56 research outputs found

    Eval-GCSC: A New Metric for Evaluating ChatGPT's Performance in Chinese Spelling Correction

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    ChatGPT has demonstrated impressive performance in various downstream tasks. However, in the Chinese Spelling Correction (CSC) task, we observe a discrepancy: while ChatGPT performs well under human evaluation, it scores poorly according to traditional metrics. We believe this inconsistency arises because the traditional metrics are not well-suited for evaluating generative models. Their overly strict length and phonics constraints may lead to underestimating ChatGPT's correction capabilities. To better evaluate generative models in the CSC task, this paper proposes a new evaluation metric: Eval-GCSC. By incorporating word-level and semantic similarity judgments, it relaxes the stringent length and phonics constraints. Experimental results show that Eval-GCSC closely aligns with human evaluations. Under this metric, ChatGPT's performance is comparable to traditional token-level classification models (TCM), demonstrating its potential as a CSC tool. The source code and scripts can be accessed at https://github.com/ktlKTL/Eval-GCSC

    Small Changes in Inter-Pulse-Intervals Can Cause Synchronized Neuronal Firing During High-Frequency Stimulations in Rat Hippocampus

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    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) traditionally utilizes electrical pulse sequences with a constant frequency, i.e., constant inter-pulse-interval (IPI), to treat certain brain disorders in clinic. Stimulation sequences with varying frequency have been investigated recently to improve the efficacy of existing DBS therapy and to develop new treatments. However, the effects of such sequences are inconclusive. The present study tests the hypothesis that stimulations with varying IPI can generate neuronal activity markedly different from the activity induced by stimulations with constant IPI. And, the crucial factor causing the distinction is the relative differences in IPI lengths rather than the absolute lengths of IPI nor the average lengths of IPI. In rat experiments in vivo, responses of neuronal populations to applied stimulation sequences were collected during stimulations with both constant IPI (control) and random IPI. The stimulations were applied in the efferent fibers antidromically (in alveus) or in the afferent fibers orthodromically (in Schaffer collaterals) of pyramidal cells, the principal cells of hippocampal CA1 region. Amplitudes and areas of population spike (PS) waveforms were used to evaluate the neuronal responses induced by different stimulation paradigms. During the periods of both antidromic and orthodromic high-frequency stimulation (HFS), the HFS with random IPI induced synchronous neuronal firing with large PS even if the lengths of random IPI were limited to a small range of 5–10 ms, corresponding to a frequency range 100–200 Hz. The large PS events did not appear during control stimulations with a constant frequency at 100, 200, or 130 Hz (i.e., the mean frequency of HFS with random IPI uniformly distributed within 5–10 ms). Presumably, nonlinear dynamics in neuronal responses to random IPI might cause the generation of synchronous firing under the situation without any long pauses in HFS sequences. The results indicate that stimulations with random IPI can generate salient impulses to brain tissues and modulate the synchronization of neuronal activity, thereby providing potential stimulation paradigms for extending DBS therapy in treating more brain diseases, such as disorders of consciousness and vegetative states

    Language tourism in Spain as a motivation for chinese tourists

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    Language tourism has developed dramatically in recent years as part of cultural tourism. Despite sharp increasing demand for learning Spanish and traveling in Spain in the market of Chinese tourists, language tourism is still not well known in Spain. In this final project, the aim is to analyse this phenomenon, starting with the introduction of the concept of language tourism and the current situation of language tourism especially in the case of Chinese tourists in Spain. Secondly, the potential market of Chinese tourists will be analysed. The analysis will be divided into two parts, demand and supply. After that, some specific possibilities of development will be put forward. Finally, the work will show the effects and importance of language tourism as part of cultural tourism for Spain.El turismo lingüístico ha aumentado de manera espectacular en los últimos años, como parte de turismo cultural. A pesar de ese aumento de demanda para aprender español y viajar en España en el mercado de turistas chinos, el turismo lingüístico no es muy conocido en España. Este trabajo final de grado es un estudio de turismo lingüístico, del español como una lengua extrajera también una motivación de viaje para los turistas chinos. En primer lugar, se ha elaborado una pequeña introducción al turismo lingüístico y un análisis de la situación actual de España sobre este nuevo modelo de turismo. Seguidamente, el análisis de mercado se ha dividido en dos parte, las ofertas en España y la demanda de China. En tercer lugar, se ha descrito las posibles oportunidades y amanezcas. Tras evaluar estos aspectos el trabajo expone los posibles efectos e importancia del turismo lingüístico como parte del turismo cultural en España.Hu, H. (2015). Language tourism in Spain as a motivation for chinese tourists. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/53555TFG

