
Analisis Permintaan Produk Susu Bubuk Balita pada Konsumen Rumah Tangga di Kecamatan Loli Kabupaten Sumba Barat


The aim of this research is to know the demand of toddler milk product and the influence of family\u27s earning, milk price, amount of toddler in family, level of mother education and mother\u27s nutrient knowledge to the demand of toddler milk product factor. This research was executed in Februari-Maret 2012 in Loli Sub District Sumba Barat Regency. Method which was used in this research is survey method. The method of sample determination with Multistage Random Sampling method that is chosening 3 villages with highest amount of toddler, each village selected 2 RWs at random, each RW selected 2 RTs at random, and then from each chosen RT is determined 5 respondents at random with the respondent assumption have todller, so the sum of sample is 60 respondents. Variable taken as research model is the demand of toddler milk product (Y), earnings (X1), goods price (X2), amount of toddler in family (X3), mother\u27s education (X4), and the level of mother\u27s nutrient knowledge (X5). The data were obtained is in the form of primary data and sekunder data. The data were obtained is in the form of SPSS program version 16.0 with demand model Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + b4X4 + b5X5 + e. Regresion result that obtained is Y=-1,140 + 0,723X1 - 0,331 X2 + 0,218X3 + 0,032X4 + 0,071X5. Family\u27s earnings (X1), milk price (X2), amount of toddler in family (X3), mother\u27s education (X4), and the level of mother\u27s nutrient knowledge (X5) simultaneously have an effect (P ≤ 0,05) to the demand of toddler milk product. Partially, the demand of toddler milk product is influenced by family\u27s earning (X1), milk price (X2) and the amount of toddler in family (X3), with R2 = 0,543

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