1,306 research outputs found

    Frequency reconfigurable patch antenna for 4G LTE applications

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    A compact printed multi-band frequency reconfigurable patch antenna for 4G LTE applications is presented in this paper (50 x 60 x 1.6 mm3). The antenna consists of W-shaped and Inverted-U shaped patch lines connected in a Tree-shape on the front side of the antenna. The back-side of the antenna contains a 90°-tilted T-shaped strip connected with an Inverted-L shaped strip which is shorted with a patch on the front side for increasing the electrical length to cover lower frequency bands. Frequency reconfigurability is achieved by inserting three switches i.e., PIN diodes. The most critical part of this work is the designing of RLC-based DC line circuits for providing the DC biasing to the PIN diodes used as switches and inserting them at optimum locations. This antenna is reconfigurable among eight different 4G LTE frequency bands including 0.9 GHz, 1.4 GHz, 1.5 GHz, 1.6 GHz, 1.7 GHz, 1.8 GHz, 2.6 GHz, 3.5 GHz and WLAN band 2.5 GHz. The antenna exhibits different radiation patterns having a different direction of peak gain at different frequencies and for different switching combinations. The antenna is simulated with CST, and a prototype is fabricated to compare the measured and simulated results with good accuracy

    Kajian Geologi Dalam Perencanaan Bendungan: Studi Kasus Bendungan Kerekeh

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    Wilayah Sungai Sumbawa merupakan salah satu wilayah sungai yang kekurangan sumber air akibat memiliki iklim kering dan curah hujannya rendah setiap tahunnya. Bendungan Kerekeh direncanakan untuk mereduksi banjir, pengembangan irigasi dan air baku di Kabupaten Sumbawa. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi Litologi, Kondisi Batuan Pondasi, Pengaruh Struktur Geologi, dan Kondisi Geologi Teknik Daerah Genangan Rencana Bendungan Kerekeh. Untuk mendapatkan data teknis mengenai kondisi geologi pada lokasi rencana Bendungan Kerekeh maka dilakukan pemetaan geologi, pengeboran inti, grouting test, pengambilan sampel dan pengujian laboratorium. Lokasi Rencana Bendungan Kerekeh tersusun atas beberapa macam litologi atau satuan batuan yaitu, Satuan perselingan batupasir, batulanau dan batulempung, Satuan Breksi Vulkanik, Satuan Andesit, Endapan Koluvial, Endapan teras, dan Endapan Sungai. Struktur Geologi Pada Lokasi Rencana Bendungan Kerekeh adalah kekar gerus dan kekar Tarik, Lipatan, dan Sesar minor. Keberadaan struktur menyebabkan permebilitas sekunder dan  mengurangi stabilitas massa batuan pondasi rencana bendungan Kerekeh. Batuan Pondasi Rencana As Tubuh Bendungan Kerekeh pada palung sungai hingga sandaran kanan bendungan direncanakan akan bertumpu pada satuan perselingan batu pasir, batu lanau dan batu lempung merupakan Batuan sedimen Miosen dengan klasifikasi CM dan pada sandaran kiri bendungan akan bertumpu pada batu  breksi merupakan Batuan volkanik kuarter dengan klasifikasi CL. Di daerah area tapak bendungan dan genangan tidak ditemukan tanda-tanda gerakan tanah/longsoran berskala besar. Potensi suplai sedimen yang besar berasal dari daerah tangkapan bendungan kerekeh yang merupakan lereng gunung api. Kata kunci: Bendungan, Geologi Teknik, Pondasi Bendungan, Litologi,  Struktur Geologi Abstract [Geological Studies in Dam Planning : Kerekeh Dam Study Case] Sumbawa River Region is one of water deficit river region due to dry climate and scant rainfall annually. Kerekeh Dam is planned to reduce flooding, develop irrigation and raw water supply in Sumbawa Regency. The research objectives were to identify the lithology, geotechnical condition, the effect of Geological Structure, and the Engineering Geological Conditions of the Kerekeh Dam reservoir area. To obtain technical data of geological conditions at the location of the Kerekeh Dam plan, geological mapping, core drilling, grouting tests, sampling and laboratory testing were carried out. There are several types of lithology or rock units in Kerekeh Dam, namely, Intercalation of sandstones, siltstone and claystone unit, Volcanic Breccia Unit, Andesite Unit, Colluvial Deposits, Terrace Deposits, and River Deposits. There are several geological structure at Kerekeh Dam, they are shear joint and tensile joint, drag folds, and minor faults. Geological structure presence causes secondary permeability and reduces the stability of the rock mass at the foundation of the Kerekeh Dam. Kerekeh Dam  foundation on the riverbed to the right abutment is planned to rest on Intercalation of sandstone, siltstone and claystone unit which is Miocene sedimentary rock with CM classification and on the left abutment will rest on breccia which is a Quaternary volcanic rock with CL classification. In the dam reservoir area there were no indication of large-scale landslides. But, the potential for large sediment supply comes from the Kerekeh dam catchment area which is slopes of a volcano. Keywords: Dam, Engineering Geology, Dam Foundation, Lithology, Geological Structures

