339 research outputs found

    The influence of acetaldehyde and water on the determination of 14C in wine alcohol

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    Der Einfluß von Acetaldehyd und Wasser auf die 14C-Bestimmung bei WeinalkoholDie Bestimmung von 14C im Äthanol von Wein wird nicht signifikant beeinflußt, wenn die Destillation sorgfältig durchgeführt wird und der Wasser- und Aldehydgehalt 10 % (v/v) bzw. 0,5 % (v/v) nicht übersteigt

    The 14C content of the ethanol of South African wines ior the years 1925-1975

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    It has been shown that, due to atmospheric conditions, South African natural wines are lower in 14C content than their northern hemisphere counterparts for the periods of active nuclear explosion tests. On this basis it is incorrect to apply northern hemisphere 14C data to wines of the southern hemisphere.Der 14C-Gehalt des Äthanols südafrikanischer Weine der Jahrgänge 1925-1975Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß südafrikanische Naturweine infolge der atmosphärischen Bedingungen einen niedrigeren 14C-Gehalt besitzen, als ihn Vergleichsweine von der nördlichen Erdhalbkugel aus der Zeit der Kernwaffenversuche aufweisen. Es ist somit nicht gerechtfertigt, die 14C-Werte der Nordhemisphäre bei Weinen der südlichen Erdhalbkugel anzuwenden

    CAD4TB software updates: different triaging thresholds require caution by users and regulation by authorities

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    Transcriptional profiling of mycobacterial antigen-induced responses in infants vaccinated with BCG at birth

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    BACKGROUND: Novel tuberculosis (TB) vaccines recently tested in humans have been designed to boost immunity induced by the current vaccine, Mycobacterium bovis Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG). Because BCG vaccination is used extensively in infants, this population group is likely to be the first in which efficacy trials of new vaccines will be conducted. However, our understanding of the complexity of immunity to BCG in infants is inadequate, making interpretation of vaccine-induced immune responses difficult. METHODS: To better understand BCG-induced immunity, we performed gene expression profiling in five 10-week old infants routinely vaccinated with BCG at birth. RNA was extracted from 12 hour BCG-stimulated or purified protein derivative of tuberculin (PPD)-stimulated PBMC, isolated from neonatal blood collected 10 weeks after vaccination. RNA was hybridised to the Sentrix(R) HumanRef-8 Expression BeadChip (Illumina) to measure expression of >16,000 genes. RESULTS: We found that ex vivo stimulation of PBMC with PPD and BCG induced largely similar gene expression profiles, except that BCG induced greater macrophage activation. The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) signaling pathway, including PPAR-gamma, involved in activation of the alternative, anti-inflammatory macrophage response was down-regulated following stimulation with both antigens. In contrast, up-regulation of genes associated with the classic, pro-inflammatory macrophage response was noted. Further analysis revealed a decrease in the expression of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), including integrin alpha M (ITGAM), which is known to be important for entry of mycobacteria into the macrophage. Interestingly, more leukocyte genes were down-regulated than up-regulated. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that a combination of suppressed and up-regulated genes may be key in determining development of protective immunity to TB induced by vaccination with BCG

    Exploring linkages between drought and HIV treatment adherence in Africa: A Systematic Review

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    Climate change is directly and indirectly linked to human health, including through access to treatment and care. Our systematic review presents a ‘systems’ understanding of the nexus between drought and antiretroviral treatment (ART) adherence in HIV-positive individuals in the African setting. Narrative synthesis of 111 studies retrieved from Web of Science, PubMed/Medline, and PsycINFO suggests that economic and livelihoods conditions, comorbidities and ART regimens, human mobility, and psycho-behavioural dispositions and support systems interact in complex ways in the drought-ART adherence nexus in Africa. Economic and livelihood-related challenges appear to impose the strongest impact on human interactions, actions and systems that culminate in non-adherence. Indeed, the complex pathways identified by our systems approach emphasise the need for more integrated research approaches to understanding this phenomenon and develop interventions

    Economic, social and demographic impacts of drought on treatment adherence among people living with HIV in rural South Africa: A qualitative analysis

