34 research outputs found

    Penilaian Risiko Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja

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    Keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja merupakan aspek penting dalam mengendalikan semua risiko yang ada didalam operasional Perusahaan sehingga Penerapan (K3) ditempat kerja dapat meminimalkan risiko kecelakaan kerja pada setiap kegiatan proses produksi. Kecelakaan yang terjadi di lingkungan kerja sebagian besar 88% disebabkan karena perilaku yang tidak aman (unsafe action), 10% kondisi lingkungan kerja yang tidak aman (unsafe condition) dan 2% tidak diketaui penyebabnya. Oleh karena itu manajemen Perusahaan harus melakukan analisis terhadap manajemen risiko yang diharapkan dapat mengurangi dan melindungi bahkan menghilangkan risiko kecelakaan kerja (zero Accident) pada tenaga kerja dengan melakukan pencegahan pada timbulnya kecelakaan kerja selama melakukan kegiatan proses produksi. Tujuan penelitan ini yaitu melakukan identifikasi potensi bahaya dan melakukan penilaian risiko bahaya yang akan terjadi di PT. X divisi Particle Board di area glue kitchen, forming dan press line. Terdapat 23 kejadian risiko keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja yang sudah di identifikasi. Adapun risiko yang paling banyak terjadi yaitu pada tahapan proses forming dan press process. Tingkat risiko yang paling tinggi yang bisa berpotensi kematian (ektstrem risk) yaitu ketika pekerja melintasi tangga forming dan hot press. Sedangkan tingkat risiko yang paling rendah yaitu ketika pekerja terbentur besi beam, terkena flake yang tajam dan terkena oli panas saat terjadi kebocoran pipa

    Tingkat Kemandirian Pasien Mengontrol Halusinasi Setelah Terapi Aktivitas Kelompok

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    Hallucinations are positive symptoms most commontly experienced bypatients with psychiatric disorders. Perceptual stimulation therapy group activities are part of the therapeutic modalities that are given to patients with schizophrenia who experienced hallucinations in order to achieve independence of patient. This is a descriptive study which saw the picture of the level of independence of the patients in the control hallucinations after following stimulation group activity. The sampling technique used was consecutive sampling, in which 42 people were interviewed. The process of data collection using the method of observation, which in practice researchers assisted by the numerator. Analysis of the data with the percentage and frequency distribution are described in the table. The result showed that the level of independence of patient hallucinations in controlling halluciantions after following stimulation group activity therapy activity perception is supportive 28.6%, partially 61,9%, and wholly 9,5%. Based on the findings that majority of patients a level of independence that is partially, developed strategies necessary in an effort to increase the performance of nurses in the implementation of nursing actions that can foster patient independence

    Debit Air Sungai Melancar di Kawasan Lindung Gunung Loncek Kecamatan Anjongan Kabupaten Pontianak

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    In addition, water is non biological factor from the forest that has an important role, especially for people who lived in that area. The availability of the water in one area have to be describe to explore that the potential and availability of the water in the area. For Melancar river, theres no research about the availability of the river water. This research aims to study water debit of Melancar river in protected area of Gunung Loncek in Kecamatan Anjongan Kabupaten Pontianak in rainy and dry. It also explain the condition of vegetation in Gunung Loncek. The results show that water debit of Melancar river in dry days was 0,0278 m3/s and the debit in rainy days was 0,0392 m3/s. The function of the forest in Gunung Loncek area is important to manage water availability, it is shown by the difference of the Melancar rivers debit value between rainy and dry days is not too far evently it is significantly different. The availability of the Melancar rivers water is still good enough and it still can supply people who lived in Melancar river area for their daily used. Keywords : Water Debit, The Melancar River, availability

    Analisis Ekonomi Lingkungan Terhadap Pembangunan Waduk Jatibarang Kota Semarang

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    Jatibarang dam which located in Semarang has a multipurpose function for flood control and supply for drinking water. Jatibarang dam was built in 2009. The dam building effected several aspects in the area such as social aspect, economic, and environmental. Utilization of Jatibarang dam must be analyzed in order to know the benefits of Jatibarang dam. The benefits as a flood control could prevent 10 years period of flood which estimated losses of IDR 176.669.000.000. The benefits of supply for drinking water is estimated of IDR Tourism activity in Jatibarang dam which was analyzed using an individual travel cost method resulted IDR 3.236.537.038. Analysis of the engineering economic for water treatment plant feasibility study which was feasible with Net Present Value (NPV) was Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) was 1,44, Internal Rate Return (IRR) was 15,87, Payback Period (PP) 11,62 years, and Profitability Index (PI) was 79,87

    Improving Students' VocabularyMasteryThrough Cartoon Movie at the Grade Fifth Students of SDN 016 Rambah Samo.

