90 research outputs found

    Alternatif Penegakan Hukum dalam Perspektif Islam

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    Hukum merupakan sarana untuk mengendalikan aktivitas kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Oleh karena itu, penegakan hukum sangat didambakan masyarakat Indonesia saat ini. Namun untuk mewujudkan dambaannya, tidak cukup hanya dengan undang-undang belaka, tetapi harus memperhatikan tiga fenomena hukum, yaitu: substansi hukum, struktur hukum dan budaya hukum, dalam arti adanya konsistensi antara law in books dan law in action. Belum terwujudnya penegakan hukum di Indonesia disebabkan adanya tiga faktor yang menjadi kendala utama yaitu: 1) faktor kualitas hidup masyarakat, 2) faktor rumusan hukum, 3) faktor kualitas sumber daya manusia. Akibat tiga kendala tersebut, menjadi penyebab terpuruknua Indonesia disegala bidang. Untuk mengantisipasi keterpurukan yang dialami bangsa Indonesia sekarang, maka alternatif yang perlu dipertimbangkan adalah pendekatan agama dan moral, dalam arti pembinaan Akhlaqul Karimah

    Pengaruh Xantorizol Terhadap Sel Hepatoma HepG2

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    The investigation of xanthorrizol antiproliferative effect and the mechanism of cell death in human hepatoma cell line HepG2 had been investigated. Antiproliferative assay using methylene blue staining revealed that xantorizol inhibited the proliferation of HepG2 cells with an IC50 value of 4.17 ± 0.03 μg/ml. The antiproliferative activity of xanthorrhizol was due to apoptosis induced in HepG2 cells and not necrosis, which was confirmed by the Tdt-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay. The xanthorrhizol-treated HepG2 cells showed typical apoptotic morphology such as DNA fragmentation. The apoptosis mediated by xanthorrhizol in HepG2 cells was associated with the activation of tumor suppressor p53 and down-regulation of the antiapoptotic Bcl-2 protein expression, but not Bax. The levels of Bcl-2 protein expression decreased 24-hrs after treatment with xanthorrhizol, and remained lower than controls throughout the experiment resulting in a shift in the Bax to Bcl-2 ratio thus favouring apoptosis. In conclusion, xanthorrhizol exerts antiproliverative effects on HepG2 cells via apoptosis by modulating p53 and Bcl-2 protein levels.&nbsp

    Eksistensi Perusahaan Sebagai Organ Masyarakat

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    Almost in all economic sector had negative growth in1998 but the existenci of company as social organ always has a role to encourage a desire of worl bussines the existenci of company as social organ will always be dynamic head for the growth social culture, cause in the middle of society the company always become the centre of economic actifity

    Induksi dan Proliferasi Kalus Embriogenik pada Beberapa Genotipe Kedelai

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    The successful of gene transformation on crop plants depends on the ability of explant to develop somatic embryos. The effect of medium composition on induction and proliferation of embryonic callus was analyzed on several soybean genotypes, including low irradiance (LI) tolerant genotype (Ceneng, Pangrango C6-30-10 and C6-76-10) and two LI sensitive genotypes (Godeg and Slamet). Immature cotyledons (14 DAA) were cultured in induction medium including MSIA (MS, vitamin B5, 30% sucrose, 0.2% gelrite, 10 mg L-1 2,4-D and 10 mg L-1 NAA) and MSIB (MS, vitamin B5, 30% sucrose, 0.2% gelrite, and 40 mg L-1 2,4-D). Embryonic calli was subcultered one month after initiation onto proliferation medium including MSIIA (MS, vit. B5, 30% sucrose, 0.2% gelrite, 5 mg L-1 2,4-D and 5 mg L-1 NAA) and MSIIB (MS, vitamin B5, 30% sucrose, 0.2% gelrite, and 20 mg L-1 2,4-D). The result showed that percentage of callused explant was 76-94% and the highest initiation obtained on Pangrango genotypes. The average of calli diameter at 1 month after initiation was 0.5-1.2 cm. Calli which was obtained on MSIA medium showed yellow, tranparent, and friable, whereas calli was obtained on MSIB medium showed yellow-brown, transparent, and friable. Increasing calli diameter and structure were obtained on proliferation medium. The combination of 2,4-D and NAA on MSIA and MSIIA both are induction and proliferation medium respectively were better than MSIB and MSIIB which were contain only 2,4-D. Ceneng genotype showed best performance of somatic embryogenesis than others, and Slamet genotype showed lowest response both on callus induction and proliferation

