525 research outputs found

    Improved Stroke Detection at Early Stages Using Haar Wavelets and Laplacian Pyramid

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    Stroke merupakan pembunuh nomor tiga di dunia, namun hanya sedikit metode tentang deteksi dini. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan metode untuk mendeteksi hal tersebut. Penelitian ini mengusulkan sebuah metode gabungan untuk mendeteksi dua jenis stroke secara simultan. Haar wavelets untuk mendeteksi stroke hemoragik dan Laplacian pyramid untuk mendeteksi stroke iskemik. Tahapan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari pra proses tahap 1 dan 2, Haar wavelets, Laplacian pyramid, dan perbaikan kualitas citra. Pra proses adalah menghilangkan bagian tulang tengkorak, reduksi derau, perbaikan kontras, dan menghilangkan bagian selain citra otak. Kemudian dilakukan perbaikan citra. Selanjutnya Haar wavelet digunakan untuk ekstraksi daerah hemoragik sedangkan Laplacian pyramid untuk ekstraksi daerah iskemik. Tahapan terakhir adalah menghitung fitur Grey Level Cooccurrence Matrix (GLCM) sebagai fitur untuk proses klasifikasi. Hasil visualisasi diproses lanjut untuk ekstrasi fitur menggunakan GLCM dengan 12 fitur dan kemudian GLCM dengan 4 fitur. Untuk proses klasifikasi digunakan SVM dan KNN, sedangkan pengukuran performa menggunakan akurasi. Jumlah data hemoragik dan iskemik adalah 45 citra yang dibagi menjadi 2 bagian, 28 citra untuk pengujian dan 17 citra untuk pelatihan. Hasil akhir menunjukkan akurasi tertinggi yang dicapai menggunakan SVM adalah 82% dan KNN adalah 88%

    The Process of Word Formation and Phrase Structure of Android Application Names

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    Android is an operating system for mobile device, such as smartphones and tablet computers that was developed by Google. In this era, android is a popular operating system that is searched by people because of necessary of information. The process and structure of android application names are interesting to be analyzed since they have different structure of words in general. The purpose research is to describe and explain which word formation processes and phrase structure that are commonly used in Android Application Names. In this research, the writer used descriptive qualitative method. The technique to process the data is Teknik Bagi Unsur Langsung. The writer found 100 android application names in android phone with 10 word formation processes that form those; they are 39 words compounding, 21 words multiple processes, 9 words which was formed acronym and initialization, 9 words back formation, 7 words conversion, 5 words clipping, 3 words blending, 3 words borrowing, 3 words inflection, and also 1 word which was formed derivation. Based on the phrase structure, the writer 84 words noun phrase, 15 words verb phrase, and 1 word infinitival phrase. The result shows that noun phrase is frequent phrases that can be found in the android phone

    Pengaruh Berbagai Jenis Penggumpal Padat Terhadap Mutu Koagulum Dan Vulkanisat Karet Alam

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    Mutu bahan olah karet masih rendah dan bervariasi akibat tidak tersedianya koagulan yang baik sampai ke tingkat petani. Penggunaan koagulan yang tepat untuk menghasilkan bokar bermutu baik masih belum sepenuhnya dilakukan akibat belum tersedianya koagulan yang mudah didistribusikan, kompetitif dari segi harga, dan tidak merusak mutu karet. Penelitian ini mempelajari pengaruh berbagai jenis penggumpal padat terhadap mutu koagulum dan vulkanisat karet alam. Bahan penggumpal ditambahkan ke dalam lateks kebun berpengawet ammonia pada dosis 7g/kg karet. Lateks yang telah diberi perlakuan dibiarkan menggumpal selama dua minggu, selanjutnya karet digiling dan dikeringkan dalam oven pada suhu 100°C selama 2-3 jam. Karet kering diuji sifat kimianya (PRI, kadar kotoran, kadar abu, dan kadar zat menguap), setelah itu dibuat vulkanisat dengan resep kompon ASTM 2A. Kompon karet diuji karakteristik vulkanisasinya dengan rheometer, kemudian vulkanisat diuji sifat fisika (kekuatan tarik, perpanjangan putus, modulus 300 % dan kekerasan). Sebagai pembanding digunakan asam format. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan asam organik dan garam anorganik sebagai bahan penggumpal memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing. Kombinasi antara bahan asam dengan garam anorganik diharapkan dapat memberikan hasil yang lebih baik sehingga mutu bahan olah karet akan meningkat. Diterima : 5 Juli 2013; Direvisi : 17 September 2013; Disetujui : 2 Desember 2013 How to Cite : Handayani, H. (2014). Pengaruh berbagai jenis penggumpal padat terhadap mutu koagulum dan vulkanisat karet alam. Jurnal Penelitian Karet, 32(1), 74-80. Retrieved from http://ejournal.puslitkaret.co.id/index.php/jpk/article/view/15

    Utilization of Scientific Publication Media to Improve the Quality of Scientific Work

