pod względem powierzchni użytków rolnych zajmuje 59. miejsce w Świecie i 5. w Unii Europejskiej. Pod względem udziału ludności pracującej w rolnictwie Polska jest na pierwszym miejscu w Unii Europejskiej. Saldo handlu zagranicznego artykułami rolno-spożywczymi w latach 2010–2014 było ujemne, co oznacza przewagę importu nad eksportem, mimo istniejącej sporej nadwyżki w produkcji m.in. mleka, mięsa drobiowego, wołowiny, warzyw i owoców (szczególnie jabłek). Niedostateczna była produkcja wieprzowiny, którą Polska importowała w celu zbilansowania na nią popytu. Jednak w latach 2010–2015 Polska była w większości samowystarczalna żywnościowo, o czym świadczy wielkość produkcji i zużycia wybranych produktów rolnych. Ekonomiczna dostępność żywności, określona na podstawie udziału wydatków na żywność i napoje bezalkoholowe w ogólnych wydatkach konsumpcyjnych, pozostawała na stabilnym poziomie. Są jednak w Polsce grupy osób, które odczuwają deprywację materialną odnośnie niemożliwości zapewnienia co drugi dzień posiłku z mięsem czerwonym, drobiowym lub ryb. Deprywacja tej po- trzeby w gospodarstwach domowych w Polsce dotykała w badanych latach od 12,7% do 15,5% rodzin

    Effect of European Integration on the Competitiveness of the Agricultural Sector in New Member States (EU-13) on the Internal EU Market

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    The 2004, 2007, and 2013 enlargement of the EU opened up free trade opportunities, increasing trade flows and demand for products of agriculture. On the one hand, the integration processes have intensified competition between countries, and on the other hand, they have created new opportunities for them. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of European integration on the competitiveness of the agricultural sector in countries that acceded to the EU in or after 2004. The assessment of the competitiveness of the agricultural sector was made using the following indicators: land and labour productivity in agriculture, importance of the agricultural sector in the economy of the EU countries, agricultural trade balance, importance of agricultural export in total export of the EU countries, trade coverage ratio, Grubel–Lloyd intra-industry specialization indicator, and Balassa comparative advantage indicator. The analysis was carried out from 2004 to 2020 with the Eurostat statistical database. The outcome of surveys implies that a gap still exists between the old and the new member states of the European Union (EU) in the efficient utilisation of their production factors, despite an increased dynamics of growth in labour productivity compared with the old member states, the so-called EU-15. The overall competitive position of all EU-13 countries in agricultural trade on the common EU market has improved; however, individual analysis reveals disparities between respective member states. In 2020, net exporters with comparative advantage were Hungary, Bulgaria, Lithuania, and Croatia, and net importers with comparative disadvantage included Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Estonia, and Malta. Latvia and Romania improved their competitive position in agricultural trade