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Pembentuk Kinerja (Rgec) pada Perbankan Indonesia: (Studi Kasus pada Bank yang Terdaftar di Bei Periode 2010-2013)

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the major factors that forming the performance of the banks in Indonesia based on Risk Profile, Good Corporate Governance, Earnings, and Capital (RGEC) financial ratios. Variables used in this research are financial ratio that make up the RGEC model on bank performance consists of Net Performing Loan (NPL), Interest Expense Ratio (IER),Loan to Deposit ratio (LDR), Loan to Asset Ratio (LAR), and Cash Ratio(CR) as Risk Profile aspect, self-assessment bank rating is an aspect of Good Corporate Governance, Gross ProfitMargin (GPM), Gross Yield on Total Assets (GOTA), Net Interest Margin (NIM), Net ProfitMargin (NPM), Profit Margin (PM),Return on Equity (ROE), Return on Assets (ROA), Return onTotal Assets (ROTA), and Beban Operasional per Pendapatan Operasioanal (BOPO) as Earnings aspect, and then Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Deposit Risk Ratio (DRR), Primary Ratio (PR), and Risk Assets Ratio (RAR) as Capital aspect.The population in this research are all banking companies listed on the Indonesian StockExchange in 2010-2013. The sampling method used in this research was purposive sampling method with the specified criteria, listed for 4 years and have no delisted during the period, whichbring out 124 sample. Data collection method used in this research is documentation study usingannual reports of each banking between 2010-2013. Factors analysis was used as a method of data analysis in this researchThe result of analysis showed that from 19 ratio, there are 18 significant ratio as formingthe ratio of bank performance, and 13 of them are the permanent factors that forming the banks performance. That thirteen ratio are PM, ROE, ROTA, ROA, NPM, BOPO, PR, RAR, CAR, DRR, NPL, CR and GCG. There is only 1 ratio which is not significant forming the Indonesian banking performance, and it\u27s LAR

    Aplikasi Multimedia Interaktif Pembelajaran Ipauntuk Sekolah Dasar Kelas VI

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    Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi yang semakin pesat sekarang ini, komputer multimedia mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting dalam bidang pendidikan. Ini terbukti dengan adanya produksi aplikasi multimedia dalam bentuk CD pembelajaran yang telah banyak beredar di pasaran saat ini. CD pembelajaran sendiri ada banyak macam, baik yang bersifat interaktif dan non-interaktif. Untuk CD pembelajaran yang dibuat untuk anak SD, mereka akan cenderung lebih menggemari aplikasi yang bersifat interaktif karena bagi mereka dengan aplikasi tersebut akan lebih menarik dan efektif untuk dipelajari. Hal inilah yang mendorong untuk diproduksinya aplikasi multimedia pembelajaran yang bersifat interaktif. Dalam jurnal ini kita akan membahas pembuatan aplikasi multimedia interaktif yang ditujukan untuk membantu penyampaian materi IPA untuk kelas VI Sekolah Dasar