    Design of a novel stimulation system with time-varying paradigms for investigating new modes of high frequency stimulation in brain

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    Abstract Background Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has shown wide clinical applications for treating various disorders of central nervous system. High frequency stimulation (HFS) of pulses with a constant intensity and a constant frequency is typically used in DBS. However, new stimulation paradigms with time-varying parameters provide a prospective direction for DBS developments. To meet the research demands for time-varying stimulations, we designed a new stimulation system with a technique of LabVIEW-based virtual instrument. Methods The system included a LabVIEW program, a NI data acquisition card, and an analog stimulus isolator. The output waveforms of the system were measured to verify the time-varying parameters. Preliminary animal experiments were run by delivering the HFS sequences with time-varying parameters to the hippocampal CA1 region of anesthetized rats. Results Verification results showed that the stimulation system was able to generate pulse sequences with ramped intensity and hyperbolic frequency accurately. Application of the time-varying HFS sequences to the axons of pyramidal cells in the hippocampal CA1 region resulted in neuronal responses different from those induced by HFS with constant parameters. The results indicated important modulations of time-varying stimulations to the neuronal activity that could prevent the stimulation from inducing over-synchronized firing of population neurons. Conclusions The stimulation system provides a useful technique for investigating diverse stimulation paradigms for the development of new DBS treatments

    KGNER: Improving Chinese Named Entity Recognition by BERT Infused with the Knowledge Graph

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    Recently, the lexicon method has been proven to be effective for named entity recognition (NER). However, most existing lexicon-based methods cannot fully utilize common-sense knowledge in the knowledge graph. For example, the word embeddings pretrained by Word2vector or Glove lack better contextual semantic information usage. Hence, how to make the best of knowledge for the NER task has become a challenging and hot research topic. We propose a knowledge graph-inspired named-entity recognition (KGNER) featuring a masking and encoding method to incorporate common sense into bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT). The proposed method not only preserves the original sentence semantic information but also takes advantage of the knowledge information in a more reasonable way. Subsequently, we model the temporal dependencies by taking the conditional random field (CRF) as the backend, and improve the overall performance. Experiments on four dominant datasets demonstrate that the KGNER outperforms other lexicon-based models in terms of performance

    A Line Segment Detector for Space Target Images Robust to Complex Illumination

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    The relative pose estimation of the space target is indispensable for on-orbit autonomous service missions. Line segment detection is an important step in pose estimation. The traditional line segment detectors show impressive performance under sufficient illumination, while it is easy to fail under complex illumination conditions where the illumination is too bright or too dark. We propose a robust line segment detector for space applications considering the complex illumination in space environments. An improved two-dimensional histogram construction strategy is used to optimize the Otsu method to improve the accuracy of anchor map extraction. To further improve line segment detection’s effect, we introduce an aggregation method that uses the angle difference between segments, the distance between endpoints, and the overlap degree of segments to filter the aggregation candidate segments and connect disjoint line segments that probably came from the same segment. We demonstrate the performance of the proposed line segment detector using a variety of images collected on a semiphysical simulation platform. The results show that our method has better performance than traditional line segment detectors including LSD, Linelet, etc., in terms of line detection precision

    Polydopamine‐Modified 2D Iron (II) Immobilized MnPS3 Nanosheets for Multimodal Imaging‐Guided Cancer Synergistic Photothermal‐Chemodynamic Therapy