    Gender Dalam Syariah : Relasi Antara Laki-laki Dan Perempuan

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    Conversation about women is not endless. Every conversation about women will occupy her position to be equal in the gender relation, but on the other hand women will occupy the lowest position, including in the the social, cultural, economic, political, and even religious fields

    Hubungan Eq, Pengetahuan Kewirausahaan, dan Hasrat Marginal Menabung, dengan Motivasi Berwirausaha Mahasiswa Pendidikan Ekonomi

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    This research aims to describe the relationship between emotional inteligency, entrepreneur knowledge, marginal propensity to save, and entrepreneurship motivation of students majoring in Economic Education Science, in Teacher Education Faculty, Jambi University. This is correlation research. The population of this research was students majoring Economic Education Science of Teacher Education Faculty, Jambi University and the sampel was 79 students from 2012 intake using nonprobability purpose sampling tehnique. The data were collected using questionnaire of emotional inteligency, marginal propensity to save, entrepreneur motivation and tes of entrepreneur knowledge. The data were analyzed using correlation product moment with level of significant 0.05. The research finding reveals that: (1) There is a positive and significant relationship between emotional inteligency and students entrepreneurship motivation with a correlation coefficient 0.456, in level of significant 0.05; (2) There is significant relationship between entrepreneurship knowledge and student entrepreneurship motivation with a correlation coeffivient 0.459, in level of significant 0.05; (3) There is significant relationship between marginal propensity to save and entrepreneurship motivation with a correlation coefficient 0.517, in level of significant 0.05;(4) There is significant relationship between emotional inteligency, entrepreneurship knowledge, and marginal propensity to save with students entrepreneurship motivation with a correlation coefficient 0.625 in level of significant 0.0.5

    Relevansi Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi dalam Penempatan Kerja

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    This study aims to determine the level of relevance of graduates in work placements and determine the relevance factors of graduates in work placements. This type of research is descriptive exploratory, the variables studied include the level of relevance of graduates is the level of job suitability obtained by graduates of the Business Administration Study Program in work placements can be seen from the population in this study are graduates (alumni) from the Business Administration Study Program totaling 369 people while the sample was taken in a proportional random sampling that the samples were taken randomly with a sample of 201 people. The questionnaire method is used to reveal data regarding competence, relevance and type of graduate work. The results in this study are the level of relevance of college graduates in work placements obtained 67.2% percentage related to the field of administration and management and 32.8% non administration and management. This proves that the relevance of college graduates in this case is the Bengkalis State Polytechnic in particular the Business Administration Study Program is already relevant (relevant) with this work placement seen from the job description (job description) in accordance with the fields of administration and management. The relevance factors of graduates with work placements are factors of job profile, competency and education level factors

    Isu Gender : Potret Relasi Masa Lampau, at a Glance

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    Isu sekitar Islam dan relasi gender dewasa ini bukan lagi menjadi suatu yang asing, melainkan menjadi topik yang diperdebatkan. Banyak kalangan memahami bahwa Islam menempatkan kedudukan wanita lebih rendah dari pada laki-laki. Islam dianggap telah memberikan perlakuan-perlakuan istimewa kepada laki-laki dalam hak-hak individual dan sosial yang tidak diberikan kepada wanita. Namun banyak juga yang mencoba menempatkan pada tempat sebagaimana mestinya melalui ayat-ayat al-Quran dan hadis serta pemikiran ulama, cendikiawan
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