260 research outputs found

    Fenomena Lucutan Plasma dengan Jarum Suntik sebagai Elektroda Aktif pada Kondisi Atmosfer

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    An observation of the plasma discharge phenomenon has been observed in the atmospheric conditions with a syringe as an active electrode. This study aims to obtain the characteristics of plasma generation and discharge from plasma generated. The method used in this experiment uses a plasma reactor with a dot-zone configuration given DC voltage (HV DC). Syringes are treated as point electrodes and aluminum plates as field electrodes mounted perpendicularly. The distance between the electrodes varied 2, 4, 6 and 8 mm, the syringes used in the experiment had a length of 4 cm with a diameter of 0.6 mm. The results obtained show that the distance between electrode effect on the magnitude of the voltage to achieve arc discharges. At the smallest distance 2 mm arc discharge occurs after a given voltage exceeds 250 Volts, while the largest distance of 8 mm exceeds 1000 Volts. The visible shape when the syringe is given positive or negative polarity from a purple incandescent light source at the needle tip with a measured current of 35-150 μA. After reaching the arc measurable current measured 1-4 mA, on the positive polarity of the discharge in the form of flashes of lightning connecting the distance between the electrodes and the increase of flash currents are also more and more, while when given the negative polarity of arc discharge in the form of flash of lightning but with increasing arc discharge current look like Mini sun. This happens because the temperature at the time of the syringe is treated as a larger cathode because the ion particles that strike the cathode are very radical to erode syringes such as NO +, O +, N + and are highly reactive

    An Integrated Software-based Solution for Modular and Self-independent Networked Robot

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    An integrated software-based solution for a modular and self-independent networked robot is introduced. The wirelessly operatable robot has been developed mainly for autonomous monitoring works with full control over web. The integrated software solution covers three components : a) the digital signal processing unit for data retrieval and monitoring system; b) the externally executable codes for control system; and c) the web programming for interfacing the end-users with the robot. It is argued that this integrated software-based approach is crucial to realize a flexible, modular and low development cost mobile monitoring apparatus.Comment: 9 pages, Proceeding of the 10th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Visio

    Hubungan Antara Waktu Tanam Dengan Hasil Dan Profitabilitas Budidaya Kentang (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Di Cikajang, Garutrelationships Between Planting TIME and Yield as Well as Profitability of Growing Potato ...

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    Relationships between planting time and yield as well as profitability of growing potato were investigated in Cikajang, Garut, based on water balance analysis and survey to potato farmers of the area. In general, there were three planting dates namely December-January, April-May and August-September. Yield and profitability of growing potato for planting time of August-September was less compared to the other two planting times due to lack of soil-water availability related to less rainfall as well as its high rainfall variability during dry season (coefficient of variation = 133%). Yields of potato for planting times December-January, April-May and August-September were (21.4 + 3.4), (20.5 + 3.5) and (16.9 + 2.2) tonnes/ha, respectively.Relationships between planting time and yield as well as profitability of growing potato were investigated in Cikajang, Garut, based on water balance analysis and survey to potato farmers of the area. In general, there were three planting dates namely December-January, April-May and August-September. Yield and profitability of growing potato for planting time of August-September was less compared to the other two planting times due to lack of soil-water availability related to less rainfall as well as its high rainfall variability during dry season (coefficient of variation = 133%). Yields of potato for planting times December-January, April-May and August-September were (21.4 + 3.4), (20.5 + 3.5) and (16.9 + 2.2) tonnes/ha, respectively

    Analisis Tingkat Kekritisan Bahan Baku dengan Menerapkan Model Kraljic Portfolio Matrix (Studi Kasus PT Nyonya Meneer Semarang)

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    Purchasing activities are part of procurement activities on a company that has a strategic role. In an enterprise, procurement activities will determine the products produced by the company. Which if procurement activities goes well then the resulting product the better. So the purpose of this research is to determine the positioning of raw materials ginger, turmeric, kencur, bitter and gotu kola into Kraljic Portfolio Matrix. Where do the grouping is done on 5 items of raw materials by using the Kraljic Portfolio Matrix models. Through the calculation of Triangular Fuzzy Numbers (TFN), the Multidimensional Scale, and the output mapping using SPSS 16, the obtained results the raw material of jahe, temulawak and kencur included into the category of critical quadrant., while sambiloto and pegagan belongs to the category of routine quadrant. The aim of this article is to address some of these problems. It proposes the use of a fuzzy multi-attribute decision making approach to assign the importance weights to different supply risk and profit impact dimensions, and further, to incorporate a Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) approach to objectively position the commodities in a continuous scale of -1 to +1 for appropriate classification in the Kraljic Portfolio Matrix (KPM)

