992 research outputs found

    Deconfinement transition and dimensional crossover in the Bechgaard-Fabre salts: pressure- and temperature-dependent optical investigations

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    The infrared response of the organic conductor (TMTSF)2_2PF6_6 and the Mott insulator (TMTTF)2_2PF6_6 are investigated as a function of temperature and pressure and for the polarization parallel and perpendicular to the molecular stacks. By applying external pressure on (TMTTF)2_2PF6_6, the Mott gap rapidly diminishes until the deconfinement transition occurs when the gap energy is approximately twice the interchain transfer integral. In its deconfined state (TMTTF)2_2PF6_6 exhibits a crossover from a quasi-one-dimensional to a higher-dimensional metal upon reducing the temperature. For (TMTSF)2_2PF6_6 this dimensional crossover is observed either with increase in external pressure or with decrease in temperature. We quantitatively determine the dimensional crossover line in the pressure-temperature diagram based on the degree of coherence in the optical response perpendicular to the molecular stacks.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figure

    The Expeditions PS139/1 and PS139/2 of the Research Vessel POLARSTERN to the Atlantic Ocean in 2023

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    Expedition Programme PS130/1 and PS130/2

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    Plasmons in Sodium under Pressure: Increasing Departure from Nearly-Free-Electron Behavior

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    We have measured plasmon energies in Na under high pressure up to 43 GPa using inelastic x-ray scattering (IXS). The momentum-resolved results show clear deviations, growing with increasing pressure, from the predictions for a nearly-free electron metal. Plasmon energy calculations based on first-principles electronic band structures and a quasi-classical plasmon model allow us to identify a pressure-induced increase in the electron-ion interaction and associated changes in the electronic band structure as the origin of these deviations, rather than effects of exchange and correlation. Additional IXS results obtained for K and Rb are addressed briefly.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Calculated elastic and electronic properties of MgB2_2 at high pressures

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    The effect of high pressure on structural and electronic properties of the novel superconductor \MB has been calculated using the full-potential linearized augmented-plane-wave method. Despite the layered crystal structure of \MB nearly isotropic compression (bulk modulus B0=140.1(6)B_0=140.1(6) GPa) is found with only a 1.2% decrease of the c/ac/a ratio at 10 GPa. The effect of pressure on the critical temperature has been estimated on the basis of BCS theory and good agreement with experimental data is found. Our results suggest that it is a combination of increasing phonon frequency and decreasing electronic density of states at the Fermi level which leads to the observed decrease of the critical temperature under pressure.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures (EPS), Elsevier LaTeX. More detailed analysis of the pressure dependence of Tc; results unchanged. Manuscript accepted for publication in Solid State Commu

    Structural investigations on ϵ\epsilon-FeGe at high pressure and low temperature

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    The structural parameters of ϵ\epsilon-FeGe have been determined at ambient conditions using single crystal refinement. Powder diffraction have been carried out to determine structural properties and compressibility for pressures up to 30 GPa and temperatures as low as 82 K. The discontinuous change in the pressure dependence of the shortest Fe-Ge interatomic distance might be interpreted as a symmetry-conserving transition and seems to be related to a magnetic phase boundary line.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Anisotropic compression in the high pressure regime of pure and Cr-doped vanadium dioxide

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    We present structural studies of V1−x_{1-x}Crx_xO2_2 (pure, 0.7% and 2.5% Cr doped) compounds at room temperature in a diamond anvil cell for pressures up to 20 GPa using synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction. All the samples studied show a persistence of the monoclinic M1M_1 symmetry between 4 and 12 GPa. Above 12 GPa, the monoclinic M1M_1 symmetry changes to isostructural MxM_x phase (space group P21/cP2_1/c) with a significant anisotropy in lattice compression of the bb-cc plane of the M1M_{1} phase. This behavior can be reconciled invoking the pressure induced charge-delocalization

    High-Pressure Phase Transition of the Oxonitridosilicate Chloride Ce4[Si4O3+xN7-x]Cl1-xOx with x = 0.12 and 0.18

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    The high-pressure behaviour of the oxonitridosilicate chlorides Ce4[Si4O3þxN7-x]Cl1-xOx, x = 0.12 and 0.18, is investigated by in situ powder synchrotron X-ray diffraction. Pressures up to 28 GPa are generated using the diamond-anvil cell technique. A reversible phase transition of first order occurs at pressures between 8 and 10 GPa. Within this pressure range the high- and the low-pressure phases are observed concomitantly. At the phase transition the unit cell volume is reduced by about 5%, and the cubic symmetry (space group P213) is reduced to orthorhombic (space group P212121) following a translationengleiche group-subgroup relationship of index 3. A fit of a third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state to the p-V data results in a bulk modulus B0 = 124(5) GPa with its pressure derivative B0 = 5(1) at V0 = 1134.3(4) Å3 for the low-pressure phase and in B0 = 153(10) GPa with B0 = 3.0(6) at V0 = 1071(3) Å3 for the high-pressure phase. The orthorhombic phase shows an anisotropic axial compression with the a axis (which is the shortest axis) being more compressible (k(a) = 0.0143(4) 1/GPa) than the b and c axes (k(b) = 0.0045(2), k(c) = 0.0058(2) 1/GPa). The experimental results confirm an earlier prediction of the pressureinduced instability of isotypic Ce4[Si4O4N6]O, and also show that the bulk modulus was predicted reasonably well
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