22 research outputs found

    In Vitro RNase and Nucleic Acid Binding Activities Implicate Coilin in U snRNA Processing

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    Coilin is known as the marker protein for Cajal bodies (CBs), subnuclear domains important for the biogenesis of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) which function in pre-mRNA splicing. CBs associate non-randomly with U1 and U2 gene loci, which produce the small nuclear RNA (snRNA) component of the respective snRNP. Despite recognition as the CB marker protein, coilin is primarily nucleoplasmic, and the function of this fraction is not fully characterized. Here we show that coilin binds double stranded DNA and has RNase activity in vitro. U1 and U2 snRNAs undergo a processing event of the primary transcript prior to incorporation in the snRNP. We find that coilin displays RNase activity within the CU region of the U2 snRNA primary transcript in vitro, and that coilin knockdown results in accumulation of the 3ā€² pre-processed U1 and U2 snRNA. These findings present new characteristics of coilin in vitro, and suggest additional functions of the protein in vivo

    Factors Associated with Asthma Self-Management in African American Adolescents

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    Few studies have focused on asthma self-management in African American adolescents, a group with high rates of the disease. This study examined factors associated with asthma self-management in 133 African Americans aged 14-16 years including gender, asthma impairment, prior asthma education, cognitive and emotional illness representations. Twenty-five percent of the variance in asthma self-management was explained by having attended an asthma education program, perceiving more asthma consequences (illness consequences), and reporting greater understanding of asthma as an illness (illness coherence). Findings suggest that these variables may be important targets of interventions to improve asthma self-management in African American middle adolescents

    Purified coilin cleaves U2 RNA transcript.

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    <p><i>A</i>, Diagram of U2 gene repeat region including snRNA coding region and extending āˆ¼630 bp beyond. Primers used for qRT-PCR are denoted; forward primers above and reverse primers below diagram. <i>B</i>, Diagram of protocol for incubations and subsequent analysis of U2 RNA via qRT-PCR. <i>C</i>, graph of relative U2 RNA qRT-PCR product amount following incubation with purified electro-eluted coilin. Values represent fold change of product levels following coilin incubation, normalized to GST incubation set at 1. Error bars represent 1 standard deviation of fold change, nā€Š=ā€Š9. Statistical analysis performed using a paired Student's Ttest of GST incubated and coilin incubated Ct values. * denotes p<0.03, ** denotes p<0.0005.</p

    Purified coilin has RNase activity in its N terminal region.

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    <p>All reactions, unless indicated, contain either 25 or 100 ng purified electro-eluted protein (left to right) and 500 ng HeLa RNA. After incubation, reactions were loaded into 1% agarose gels containing ethidium bromide. 28S and 18S ribosomal RNA bands are denoted. A control reaction containing RNA but not protein is shown in lane 1 of each panel. Negative control proteins are GST and GST-pirin. <i>A</i>, negative controls GST and GST-pirin. <i>B</i>, coilin wt. <i>C</i>, negative control, GST; coilin constructs GST-N362 and coilin P. <i>D</i>, coilin C terminal constructs. <i>E</i>, <i>D. melanogaster</i> (fly) coilin. <i>F</i>, incubations of 250 ng coilin wt and/or RNase A/T1 cocktail (2.5 pg RNase A and 0.075 pg RNase T1) with 500 ng HeLa RNA with or without 0.1 units RNase inhibitor; + or āˆ’ signs denote presence or absence of the component listed to the left in each reaction.</p

    Protein constructs and purification to homogeneity by electro-elution.

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    <p><i>A</i>, Schematic of full length human coilin with line diagrams of bacterially expressed constructs below. RG box denotes the 4 Arg-Gly repeat at amino acids 413ā€“420. Construct names are listed to the left and theoretical iso-electric points with and without GST tag are to the right of each construct line diagram. Diamonds represent mutations to Asp or Glu, mimicking phosphorylation by addition of negative charge. Circles represent mutations of the 4 Arg in the RG box to Gly. <i>B</i>, Coomassie stained SDS PAGE with samples from bacterially expressed proteins purified to homogeneity by electro-elution. <i>C</i>, Coomassie stained SDS PAGE with samples from a control BL-21 purification or bacterially expressed fly coilin protein purified to homogeneity by electro-elution.</p

    Coilin knockdown results in accumulation of primary U snRNA transcripts.

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    <p><i>A</i>, relative U snRNA levels in HeLa cells following coilin knockdown. Error bars represent 1 standard deviation of fold change, nā€Š=ā€Š9. Statistical analysis performed using a paired Student's Ttest of the change in Ct relative to GAPDH between control and coilin knockdown RNA. * denotes p<0.04. <i>C</i>, diagrams of U snRNA genes with locations of primers used for qRT-PCR analysis noted.</p

    Purified coilin binds DNA.

