36 research outputs found

    HERV-K(HML-2), the best preserved family of HERVs: endogenization, expression, and implications in health and disease

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    Retroviruses that have the ability to infect germ line cells can become an integral and inherited part of the host genome. About 8% of the human chromosomal DNA consists of sequences derived from infections by retroviruses that presumably circulated 2–40 millions of years ago, and some elements are actually much older. Post-insertional recombinations, deletions, and mutations have rendered all known human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) non-infectious. However some, particularly the most recently acquired proviruses of the HERV-K(HML-2) family, can expresses viral proteins and produce viral particles. In this review we will first discuss the major aspects of the endogenization process and peculiarities of the different HERV-K families. We will then focus on the genes and proteins encoded by HERV-K(HML-2) as well as inactivation of these proviruses by postinsertional mutations and their inhibition by antiretroviral factors. After describing the evolutionary interplay between host and endogenous retrovirus we will delve deeper into the currently limited understanding of HERV-K and its possible association with disease, particularly tumorigenesis

    Identification of late assembly domains of the human endogenous retrovirus-K(HML-2)

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    Background: Late assembly (L)-domains are protein interaction motifs, whose dysfunction causes characteristic budding defects in enveloped viruses. Three different amino acid motifs, namely PT/SAP, PPXY and YPXnL have been shown to play a major role in the release of exogenous retroviruses. Although the L-domains of exogenous retroviruses have been studied comprehensively, little is known about these motifs in endogenous human retroviruses. Results: Using a molecular clone of the human endogenous retrovirus K113 that had been engineered to reverse the presumed non-synonymous postinsertional mutations in the major genes, we identified three functional L-domains of the virus, all located in the Gag p15 protein. A consensus PTAP tetrapeptide serves as the core of a main L-domain for the virus and its inactivation reduces virus release in HEK 293T cells by over 80%. Electron microscopy of cells expressing the PTAP mutant revealed predominantly late budding structures and budding chains at the plasma membrane. The fact that this motif determines subcellular colocalization with Tsg101, an ESCRT-I complex protein known to bind to the core tetrapeptide, supports its role as an L-domain. Moreover, two YPXnL motifs providing additional L-domain function were identified in the p15 protein. One is adjacent to the PTAP sequence and the other is in the p15 N-terminus. Mutations in either motif diminishes virus release and induces an L-domain phenotype while inactivation of all three L-domains results in a complete loss of particle release in HEK 293T cells. The flexibility of the virus in the use of L-domains for gaining access to the ESCRT machinery is demonstrated by overexpression of Tsg101 which rescues the release of the YPXnL mutants. Similarly, overexpression of Alix not only enhances release of the PTAP mutant by a factor of four but also the release of a triple mutant, indicating that additional cryptic YPXnL domains with a low affinity for Alix may be present. No L-domain activity is provided by the proline-rich peptides at the Gag C-terminus. Conclusions: Our data demonstrate that HERV-K(HML-2) release is predominantly mediated through a consensus PTAP motif and two auxiliary YPXnL motifs in the p15 protein of the Gag precursor

    Digitale alltagsintegrierte Förderdiagnostik mit DAF-L. Ein Ansatz für nachhaltige Diagnostik und Förderung?

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    Im BMBF-Verbundprojekt „Digitale alltagsintegrierte Förderdiagnostik – Lesen in der inklusiven Bildung“ (DaF-L) werden ein digitales adaptives Lesescreening und darauf abgestimmte Lesepakete zur Förderung für den inklusiven Unterricht in dritten Grundschulklassen entwickelt. Die Lesepakete enthalten unterrichtliche Fördereinheiten auf drei Niveaustufen und werden im Kontrollgruppendesign auf ihre Wirksamkeit hin überprüft. Das Lesescreening und die Lesepakete sollen als Open Educational Resource auf der Onlineplattform Levumi (https://www.levumi.de/) als Gesamtpaket für Lehrkräfte in inklusiven Grundschulen zur Verfügung stehen. In diesem Beitrag wird beschrieben, wie im Teilprojekt „Expertenbefragungen“ eine möglichst hohe Nachhaltigkeit des Lesescreenings und der Förderbausteine gesichert werden kann. Dazu werden erste Einblicke aus der Begleitstudie vorgestellt. (DIPF/Orig.

