14 research outputs found

    Esensi Pendidikan Islam DItinjau Dari Pendekatan Multikultural

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    Pemikiran Riffat Hasan Tentang Feminisme dan Implikasinya terhadap Transformasi Sosial Islam

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    Riffat's thought of feminism's discourse and Islamic social transformation since long time has been recognized as crucial manner within talking about feminism's position was simlistic. Riffat focused the cases on “the theology” as the root of feminism's discrimination. Thus, be noted that Islamic social transformation (feminism's cases) absolutely should be done on merely theology's reconstruction. The main goal of research is to describe the thought of Islamic social transformation and it's thought's relevancy toward Indonesia discourse in the context. The research is done on searching the need data, even primer, seconder, or tertiarer with the method of data analysis as follows: Data reduction, data display and conclusion. The mean of feminism is a consciousness toward unfair gender of female at household or society and the conscious endeavor done by male or female to change such condition. Mean of Islamic social transformation is the reconstructed thought within mixing aqidah-syara-muamalah, teology-science-action, and theory of act's methodology which takes side the dhu'afa (the weak) and mustadl'afien (the weaken by) such as female

    Kajian Islam Tentang Demokrasi Pendidikan

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    Blended Learning in Islam Ulil Albab Course and Its Contribution To Enhance Students’ Piety

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    Conventional face-to-face or offline learning is considered outdated for students in today's digital era. However, online learning, which is considered new and meets nowadays learning, still lacks practice. This research is aimed to provide a solution for combining online and offline teaching; at the same time, to offer an approach to develop students’ piety. The proposed innovation is to apply blended learning. This method emphasizes students’ active roles in their learning. Digital devices used include YouTube, Google Classroom, and Interactive Mentimeter. The methods used in this research were classroom action research and literature studies. The learning model used was flipped Classroom; offline meetings used textbooks, and online lectures used online videos. The main objective is to link blended learning media with the development of piety among the Chemical Analysis department students. The results indicate that collaborative and contextual learning meet students’ needs in developing piety. In conclusion, blended learning also helps students to formulate their contributions to Islamic civilization in the future

    Islamic Education Laboratory in Blended Learning Perspective

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    Abstract. This study aims to develop a discourse related to the position of the Islamic Education laboratory. The development of the Islamic Education laboratory was carried out to adapt to the development of the era. Blended learning becomes a relevant era and perspective to become the basis for developing Islamic Education laboratories. Based on the discourse analysis, it is concluded that Islamic education laboratory can be designed by combining conventional media and digital platforms, Islamic education laboratory are equipped with various learning resources that are multi-perspective and multi-disciplinary, and Islamic education laboratory can be integrated by optimizing various sources and learning media in the Muslim community or community. Keywords: Islamic Education; Laboratory; Blended learnin