    Analisis Investasi Saham Subsektor Properti Dan Real Estate Di Indonesia

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    Dalam dua tahun terakhir, pergerakan indeks harga saham sektor properti menunjukkan pergerakan paling fluktuatif dibandingkan dengan sektor lain di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Hal ini juga terlihat dari pergerakan harga saham dari emiten subsektor properti dan real estate. Empat belas dari tujuh belas emiten yang listing sejak awal tahun 2009 mengalami penurunan harga saham cukup tajam pada kuartal III tahun 2013, setelah sebelumnya mengalami kenaikan. Kondisi ini menunjukkan tingginya risiko dalam investasi saham subsektor properti dan real estate. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis tingkat kewajaran harga saham dengan pendekatan Price Earning Ratio (PER) serta menganalisis pengaruh kondisi makroekonomi dan kinerja keuangan emiten terhadap harga saham properti dan real estate tahun 2009-2013. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan pendekatan PER, secara umum harga saham emiten yang menjadi objek penelitian masih relatif murah sehingga masih relatif aman untuk dijadikan instrumen investasi. Hasil analisis regresi panel dengan model fixed effect seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) menunjukkan bahwa terdapat lima variabel yang signifikan berpengaruh terhadap harga saham emiten properti dan real estate. Pertumbuhan ekonomi, Return on Asset (ROA) dan Book Value per Share (BV) berpengaruh positif, sedangkan nilai tukar riil rupiah terhadap dolar dan BI rate memberikan pengaruh negatif terhadap harga saham emiten properti dan real estate

    Perancangan Game Bulwark of Village Menggunakan Macromedia Flash 8

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    The rapid technological advances that make computers a viable alternative to help do the job almost every field. Do not rule out the possibility if someone was bored when too long in front of the computer. PC games or games that use computer media is an entertainment application in the computer to reduce the saturation of the computer user and an entertainment for those who play it.Flash game genre is essentially no different from the electronic genre in general. In this study, we will use the genre Slide scrolling all characters can move in all directions followed by background motion. Basic rules of this game that players will be using the mouse and the keyboard to move the character and rescue helicopter from enemy attacks and bringing them to the fort. To move the character can use the mouse to click on a character and then determine the direction and running characters, to shoot and take people, use the Space key and the Ctrl key on the keyboard, to save the people and brought into the fort. The enemy will move and pursue follow the direction of the player. When you successfully complete the mission it will get a bonus level 1000. For each time destroying a small tank it will get score 45. As for the tank was 80, and for a 100. If you successfully complete the mission then the score will be in total.To build this game, use Macromedia Flash 8 and other supporting software such as Adobe Flash, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Audition. Game Bulwar Of Village using Action Script 2.0 as the script support

    Pengaruh Independensi, Kompetensi, Moral Reasoning dan Skeptisisme Profesional Auditor Pemerintah terhadap Kualitas Audit Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah (Studi Empiris pada BPK RI Perwakilan Provinsi Riau)

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    The purpose of this research to know the partial effect of independence, competence, moral reasoning and professional skepticism of government auditor to audit quality of local government financial statement. The technique used to collect the data in this research is using questionnaire which was sent directly to the BPK RI Representative of Riau Province. The total of respondents used in this research is 43 respondents (81.13%). The method of data analysis used is the multiple linear regression using SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) Version 17. The result of this research indicate that partially, independence, competence, and moral reasoning of government auditor have influence to audit quality of local government financial statement, while professional skepticism of government auditor does not have influence to audit quality of local government financial statement. The determination coefficient of this research is 77.6%. The four variables have influenced to the dependent variable at the same time as much as 77.6%, while 22.4% has influenced by another variable that is not explained in this research.Keywords : Audit Quality, Independence, Competence, Moral Reasoning, and Professional Skepticism

    Dampak Reporter And Nonreporter Company Dividend terhadap Kandungan Informasi dan Transfer Informasi Intra Industri (Studi Kelompok Perusahaan Manufaktur BEI Periode 2009-2011)

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    The purpose of the research was to investigate the information content and intra industry effect of dividend announcement. The analysis include four aspects: information content, risk (beta), intra industry effect of dividen by big and small size firms, and impact firm characteristics to abnormal return nonreporter firm.The analysis for information content, risk (beta), intra industry effect used event study and for impact of firm characteristics used multiple linier regression.Result of this research showed that there was information content around the date of dividend announcement, but there was no difference between abnormal return by big and small size firms. The difference between beta before and after dividend announcement is not significant. The difference between beta big size firms and small size firms after dividend announcement is not significant. The intra industry effect of dividend announcement showed abnormal return with two effects: competitive effect and contagion effect. The firm specific characteristics used in this research was not significant to explain the fenomena intra industry.Keywords: dividend, information content, intra industry effect, competitice effects and contagion effects