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    <p>All reactions contain purified electro-eluted protein and 13 ng DNA. After incubation, reactions were loaded into 1% agarose gels containing ethidium bromide. The location of the approximately 3000 bp unbound DNA is indicated. Lane 1 for each gel represents control reactions without protein. <i>A</i>, negative control GST; Lane 2, 0.22 Āµg; Lane 3, 2.2 Āµg. <i>B</i>, negative control GST-pirin; Lane 2, 0.2 Āµg; Lane 3, 2 Āµg. <i>C</i>, coilin wt; Lane 2, 0.13 Āµg; Lane 3, 0.5 Āµg. <i>D</i>, RNase treated coilin wt; Lanes 2ā€“6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 Āµg. <i>E</i>, negative control GST, 0.29 Āµg; coilin construct GST-N362, 0.29 Āµg; coilin P construct, 0.29 Āµg. <i>F</i>, GST-C214, GST-C214 P and GST-C214mtRG; Lanes 2ā€“3, 0.29 and 0.57 Āµg; Lanes 4ā€“5, 0.29 and 0.57 Āµg; Lanes 6ā€“7, 0.2 and 2 Āµg. <i>G</i>, <i>D. melanogaster</i> coilin either untreated or pre-treated with RNase A/T1; Lane 2, 0.19 Āµg untreated protein; Lane 3, 0.19 Āµg RNase treated; Lane 4, 0.19 untreated protein alone; line is drawn to highlight the slight DNA mobility shift. Arrows in <i>C</i>, <i>D</i>, and <i>G</i> indicate the location of a distinct protein/DNA complex, resulting in slower migration than unbound DNA. Asterisk (*) under lanes denotes protein amount included in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0036300#pone-0036300-t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a> for DNA binding.</p

    Summary of RNase and nucleic acid binding activity of purified proteins.

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    a<p>Protein amounts determined by comparative densitometric analysis of Coomassie stained bands in SDS-PAGE gel to a known protein gradient. Nucleic acid amounts determined by spectrophotometric analysis.</p>b<p>ā€œāˆ’ā€ denotes little or no activity up to 0.1 Āµg protein; ā€œ+ā€ denotes clearly visible RNA degradation at 0.1 Āµg protein; ā€œ+ +ā€ denotes the most RNA degradation of all proteins.</p>c<p>ā€œnoneā€ denotes that with the highest protein amount tested (in brackets), none of the DNA was visibly shifted; ā€œPartialā€ denotes either the DNA band was visibly more diffuse as compared to the control lanes, or that a distinct band was seen in reactions with protein migrating slower than the unbound DNA; ā€œCompleteā€ denotes that in reactions with the specified amount of protein, no band was seen migrating at the location of the band in the control reaction.</p>d<p>Volumes listed are those seen in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0036300#pone-0036300-g001" target="_blank">Figure 1</a> (6 L fly coilin culture was used in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0036300#pone-0036300-g001" target="_blank">Figure 1</a>). For GST, the latter volume was used in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0036300#pone.0036300.s003" target="_blank">Figure S3</a>.</p

    Coilin purified by electro-elution contains DNA and RNA.

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    <p><i>A</i>, 500 ng electro-eluted coilin wt; arrows 1ā€“5 denote distinct nucleic acid species. <i>B</i>, 500 ng electro-eluted coilin wt either DNase I or RNase A/T1 treated for 30 m at 37Ā°C. DNase treated lane contains only RNA species indicated by arrows 3 and 4. RNase treated lanes contains only DNA species indicated by arrows 1 and 5. <i>C</i>, 500 ng electro-eluted coilin wt after 10 days at 4Ā°C.</p

    Phosphorylation regulates coilin activity and RNA association

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    Summary The Cajal body (CB) is a domain of concentrated components found within the nucleus of cells in an array of species that is functionally important for the biogenesis of telomerase and small nuclear ribonucleoproteins. The CB is a dynamic structure whose number and size change during the cell cycle and is associated with other nuclear structures and gene loci. Coilin, also known as the marker protein for the CB, is a phosphoprotein widely accepted for its role in maintaining CB integrity. Recent studies have been done to further elucidate functional activities of coilin apart from its structural role in the CB in an attempt to explore the rationale for coilin expression in cells that have few CBs or lack them altogether. Here we show that the RNA association profile of coilin changes in mitosis with respect to that during interphase. We provide evidence of transcriptional and/or processing dysregulation of several CB-related RNA transcripts as a result of ectopic expression of both wild-type and phosphomutant coilin proteins. We also show apparent changes in transcription and/or processing of these transcripts upon coilin knockdown in both transformed and primary cell lines. Additionally, we provide evidence of specific coilin RNase activity regulation, on both U2 and hTR transcripts, by phosphorylation of a single residue, serine 489. Collectively, these results point to additional functions for coilin that are regulated by phosphorylation