88 research outputs found

    Cognitive Restructuring dan Deep Breathing untuk Pengendalian Kecemasan pada Penderita Fobia Sosial

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    Fobia sosial adalah salah satu metal illness yang dihadapi oleh banyak orang dewasa dan terutama pada remaja yang masih mengalami Perubahan baik pada fisiknya maupun Perubahan secara psikologis. Fobia sosial terjadi karena individu mengalami kecemasan terhadap lingkungan sosialnya. Hal tersebut disebabkan adanya penyimpangan cara berfikir atau kognisi individu. Terapis dalam menangani klien individu dengan kecemasan, dapat menggunakan beberapa metode, salah satunya metode cognitive restructuring (CR) dan teknik deep breathing.Klien dengan fobia sosial diberikan treatment oleh terapis untuk mengatasi kecemasan dan pikiran negatif terhadap lingkungan sosialnya. Dengan menggunakan metode cognitive restructuring (CR), klien dibantu untuk menstruktur ulang kognisinya yang terbiasa untuk berpikir dengan mindset negatif dan menyebabkan rasa cemas terhadap lingkungan sosialnya. Adapun teknik deep breathing, digunakan untuk melancarkan pernapasan klien ketika mengalami kecemasan. Ketika individu mengalami fobia sosial, kecemasan yang dialami klien dapat mengakibatkan kesulitan bernafas. Dengan melakukan teknik deep breathing, klien dapat merasa lebih rileks dan dapat berpikir dengan lebih jernih untuk dapat meghilangkan pikiran-pikiran negatinya

    Pengaruh Kompetensi Pengelola Keuangan dan Sistem Akuntansi Keuangan Daerah terhadap Kualitas Laporan Keuangan

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of financial management competence andlocal finance accounting system on the quality of financial report at SKPD of the province ofSoutheast Sulawesi.The study used primary data garthered using a questionnaire.Respondents of the study ware structural officials and apparatus which run accountingfunction or financial management in 41 SKPD in the province of Southeast Sulawesi.Variables of the study included competence in financial management and the accountingsystem of local finace, which were independent variables, and the quality of financial reportsas dependent variable.Data analysis used a method of multiple regression statistical analysis using the SPSSversion 22 software, which were explained using descriptive statistics and inferentialstatistics. Result of hypothesis testing showed that the competence of financial managementand the accounting system of local finance have positive and significant effect on the qualityof financial reports written by the provincial government of Southeast Sulawesi, eitherpartially or simultaneously. It means that the better the competence of financial managementand the accounting system of local finance, the better the quality of financial reports that areproduced

    Analisis Penerapan Kebijakan Total Productive Maintenance pada Proses Produksi Transformer (Studi Kasus : PT. Nikkatsu Electric Works)

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    PT. Nikkatsu Electric Works is a company of manufactures that the product is an electrical equipment and energy saving lamps. At the company there is no exact methode to measure the effectiveness of the machines on the production process of transformers, it's make the production process not optimal and impact on not achieving the target production company and need to identify the factors that influence the effectiveness of the machine and analysis of maintenance activities that can be input to the implementation of the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) for the company. The purpose of this research to measure the level of effectiveness of the total equipment in the production process of transformers, determine factors which is causing the value of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is low by identifying damages / losses that occur and give proposed improvement for the implementation of TPM. The result calculation of Overall Equipment Effectiveness ( OEE ) for winding machine period July 2012 - June 2013 had a value of Overall Equipment Effectiveness ( OEE ) ranged from ,80% - 81,19% that is where the value is still below the standard value of Overall Equipment Effectiveness ( OEE ) world class 85 % and the six big losses calculation results obtained : reduced speed loss 42,50%, breakdown loss 21,90%, setup and adjustment 20,20%, quality defect loss 8,67%, idle and minor stoppage loss 6,73%. With calculating the effectiveness of the equipment using the Total Productive Maintenance ( TPM ) which is the calculation formula is Overall Equipment Effectiveness ( OEE ) the company will know if the machine has working effectively or not with Total Productive Maintenance ( TPM ) and be expectedy to increase the effectiveness of equipment that can eliminate large losses for the company, that called as Six Big losses , so it's make getting closer to the main goal of TPM that is zero breakdown