    Integrasi Metode Analytical Network Process (Anp) Dan Technique for Others Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (Topsis) Dalam Menentukan Prioritas Supplier Bahan Baku (Studi Kasus PT Nyonya Meneer Semarang)

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    One of the factors that influence the company performance is the presence of suppliers which supplies raw materials. Selection of suppliers is a Multi-Criteria Decison Problem, because many factors are qualitative and quantitative data can affect the performance of suppliers. So the purpose of this research is to determine the priority supplier companies to meet the raw material needs of jahe, temulawak, kencur, sambiloto and pegagan. Then do the classify 5 principal materials using Kraljic Portfolio Matrix. Based on the results of the calculations, the raw material of jahe, temulawak and kencur included into the category of critical quadrant. Analytical Network Process (ANP) can be used as an alternative to solve a problem that has many interrelated sub-criteria or influence in decision-making and Technique For Orders Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method for rangking suppliers. There are 13 sub-criteria used in the prioritization of suppliers. Based on the weighted sub-criteria by using the ANP, subcriteria that most influence in determining the priority of suppliers are offering price of 0.2736. Furthermore, to the supplier prioritization is done by using the TOPSIS method where the weight of sub-criteria obtained from ANP method

    Poisoning Admissions in Jakarta Hospitals During 1971 and 1972

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    Penyelidikan ini meliputi survey 437 kasus keracunan yang dirawat dalam 77 Rumah Sakit di Jakarta selama tahun 1971 dan 1972. Semua data dari status penderita dipindahkan kedalam codihg-sheets dan karakteristik dibicarakan. Diantara 10.000 penderita yang dirawat dirumah sakit, 34 disebabkan karena keracunan sedangkan angka kematian (case-fatality rate) ialah 4,2 persen. Ratio antara laki-laki dan wanita ialah 1,46: 1. Anak sampai dengan 5 tahun dan golongan umur 20-29 tahun paling sering mengalami keracunan, tetapi kematian dijumpai paling banyak pada golongan umur 70 tahun keatas. Selain keracunan jengkol, minyak tanah merupakan penyebab utama (terbanyak pada anak), disusul oleh barbitural dan salisilat, sedangkan pestisida menduduki tempat kelima

    Topeng Etnik Nusantara dalam Perkembanagan Budaya Global

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    Tulisan ini dikembangkan dari judul penelitian Pengembangan Modul Topeng Etnik Nusantara Sebagai Suplemen Pembelajaran Seni Budaya dan Prakarya Kurikulum 2013, dengan tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan jenis, nama, dan karakter topeng etnik nusantara. Pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi dan mendeskripsikan topeng etnik nusantara koleksi museum, koleksi perajin, dan sumber pustaka. Analisis data deskriptif dengan pengumpulan data, penyajian data, reduksi data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Pengembangan modul menggunakan metode studi pendahuluan, pengembangan, dan pengujian. Hasil penelitian dan pembaasan menunjukan bahwa topeng etnik nusantara dideskripsikan berdasarkan jenis, nama, karakter topeng, dan asal daerahnya. Fungsi topeng sebagai pemujaan, perlambangan, pelengkap upacara, pelengkap busana tari, souvenir, dan berkembang sebagai elemen dekorasi. Dulu topeng memiliki peran penting dalam kebudayaan masyarakat sebagai benda sakral dan religius. Pada era modernisasi peran topeng bergeser menjadi karya seni profan yang memiliki nilai estetik untuk kebutuhan praktis dan ekonomis. Berbagai jenis topeng etnik nusantara seperti Topeng Plok, Topeng Jawa, Topeng Dayak, Topeng Papua, Topeng Madura, Topeng Cirebon, dan topeng Sumatera mengalamai perkembangan bentuk dan fungsinya
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