8 research outputs found

    Analisis Permintaan Produk Susu Bubuk Balita pada Konsumen Rumah Tangga di Kecamatan Loli Kabupaten Sumba Barat

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    The aim of this research is to know the demand of toddler milk product and the influence of family\u27s earning, milk price, amount of toddler in family, level of mother education and mother\u27s nutrient knowledge to the demand of toddler milk product factor. This research was executed in Februari-Maret 2012 in Loli Sub District Sumba Barat Regency. Method which was used in this research is survey method. The method of sample determination with Multistage Random Sampling method that is chosening 3 villages with highest amount of toddler, each village selected 2 RWs at random, each RW selected 2 RTs at random, and then from each chosen RT is determined 5 respondents at random with the respondent assumption have todller, so the sum of sample is 60 respondents. Variable taken as research model is the demand of toddler milk product (Y), earnings (X1), goods price (X2), amount of toddler in family (X3), mother\u27s education (X4), and the level of mother\u27s nutrient knowledge (X5). The data were obtained is in the form of primary data and sekunder data. The data were obtained is in the form of SPSS program version 16.0 with demand model Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + b4X4 + b5X5 + e. Regresion result that obtained is Y=-1,140 + 0,723X1 - 0,331 X2 + 0,218X3 + 0,032X4 + 0,071X5. Family\u27s earnings (X1), milk price (X2), amount of toddler in family (X3), mother\u27s education (X4), and the level of mother\u27s nutrient knowledge (X5) simultaneously have an effect (P ≤ 0,05) to the demand of toddler milk product. Partially, the demand of toddler milk product is influenced by family\u27s earning (X1), milk price (X2) and the amount of toddler in family (X3), with R2 = 0,543

    Efisiensi Produksi Peternakan Ayam Pedaging Riski Jaya Abadi Kebumen Ditinjau Dari Efisiensi Manajemen,teknis Dan Ekonomis (Production Efficiency of Riski Jaya Abadi Broiler Farm at Kebumen Regency Sighted From Management Efficiency, Technical Efficiency,

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    Research aims to measure maximallyeconomic efficiency and technical efficiency of Riski Jaya Abadi Broiler Farm, prescriptive factor and gives that solution is attained efficiency which maximal. Research is done in July – August 2014 at Riski's Riski Jaya Abadi Broiler Farm with observation method. Data that is gotten is recording's data ranch 30 preserve period and willbe analyzed with frontier to determine efficiency point. Result of this research is Riski Jaya Abadi Broiler Farm was enough efficient in their managerial. Factor to determine efficiency level is production cost, quality and amount of each production and management factor to get expected result

    Format Majalah Udara Pada Siaran Pedesaan Di Rri (Radio Republik Indonesia) Semarang (the Format of “Majalah Udara” at Rural Broadcast in Rri Semarang)

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    This reseach have done on September, 2005 in RRI Semarang and pusposed to the know format of “majalah udara” on rural program at RRI Semarang using case study. Primary data were collected from interview and observation. Data were analysed descriptively. The result indicated that RRI‟s rural program carried out in the form of extension broadcasting program to increase the farmers‟ knowledge and in turn can change the farming pattern. The program broadcasted at 05 a.m. and repeated at 7.30 p.m. every Friday, called „Langlang Pradesa‟ Program

    Income Over Feed Cost Pemeliharaan Ayam Broiler Betina Dengan Ransum Mengandung Tepung S. Molesta (Income Over Feed Cost of Female Broilers Rearing Fed with S. Molesta)

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of flour S. molesta in each treatment against income over feed cost (IOFC), body weight gain (UN), consumption, and feed convertion ratio (FCR). Meteri used are broiler chickens aged 2 weeks (DOC) female strain Lohmann much as 100 individuals. The method used in this study is completely randomized design (CRD). The experiments were performed using a mixture of flour S. molesta multilevel feed with different percentage is T0 = without giving Salvinia, Salvinia T1 = diet with 6%, T2 = 12% ration with Salvinia, and T3 = diet with 18% Salvinia. Each treatment was repeated five times so that there are 20 experimental units. Data obtained from this study were processed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications. If there is a difference between the effect of treatment then followed by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The results of the study superscript (P <0.05) showed that administration of S. molesta significant effect on IOFC, the UN, the final weight and FCR, but not significant effect on the average consumer. IOFC sale of live and carcass highest of the administration of 0%, while the provision of 12% and 18% decrease, but not significantly different from 6% to 0% so that the S. molesta can be given to animals up to 6%