    Transmitted drug resistance and subtype patterns of viruses from reported new HIV diagnoses in Germany, 2017–2020

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    Background The transmission of resistant HIV variants jeopardizes the effective use of antiretrovirals for therapy and prophylaxis. Molecular surveillance of new HIV diagnoses with a focus on prevalence and type of resistance associated mutations and the subtype of circulating viruses is mandatory. Method From 2017 to 2020, 11,527 new HIV diagnoses were reported in Germany to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). Protease (PR) and reverse-transcriptase (RT) sequences were obtained from 4559 (39.6%) cases, and PR, RT and integrase (IN) sequences were obtained from 3097 (26.9%) cases. The sequences were analyzed with data from the national HIV reports. Results Among all cases in the analysis, the proportion of primary resistance was 4.3% for nucleoside reverse- transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs), 9.2% for non-NRTI (NNRTIs), 3.3% for protease inhibitors (PIs) and 1.4% for integrase inhibitors (INIs). Dual-class resistance was highest for NRTIs/NNRTIs with 1.2%. There was no trend in the proportion of viruses resistant to drug classes. Most individual key mutations associated with relevant resistance had a prevalence below 1% including K65R (0.1%) and M184V (0.6%). A notable exception was K103NS, with a prevalence of 2.9% and a significant increase (pTrend=0.024) during 2017–2020. In this period, diagnoses of infections with HIV-1 subtype B were the most common at 58.7%, but its prevalence was declining (pTrend=0.049) while the frequency of minority subtypes (each < 1%) increased (pTrend=0.007). Subtype B was highest (75.6%) in men who have sex with men (MSM) and lowest in reported heterosexual transmissions (HETs, 22.6%). Conclusion The percentage of primary resistance was high but at a stable level. A genotypic determination of resistance is therefore still required before the start of therapy. The subtype diversity of circulating HIV-1 is increasing.Peer Reviewe

    Einfluss des Kriegs in der Ukraine auf gemeldete HIV-Neudiagnosen in Deutschland

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    Die HIV-Prävalenz in der Ukraine wurde im Jahr 2019 bezogen auf die Gesamtbevölkerung auf 0,9 – 1,0 % geschätzt, wobei die Prävalenz in bestimmten vulnerablen Gruppen deutlich höher liegen dürfte. Durch den Angriffskrieg Russlands auf die Ukraine mussten viele Menschen ihre Heimat verlassen. Im Rahmen der gesetzlichen HIV-Meldepflicht gemäß § 7 Abs. 3 IfSG sind alle HIV-Diagnosen in Deutschland meldepflichtig, einschließlich der Diagnosen von Personen, die von ihrer HIV-Infektion bereits wissen und erstmals nach Deutschland kommen. Im vorliegenden Bericht wird der Einfluss des Ukrainekriegs auf die deutschen HIV-Meldungen charakterisiert und diskutiert

    The impact of regional socioeconomic deprivation on the timing of HIV diagnosis: a cross-sectional study in Germany

