2 research outputs found
Perubahan paradigma teknologi dalam era digital telah merubah penyelenggaraan acara, mengintegrasikan teknologi untuk efisiensi manajemen. Sertifikat peserta menjadi krusial dalam partisipasi, khususnya dalam acara berbasis online yang semakin meluas, memunculkan kebutuhan mendesak akan sertifikat elektronik (e-sertifikat). Universitas Siber Asia mengadopsi teknologi melalui platform www.event.unsia.ac.id, berbasis CMS WordPress, dengan fokus pada pengembangan sistem e-sertifikat yang terintegrasi. Meskipun menghadapi tantangan dalam manajemen pendaftaran, penggunaan plugin Gravity Form muncul sebagai solusi terstruktur, memungkinkan pengembangan sistem e-sertifikat yang canggih dan efisien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan teknologi Gravity Form dalam optimalisasi manajemen sertifikat peserta di berbagai acara universitas, dengan harapan memberikan wawasan mendalam tentang kontribusi teknologi dalam penyelenggaraan acara di lingkungan universitas
User Motivation Level Analysis of SME Collaboration Gamification
One of the problems of SME is the low motivation to collaborate; the lack of research on exploring the motivation to collaborate is an issue that needs to be focused on solving. Objectives. This research aims to explore the level and type of motivation that influences SME's interest in collaborating to provide new insights for SME managers to apply appropriate treatment in developing collaborative activities. This study analyses six octalysis core drives that affect user interest in the use of SME collaboration gamification applications involving 293 SME respondents in the East Java Province. The research method is descriptive and quantitative, using Smart PLS, with a path analysis and analysis model. This study formulates six hypotheses to determine the effect of six core drives on using the collaborative gamification system. The results showed that the four constructs had a p-value less than 0.05 and a T-Statistic value greater than 1.96, while the other two constructs produced the opposite value. This finding reveals that four core drives (Epic Meaning, Development, Social Influence, and Avoidance) affect user interest in using collaborative gamification applications. In contrast, two core drives (Ownership and Unpredictable) do not affect it. The implication of this study is a recommendation for developers of collaboration-gamification systems to consider the results of this hypothesis, especially the role of core-drive catalysis as a reference in revising or developing collaborative gamification systems. Future work could apply the TAM model to analyze the technology acceptance rate of this system