    Analisis Sistem Pencahayaan di Ruang Sipil/sarana dengan Sni Nomor 03-6575-2001 Tentang Perancangan Sistem Pencahayaan Buatan PT X Gresik

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    Intensityilluminationforoffice activityless than according to SNI 03-6575-2001 number 350 lux.Indoor lighting, especially in the workplace that does not meet certain requirements can worsen vision.Less of lighting will cause eyestrain which will then be lowered productivity.This study aimed to analyze the implementation of artificial lighting system and analyzes the factors that influence the artificial lighting system based SNI 03-6575-2001 numbers in the civil / PT X Gresik means.This research is a descriptive qualitative in-depth interviews.The subjects of this research were two people as the main informants and 2 as an informant triangulation.Supporting data used to use observation guidelines in the form.The results showed key informants in plan of lighting system using SNI energy conservation but based SNI 03-6575-2001 numbers do not meet the 66.7% standard rate.Factors that led to the implementation of less than standard lighting systems is the influence of power requirements, light requirements, armature or house lights are used, reflectance, average lighting level, color rendering, the window is not in accordance with the standard rate.Never been given training in planning lighting systems by PT X Gresik and evaluation and monitoring conducted K3, and Sipil, Enjinering.PT X need to provide training planning a lighting system to the main informant to improve the ability of planning a lighting system and making employment contracts K3 involvement in the planning, implementation, evaluation and monitoring

    Hubungan antara Beban Kerja Mental dengan Stres Kerja Dosen di suatu Fakultas

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    Universities are the main pillar in the education system that is as a supporter of qualified human resources (HR). Therefore, lecturers are important components that determine whether a higher education is developed in academics or not. The number of demands and responsibilities that the lecturers should take, plus the environmental conditions and other triggering factors if the lecturers cannot adapt themselves then this will give pressure to the lecturers which will cause stress. The purpose of this research is to know the existence of the relation between mental workload and work stress of lecturers at Faculty, X University. This research used Cross Sectional design. The population is the lecturers in Faculty X, X University in Semarang. The sample taking was done by total sampling technique, the sample in the research was 50 respondents. The independent variable is mental workload and the dependent variable is work stress. Data were collected by using a General Health Questationary (GHQ) -12 questionnaire to measure the work stress, while to measure the mental workload, it used questionnaires referring to NASA-TLX. The data obtained were analyzed by using Product Moment Pearson statistic test with the significance level of p = 0,05. The results showed that there is a relation between workload and work stress (ρ value: 0.25). The researcher suggested the Faculty to do mapping for lecturers' workload in order to make it more structured

    Pengaruh Manajemen Modal Kerja terhadap Profitabilitas Perusahaan Non Keuangan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini mempelajari pengaruh manajemen modal kerja terhadap profitabilitas Perusahaan non keuangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Variabel yang digunakan untuk mengukur manajemen modal kerja adalah cash conversion cycle, gross working capital turnover ratio, current assets to total assets ratio, current liabilities to total assets ratio, dan current ratio, sedangkan profitabilitas diukur dengan return on assets dan return on equity. Perusahaan yang diteliti sebanyak 139 Perusahaan non keuangan untuk seluruh sektor, kemudian dianalisis lagi untuk masing-masing sektor yaitu sektor utama (industri penghasil bahan baku), sektor kedua (industri manufaktur), dan sektor ketiga (industri jasa), dengan periode penelitian tahun 2011-2013. Dengan menggunakan analisis regresi berganda, hasil yang diperoleh adalah manajemen modal kerja tidak mempunyai pengaruh terhadap profitabilitas Perusahaan non keuangan untuk seluruh sektor. Pengaruhnya terjadi hanya pada sektor utama (industri penghasil bahan baku). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa manajemen modal kerja bukan merupakan penentu bagi peningkatan profitabilitas Perusahaan. Manajemen modal kerja belum dikelola secara efektif dan efisien untuk menciptakan penjualan sehingga menghasilkan keuntungan bagi Perusahaan