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    The 2015 El Niño-triggered drought in Southern Africa caused widespread economic and livelihood disruption in South Africa, imposing multiple physical and health challenges for rural populations including people living with HIV (PLHIV). We examined the economic, social and demographic impacts of drought drawing on 27 in-depth interviews in two cohorts of PLHIV in Hlabisa, uMkhanyakude district, KwaZulu-Natal. Thematic analysis revealed how drought-enforced soil water depletion, dried-up rivers, and dams culminated in a continuum of events such as loss of livestock, reduced agricultural production, and insufficient access to water and food which was understood to indirectly have a negative impact on HIV treatment adherence. This was mediated through disruptions in incomes, livelihoods and food systems, increased risk to general health, forced mobility and exacerbation of contextual vulnerabilities linked to poverty and unemployment. The systems approach, drawn from interview themes, hypothesises the complex pathways of plausible networks of impacts from drought through varying socioeconomic factors, exacerbating longstanding contextual precarity, and ultimately challenging HIV care utilisation. Understanding the multidimensional relationships between climate change, especially drought, and poor HIV care outcomes through the prism of contextual vulnerabilities is vital for shaping policy interventions

    The Impact of Drought on HIV Care in Rural South Africa: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis

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    This analysis investigates the relationship between drought and antiretroviral treatment (ART) adherence and retention in HIV care in the Hlabisa sub-district, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Data on drought and ART adherence and retention were collated for the study period 2010-2019. Drought was quantified using the 3-month Standard Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) and Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) from station data. Adherence, proxied by the Medication Possession Ratio (MPR), and retention data were obtained from the public ART programme database. MPR and retention were calculated from individuals aged 15-59 years who initiated ART between January 2010 and December 2018 and visited clinic through February 2019. Between 01 January 2010 and 31 December 2018, 40,714 individuals started ART in the sub-district and made 1,022,760 ART visits. The SPI showed that 2014-2016 were dry years, with partial recovery after 2016 in the wet years. In the period from 2010 to 2012, mean 6-month MPR increased from 0.85 in July 2010 to a high of 0.92 in December 2012. MPR then decreased steadily through 2013 and 2014 to 0.78 by December 2014. The mean proportion retained in care 6 months after starting ART showed similar trends to MPR, increasing from 86.9% in July 2010 to 91.4% in December 2012. Retention then decreased through 2013, with evidence of a pronounced drop in January 2014 when the odds of retention decreased by 30% (OR = 0.70, CI = 0.53-0.92, P = 0.01) relative to the end of 2013. Adherence and retention in care decreased during the drought years

    Effects of gonadectomy on the incidence rate of babesiosis and the risk of severe babesiosis in dogs aged 6 months and older at a veterinary academic hospital in South Africa : a case-control and retrospective cohort study

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    Gonadectomy in dogs is associated with changes in risks of a variety of non-infectious health conditions, but few studies have examined its effects on infectious disease outcomes. The objectives of our study were to estimate the causal effect of gonadectomy on the incidence rate of babesiosis diagnosis, and on the risk of severe babesiosis in diagnosed cases, in dogs 6 months and older seen at a veterinary academic hospital in South Africa from 2013 through 2020. To estimate the effect of gonadectomy on the incidence rate of babesiosis diagnosis in dogs, we conducted a case-control study with incidence density sampling of dogs seen through the hospital’s primary care service, adjusting for sex, age, breed category and weight. We identified 811 cases and selected 3244 time-matched controls. To estimate the effect of gonadectomy on disease severity in dogs with babesiosis, we conducted a retrospective cohort study among all dogs with a diagnosis of babesiosis (n=923), including these 811 cases and a further 112 referred to the hospital, also adjusting for sex, age, breed category and weight. Gonadectomy substantially reduced the incidence rate of babesiosis (total effect incidence rate ratio [IRR] 0.5; 95 % confidence interval [CI] 0.41–0.60) and the risk of severe babesiosis among diagnosed dogs (total effect risk ratio [RR] 0.72; 95 % CI 0.60–0.86). Tipping point sensitivity analysis shows that these effect estimates are robust to unmeasured confounding bias. There was no evidence for modification of the effect of gonadectomy by sex, with effect estimates qualitatively similar for males and females for both outcomes. Compared to females, males had a higher incidence rate of babesiosis (IRR 1.74; 95 % CI 1.49–2.04) and a higher risk of severe disease (RR 1.12; 95 % CI 0.98–1.28). In conclusion, our study shows a robust protective effect of gonadectomy on the incidence and severity of babesiosis in both male and female dogs 6 months of age and older, and contributes important evidence to the debate on the overall risks and benefits of gonadectomy to dogs in this population.https://www.elsevier.com/locate/prevetmedhj2024Companion Animal Clinical StudiesVeterinary Tropical DiseasesSDG-03:Good heatlh and well-bein
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