93 research outputs found
Património literário e identidade europeia
Thomas Morus’ Utopia, Luís de Camões’ The Lusiads or Gotthold Ephraim Lessing’s Nathan
the Wise belong to the European cultural heritage – but are mostly read within their national lin guistic limits. It is necessary to recognize how much they have built a common European identity
referring to concepts like critical thinking, the relation with extra-European cultures or tolerance.
The article offers transnational readings of these texts in their function as agents of promoting
European identity.A Utopia de Thomas Morus, Os Lusíadas de Luís de Camões ou Nathan o Sábio de Gotthold Ephraim Lessing fazem parte do património europeu, mas são preferencialmente lidos nos seus limites linguísticos nacionais. Torna-se necessário reconhecer como estes textos contribuíram para a construção de uma identidade europeia partilhada, incluindo conceitos como o pensamento crítico, a relação com culturas não-europeias ou a tolerância. O artigo sugere uma leitura transnacional destes textos como agentes de promoção de uma identidade europeia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Europe: a challenge for german and culture studies
The ultimate crisis: narrating and translating Europe
The current crisis of Europe and the European Union is only one in a continuous chain of endless calamities. However,this crisis seems to be special. Europe has changed profoundly in recent times. Europe has reached its limits. Europe is no longer a project; Europe changed into the mode of defense. The present article tries to hint at hidden European narratives as a cultural answer to this crisis. These narratives are in need of a new concept of translation, which seems to emerge; a translation which simultaneously perceives and conceives of Europe in a “methodological cosmopolitanism”(Ulrich Beck): beyond its limits and far beyond any matter of language,responding to the crisis by translating itself.N/
An integral approach to well-being in transnational families: a brief proposal for best practices
Although the study of migration has shifted its focus from an individual perspective (on those who emigrate) to also include their integration networks in the country of destination, it is also necessary to consider the dynamics with their family in the country of origin. With an integral focus on the analysis of Portuguese transnational families, this paper aims to reflect on how the connection between those who emigrate and those who stay can promote greater resilience, presenting best practices for intervention among these dynamics and generations. Using a post-positivist paradigm and semi-structured interviews, we developed a qualitative approach with three exploratory studies: 1) Portuguese young adults living abroad (N=22); 2) parental figures living in Portugal with adult children living abroad (N= 20) and 3) experts in the fields of academic and psychosocial work with similar persons (N= 8). The data was analyzed using N-Vivo software. The general results lead us to reflect on the dynamics of relationships, where digital and face-to-face spaces participate simultaneously, even though there are different challenges and ways of using digital means. We also found a change in expectations regarding the norms and values perceived by the generation of emigrants, which leads us to consider the importance of intercultural values since transnational families greatly increase transculturality, which can promote resilience among the group. The data also alerts us to the need to train intervention professionals in multidisciplinary areas, always taking the cultural context into account.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Der Lusitanische Popanz: Portuguese colonialism in a german drama
O artigo situa a peça “Der Lusitanische Popanz / O Papão Lusitano” no contextoda obra de Peter Weiss e reconstrói os materiais e processos que o escritor aplicou naconstrução desta peça, com base nas posições assumidas como “autor num mundo devido”e correspondendo aos princípios do teatro documental. Weiss utilizou artigos de jornais,documentários e outras fontes, com destaque para o livro “Portugal am Pranger”, queGerhard Kramer publicou, em 1964, na Dietz Verlag em Berlim, na então RepúblicaDemocrática Alemã (R.D.A.). Em todos os casos, o autor trabalha e ordena as informaçõesde forma a poder construir um modelo de resistência ao colonialismo, e não só um retratodo caso português específico. Uma atenção dramatúrgica especial é dada à encenação doterror e da violência que oscila entre a individualização e a representatividade.The article contextualizes the play "Der Lusitanische Popanz / The Lusitanian Bogeyman"in the work of Peter Weiss and reconstructs the materials and processes that the writer applied in the construction of this piece on the basis of the positions assumed as "author in a divided world" and corresponding to the principles of documentary theater. Weiss used newspaper articles, documentaries and other sources, especially the book "Portugal am Pranger", which Gerhard Kramer published in 1964 at Dietz Verlag in Berlin in the then German Democratic Republic (R.D.A.). In all cases, the author works and orders the information in a way to build a model of resistance to colonialism, and not just a portrait of the specific Portuguese case. Particular dramaturgical attention is given to the staging of terror and violence that oscillates between individualization and representativeness.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Cultura 2020
O artigo interpreta os dados de um inquérito sobre as expectativas dos jovens portugueses para o ano 2020 à luz de uma renovada noção de cultura para o século XXI, como forma de orientação, expressão e pertença de pessoas com interesses comuns
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