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    Abstract Manganese phosphosulphide (MnPS3), a newly emerged and promising member of the 2D metal phosphorus trichalcogenides (MPX3) family, has aroused abundant interest due to its unique physicochemical properties and applications in energy storage and conversion. However, its potential in the field of biomedicine, particularly as a nanotherapeutic platform for cancer therapy, has remained largely unexplored. Herein, a 2D “all‐in‐one” theranostic nanoplatform based on MnPS3 is designed and applied for imaging‐guided synergistic photothermal‐chemodynamic therapy. (Iron) Fe (II) ions are immobilized on the surface of MnPS3 nanosheets to facilitate effective chemodynamic therapy (CDT). Upon surface modification with polydopamine (PDA) and polyethylene glycol (PEG), the obtained Fe‐MnPS3/PDA‐PEG nanosheets exhibit exceptional photothermal conversion efficiency (η = 40.7%) and proficient pH/NIR‐responsive Fenton catalytic activity, enabling efficient photothermal therapy (PTT) and CDT. Importantly, such nanoplatform can also serve as an efficient theranostic agent for multimodal imaging, facilitating real‐time monitoring and guidance of the therapeutic process. After fulfilling the therapeutic functions, the Fe‐MnPS3/PDA‐PEG nanosheets can be efficiently excreted from the body, alleviating the concerns of long‐term retention and potential toxicity. This work presents an effective, precise, and safe 2D “all‐in‐one” theranostic nanoplatform based on MnPS3 for high‐efficiency tumor‐specific theranostics

    Sugar Transport, Metabolism and Signaling in Fruit Development of Litchi chinensis Sonn: A Review

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    Litchi chinensis Sonn. is an important evergreen fruit crop cultivated in the tropical and subtropical regions. The edible portion of litchi fruit is the aril, which contains a high concentration of sucrose, glucose, and fructose. In this study, we review various aspects of sugar transport, metabolism, and signaling during fruit development in litchi. We begin by detailing the sugar transport and accumulation during aril development, and the biosynthesis of quebrachitol as a transportable photosynthate is discussed. We then document sugar metabolism in litchi fruit. We focus on the links between sugar signaling and seed development as well as fruit abscission. Finally, we outline future directions for research on sugar metabolism and signaling to improve fruit yield and quality

    Security enhancement for OFDM-PON using Brownian motion and chaos in cell

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    We propose a novel security enhancement technique for a physical layer secure orthogonal frequency division multiplexed passive optical network (OFDM-PON) based on three-dimensional Brownian motion and chaos in cell (3DBCC). This method confuses an OFDM symbol via transforming it into a 3D symbol matrix and a 3D cell matrix with different size lengths. Different dividing-confusion rules then generate different complementary cumulative distribution functions (CCDFs) of peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). And we can pre-estimate bit error rate (BER) performance by calculating the CCDF values. We also find that the processing time decreases with the matrix’s side length decreasing simultaneously. A new weighted comprehensive value (Qw) is further used to evaluate the overall performance between the processing time and the BER. Finally, an experiment successfully demonstrates a physical layer secure OFDM signal transmission with 22.06-Gb/s data rate over a 25.4-km standard single mode fiber (SSMF). These results indicate that cell (53) has the weighted optimum overall performance, which verifies that the proposed encryption technique is promising for building a physical layer security enhanced OFDM-PON system with a low processing time delay and a good BER for future access network systems.Published versio

    Primers for real-time PCR (rat).

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    Notch pathway has played a significant role in the pathophysiology of pulmonary hypertension (PH). However, the role of Jagged 2 (Jag2), one ligand of Notch, remains to be elucidated.Therefore, determining the contribution of Jag2 to PH and its impact on pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PASMCs) was the aim of this investigation. Adeno-associated virus-mediated Jag2 inhibition was used to explore the role of Jag2 in peripheral pulmonary vascular remodeling assessed in a rat model of chronic hypoxia (10% O2, 4 weeks) induced pulmonary hypertension. In vitro, the effect of Jag2 silencing on hypoxia (1% O2, 24h) induced rat PASMCs was determined. Group differences were assessed using a 2-sided unpaired Student’s t-test for two groups and one-way ANOVA for multiple groups. Jag2 upregulation was first confirmed in rats with sustained hypoxia-induced PH using publicly available gene expression data, experimental PH rat models and hypoxia induced rat PASMCs. Jag2 deficiency decreased oxidative stress injury, peripheral pulmonary vascular remodeling (0.276±0.020 vs. 0.451±0.033 μm, PPJag2 knockdown decreased proliferation (1.227±0.051 vs. 1.45±0.07, P = 0.012), increased apoptosis (16.733%±0.724% vs. 6.56%±0.668%, P</div