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    The publication of scientific work is an absolute thing that must be owned and produced by academics at this time. Moreover, when referring to the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (PAN RB) Regulation No. 17 of 2013 and the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 92 of 2004 which states that the increase in the academic level of lecturers requires publication of accredited national scientific journals and journals Internationally reputable in their field. In addition to being very important for the performance of lecturers, the publication of scientific papers has become a government regulation through the Director General of Higher Education, which requires S1, S2 and S3 students to make a summary of scientific work published both online and in print as one of the graduation requirements. Seeing this, Raharja College has participated in providing publication media for scientific works, especially in online forms, one of which is iLearning Journal Center (iJC). Until now iLearning Journal Center has overseen 5 (five) journals in it with different scope of research. However, the problems that occur at this time are still a lack of the general public to know especially in the Higher Education environment regarding the iLearning Journal Center (iJC) as a publication media for online scientific work. In this study will be discussed about the steps or methods taken to maximize the use of iLearning Journal Center (iJC) as an online journal publication media to improve the quality and quantity of scientific works. This study uses SWOT analysis method and system design using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and the applications used in this study by applying the Open Journal System (OJS) which is known as management software and publishing online journals. The results of this study are a governance or management that can be done as a step to maximize the increase of publication of online scientific works for the academic community. Keywords: iLearning Journal Center (iJC), Scientific Work Publication, Journal Online, Open Journal System (OJS

    Mengenal Kesalahan Umum Dalam Penulisan Ilmiah Keperawatan

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    The quality of a scientific article relies on the author's ability to construct every single sentence through the article. Mistakes in writing could be due to the authors fails to understand techniques as well as principles ethics of writing. This paper outlines several important points in developing a nursing scientific article, starting from formulating title to compiling references. This paper will help author increasing her/his roles in nursing publication preparation by means minimizing writing mistakes

    Sistem Informasi Pariwisata Kabupaten Magelang Berbasis Web

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    Magelang is the Regency of Central Java Province. As a tourist destinations, Magelang has a lot of natural resources, culture, and exciting attractions. Tourism sector is one of aspect that can increase local revenue. Currently, the potential development of the tourist area in Magelang is still not widely known by the public, both inside and outside of the country. The tourists will have difficulty in determining travel planning because the information provided is not complete. Travelers need information systems that is more rapid, precise, and complete so that travelers know the description of tourist areas to be visited. The data is being collected by using purposive sampling method. Testing the credibility of the data with source triangulation techniques. The programming language used HTML, PHP, and CSS. Database used MySQL and the XAMPP Control Panel as a server at localhost. The data collected through interviews and observation in Magelang Regency.Tourism Information System Magelang Regency Based Web has been implemented so that visitors can find out information location on tourist attraction, tourist services (hotel, gas station, and restaurant), and directions road using Google Maps. This system also can be used as a means of travel guides for tourist who visit and can help in publicizing tourism potential in the Regency of Magelan

    Integrasi Budaya Kewirausahaan ke dalam Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Restoran

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    This researchintended to conduct the integrated entrepreneurship culture<improve the subject of Restaurant, so that study can be more effective and qualifiedin the future< Peculiarly this research intended to find out the methods or learningstrategicin integrating entrepreneurship and to know the result reached bystudents in integrating entrepreneurship study at management aspecL The subjectof this researchwas students who taken the subject of Restaurant at UndergraduateProgram of Food and Fashion Engineering Education< The object is integratedentrepreneurship culfurizationwith the subject of Restaurant at managementaspecL Research procedure is conducted based on action research method whichare planning, action, observation and reflection, treated in 6cyc1es< The result ofresearch indicatesthat the integration of entrepreneurship culture can improve themanagerial competencyof students at subject of RestauranL Gradually, thecompetency was increasing from first rotation to sixth, that is at non formalrestaurant group,equal to 10 % with the average improvement of 2 %, formalrestaurantgroup 27,5 % with the average improvement of 5,5 %, and cake & bakerygroup 10% with the average improvement of 2 %< The result of action executionshowsthat the step of study consisted of (a) modules learning, (b) field visiting (c)business plan making, (d) implementation of business plan, (e) monitoring,reflectingand evaluating, which is applicable to improve the study quality

    Analisis Pengaruh Book-tax Differences Terhadap Persistensi Laba

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    This study aims to obtain empirical evidence about the role of differences between accounting income and taxable income (book-tax differences) of earnings one period ahead. In addition this study aims to test whether the difference between accounting earnings and taxable income will also affect investors' assessment of earnings persistence in the future. The hypothesis proposed is: (1) firms with large book-tax differences has a lower accounting earnings persistence than firms with small book-tax differences, (2) firms with large book-tax differences has a persistence of accrual components is lower than companies with small book-tax differences. The samples used were 40 companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), and publish audited financial statements are consistent in the year 2000-2005. The data was collected using purposive sampling. The statistical methods used are panel data regression. The results showed that firms with large large book-tax differences of having lower earnings persistence than firms with small large book-tax differences. However, the low persistence of earnings is not statistically proven due to the accrual component. Investors have not been able to distinguish the information contained in accruals and cash flow component in determining the persistence of earnings. Information about the size of the large book-tax differences contained in accruals component can not affect investors' assessment of earnings persistence in the futur
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