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    Background: HIV infections which are diagnosed at advanced stages are associated with significantly poorer health outcomes. In Germany, the proportion of persons living with HIV who are diagnosed at later stages has remained continuously high. This study examined the impact of regional socioeconomic deprivation on the timing of HIV diagnosis. Methods: We used data from the national statutory notification of newly diagnosed HIV infections between 2011 and 2018 with further information on the timing of diagnosis determined by the BED-Capture-ELISA test (BED-CEIA) and diagnosing physicians. Data on regional socioeconomic deprivation were derived from the German Index of Socioeconomic Deprivation (GISD). Outcome measures were a non-recent infection based on the BED-CEIA result or an infection at the stage of AIDS. The effect of socioeconomic deprivation on the timing of diagnosis was analysed using multivariable Poisson regression models with cluster-robust error variance. Results: Overall, 67.5% (n = 10,810) of the persons were diagnosed with a non-recent infection and 15.2% (n = 2746) with AIDS. The proportions were higher among persons with heterosexual contact compared to men who have sex with men (MSM) (76.8% non-recent and 14.9% AIDS vs. 61.7% non-recent and 11.4% AIDS). MSM living in highly deprived regions in the countryside (< 100 k residents) were more likely to have a non-recent infection (aPR: 1.16, 95% CI: 1.05–1.28) as well as AIDS (aPR: 1.41, 95% CI: 1.08–1.85) at the time of diagnosis compared to MSM in less deprived regions in the countryside. No differences were observed among MSM from towns (100 k ≤ 1 million residents) or major cities (≥ 1 million residents), and no differences overall in the heterosexual transmission group. Conclusions: An effect of socioeconomic deprivation on the timing of HIV diagnosis was found only in MSM from countryside regions. We suggest that efforts in promoting HIV awareness and regular HIV testing are increased for heterosexual persons irrespective of socioeconomic background, and for MSM with a focus on those living in deprived regions in the countryside.Peer Reviewe

    HIV-Studien und HIV-Projekte am Robert Koch-Institut

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    Neben der gesetzlich geregelten Surveillance von HIV-Neudiagnosen in Deutschland erfolgt am RKI auch die Durchführung verschiedener Studienprojekte, die im Epidemiologischen Bulletin 49/2019 vorgestellt werden. Das Rückgrat der erweiterten HIV-Surveillance in Deutschland bilden vier Studien: das Monitoring rezenter HIV-Infektionen in Deutschland (InzSurv-HIV), die Molekulare Surveillance von HIV-Neudiagnosen (MolSurv-HIV), die HIV-1 Serokonverterstudie und die Klinische Surveillance der HIV-Erkrankung (ClinSurv-HIV). Bei InzSurv-HIV und MolSurv-HIV werden Proben von Patienten untersucht, die gerade neu diagnostiziert wurden. Bei der HIV-1 Serokonverterstudie und bei ClinSurv-HIV handelt es sich um Kohortenstudien. Ergänzend dazu wird am RKI auch das AIDS-Fallregister betrieben, in dem seit 1982 auf freiwilliger Basis anonym durch die behandelnden Ärzte berichtete AIDS-Erkrankungsfälle und -Todesfälle in Deutschland zusammengetragen und ausgewertet werden

    LRRK2 Biology from structure to dysfunction: research progresses, but the themes remain the same

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    Since the discovery of leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) as a protein that is likely central to the aetiology of Parkinson's disease, a considerable amount of work has gone into uncovering its basic cellular function. This effort has led to the implication of LRRK2 in a bewildering range of cell biological processes and pathways, and probable roles in a number of seemingly unrelated medical conditions. In this review we summarise current knowledge of the basic biochemistry and cellular function of LRRK2. Topics covered include the identification of phosphorylation substrates of LRRK2 kinase activity, in particular Rab proteins, and advances in understanding the activation of LRRK2 kinase activity via dimerisation and association with membranes, especially via interaction with Rab29. We also discuss biochemical studies that shed light on the complex LRRK2 GTPase activity, evidence of roles for LRRK2 in a range of cell signalling pathways that are likely cell type specific, and studies linking LRRK2 to the cell biology of organelles. The latter includes the involvement of LRRK2 in autophagy, endocytosis, and processes at the trans-Golgi network, the endoplasmic reticulum and also key microtubule-based cellular structures. We further propose a mechanism linking LRRK2 dimerisation, GTPase function and membrane recruitment with LRRK2 kinase activation by Rab29. Together these data paint a picture of a research field that in many ways is moving forward with great momentum, but in other ways has not changed fundamentally. Many key advances have been made, but very often they seem to lead back to the same places

    Measurement of the charge asymmetry in top-quark pair production in the lepton-plus-jets final state in pp collision data at s=8TeV\sqrt{s}=8\,\mathrm TeV{} with the ATLAS detector

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