    Komparasi Biaya dan Pendapatan USAha Peternakan Sapi Perah Rakyat Anggota Koperasi Unit Desa (Kud) dan Non Anggota Koperasi Unit Desa di Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghitung biaya dan pendapatan peternak sapi perah rakyat antara anggota koperasi dan non anggota koperasi di Kabupaten Banyumas. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2009 - Februari 2010 di Kabupaten Banyumas. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey. Metode penentuan lokasi sampel penelitian yang digunakan purpossive sampling yaitu penentuan lokasi dengan pengambilan sampel menurut kriteria di 3 kecamatan yang mempunyai peternak sapi perah terbanyak. Kecamatan terpilih yaitu Baturaden, Pekuncen, dan Sumbang dengan Desa terpilih yaitu Kemutug Lor, Tumiyang, Limpakuwus sedangkan non anggota koperasi dipilih secara menyeluruh di Kabupaten Banyumas. Sampel yang diperoleh sebanyak 40 responden untuk anggota koperasi dan 14 non anggota koperasi. Data yang didapat diolah secara deskriptif dan statistik yaitu mendeskripsikan dan menginterpretasikan data yang diperoleh kemudian ditabulasi dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji beda. Uji beda yang digunakan adalah Independent sample t test. Independent sample t test untuk menguji perbedan rata-rata biaya dan pendapatan peternak di kabupaten banyumas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata biaya yang dikeluarkan peternak anggota Koperasi dan non anggota masing-masing adalah Rp. 1.653.626,3 dan Rp.845.549,71. Hasil ini menunjukkan adanya perbedaan biaya secara nyata (P<0,05). Rata-rata pendapatan USAha peternak sapi perah rakyat anggota koperasi dan non anggota adalah Rp. 121.218,75 dan Rp. 10.271,71 (P>0,05). Hal ini berarti tidak terdapat perbedaan pendapatan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa biaya yang dikeluarkan peternak antara anggota koperasi dan non anggota koperasi di Kabupaten Banyumas berbeda, sedangkan pendapatan tidak terdapat perbedaa

    Analisis Potensi Pengembangan Agribisnis Sapi Perah di Kecamatan Ungaran Barat Kabupaten Semarang

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    This study aim to determine the potential of dairy cattle agribusiness development in the District of Ungaran Barat, Semarang regency. This study uses survey. The sampling method is determined by the method of quota random sampling. A total of 81 farmers in the sample is obtained by using the formula of Slovin. The data is taken from the primary data and secondary data. Primary data were obtained from observations and interviews based on the questionnaire. Secondary data were obtained from the records of the Department of Livestock and Fisheries, Semarang regency, Central Bureau of Statistics and the Office of the District of Ungaran Barat. Analysis of the data used in the study is the analysis by looking at the Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) to determine the potential for development of dairy agribusiness. The results showed a SWOT analysis for the calculation of the total score obtained 3,421 internal factors and external total score of 3,520 and is located in the matrix I which showed growth. Growth matrix indicates the carrying capacity of internal and external factors in the District of Ungaran Barat very supportive to the development of dairy cattle agribusiness. Based on the results of this study concluded that dairy cattle agribusiness in the District of Ungaran Barat Semarang Regency potential to be developed

    Profil USAha Peternakan Itik Di Kabupaten Brebes (the Profile of Duck Business in Brebes Regency)

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    This research to know profile of effort ranch of duck in Brebes Regency. The method research by survey method. Collected data cover primary data and secondary data. Primary data obtained from responder pursuant to interview at society by using questionnaire. Research location reside in Brebes Regency representing potential duck livestock. Determining three Economic Enterprise (KTT) were exist in Brebes Regency by purposive random sampling. Each KTT taken by 10 farmer to be made as responder by random. Then the data ware analysed with descriptive qualitative, that is taking field data, analysing obtained data, then result of which is obtained to be concluded. The result of research indicate that mean experience of farming the responder 4,85 year. Duck strain are local duck which come from Tegal and Cirebon. Mean of amount of looked after counted 588. Ordinary disease attack are ND and cholera. Passed to feed are intact fish, dry rice, thorn fillet fish and bran. The eggs product to be sold to compiler merchant and some of processed theirself become briny egg. Egg price range from Rp 550,- until Rp 610,-. Earnings mean every month the responder breeder equal to Rp 568.604,-