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    This research is conducted to improve students' vocabulary mastery at fifth grade of Elementary school 016 Rambah Samotrought Cartoon movie. This research used Classroom Action Research (CAR) which conducted to solve the students' problem in Vocabulary Mastery. This research conducted in two cycles, in every cycle consist of plan, action, observation and reflection. The data were gathered through qualitative and quantitative data. The finding of this research indicated that the implementation of cartoon movie was successful since there an improvement ofstudents vocabulary mastery. Based on the finding mentioned, the researcher suggests that English teacher could implement cartoon movie media in teaching English vocabulary mastery

    Rencana Teknis Penyaluran Air Buangan Sistem Terpusat Kabupaten Kudus

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    Kecamatan Kota Kudus dan Kecamatan Jati di Kabupaten Kudus adalah wilayah dengan kepadatan penduduk tinggi. Dengan luas lahan yang kecil dan jarak antar rumah penduduk dekat, dikhawatirkan tangki septik yang ada dalam setiap rumah dapat menimbulkan pencemaran pada air tanah. Untuk mengatasi potensi permasalahan tersebut, Pemerintah Kabupaten Kudus telah menyusun dokumen rencana induk pengelolaan air limbah domestik guna mencegah pencemaran air tanah terjadi. Dalam dokumen itu direncanakan penyaluran air limbah domestik dengan sistem terpusat, artinya penyaluran dilakukan melalui jaringan perpipaan (Sewage System). Sistem penyaluran yang dipilih adalah sistem konvensional. Dengan perencanaan ini, diharapkan dapat mencegah pencemaran lingkungan dan menciptakan kawasan penduduk yang sehat dan nyaman

    Mitigasi Risiko Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3)

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    Risk management of occupational safety and health risk in the industrial world especially in PT.KutaiTimber Indonesia paticle board factory that encourages safety and healty efforts way of mitigasing all therisk that exist. The method used in this researh is the management of risk by Australian/New Zealand RiskManagement Standart AS/NZS 4360:2004. The first stage in this risk manajement is to identify the risk byusing a fishbone diagram. The second stage is to do the risk assessment analysis of the consequences andlikelihood. From the results of the risk analysis found 2 exstreme risk levels, 7 high risk levels and 4 lowrisk levels. Exstreme risk level and high risk level is classified as the most serious risk that could result indeath so that in can be done first priority handling. Exstreme risk events worker falls while walking acrossthe top of the stairs in forming and hot press. Mitigation measures is to give warning sign safety forbiddenjoked as the worker walked across the stairs, put a wooden board as the base that is not slippery stairs,iron fences plus higher as a safety handrails and worker are required equipment safety shoes that fitunderneath is still thick with the standart

    Analisis Simulasi Perubahan Konsentrasi Klorin dalam Pipa Distribusi Penyediaan Air Minum Pdam Demak Zona 3

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    As drinking water quality monitoring as required by the Regulation of the Minister of Health and give an idea or information about the quality of drinking water distributed in pipes can be approached by analyzing the water age and changes in the concentration of chlorine in drinking water distribution pipes. The approach is based on research done by simulation or modeling water quality in drinking water supply pipes with the help of software modeling water quality and direct observations in the field. With limited time and costs, from four existing zones in Demak PDAMs, research is only done at one zone, it was a drinking water distribution piping network in Zone 3 which has the longest pipeline compared to other zones. Water age does not affect the water turbidity levels in the water distribution pipes, but rather influenced by hydraulics flow and turbidity own constituent factors. Likewise, the level of turbidity does not affect the concentration of chlorine in drinking water distribution pipes. While the concentration of chlorine in drinking water distribution pipes is influenced by the water age and the distance of water from the reservoiras well asthe value ofthe bulk reaction rate forthe decay ofthe concentration of chlorinein thewater(k). The value of kinthiscase studyis-9.716mg/l/day which is adecayequationlinearizedline gradientof water formedarelationshipgraph of time (water age) to the concentration ofchlorine in that time

    Studi Perbandingan Pengaruh Penambahan Aktivator Agri Simba Dengan Mol Bonggol Pisang Terhadap Kandungan Unsur Hara Makro (Cnpk) Kompos Dari Blotong (Sugarcane Filter Cake) Dengan Variasi Penambahan Kulit Kopi (Studi Kasus : PT. Industri Gula Nusantara,

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    Filter cake and coffee pod are sugarmill industrial and plantation wastes that could potentially be used as organic fertilizer because it contains organic matter and nutrients. However both these wastes can not be directly used as fertilizer because of the element of nutrient not fulfill the standard so it should be composted organic fertilizer first. In this research, filter cake and coffee pod were composted with coffee pod treatment additional variation (0 kg, 2 kg, 2.5kg, and 3 kg) and type of activator variations were Agri Simba and MOL from banana weevil. Then their effects macro nutrient content of fertilizers (CNPK) will be seen after 30 days of composting. The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Environmental Engineering, University of Diponegoro. The best composting results contained in the composition variation of A2 with 3 kg of filter cake, 2.5 kg of coffee pod and Agri Simba activator that contain macro nutrients C-organic = 21.59%, N-total = 0.91%, P-total = 0.181%, K-total = 0.67% and C/N ratio = 23.82. These results are in accordance with the requirements of SNI 19-7030-2004 except for C/N ratio

    Analisis Ekonomi Lingkungan Terhadap Keberadaan Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir (Tpa) Blondo Kabupaten Semarang

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    Solid wastein Blondo Landfill Semarang Regency has increasedeach yearwith the number ofinhabitantsof SemarangRegency. According to data from Public Work DepartmentSemarang Regencyin 2013, the amount of wastereaching298.532m3/day.The results of a questionnairethat has been doneto the communityexplainingthat the publicarguesthe presence of Blondo Landfill provide someimpactin the form ofbenefitsanddisadvantages. The perceived benefitssuchcommunitiescan workinBlondoLandfill as scavengers, collectingused itemshave a sale value, utilizationof methane gasandorganic fertilizer granules processing. While the losscan be anuisanceflies, pollution, aestheticnuisance, andden of disease. In this research, there are three alternative for redesain of Blondo Landfill. The totalbenefits of the choosen alternative is first alternative obtainedfromthe presence ofBlondo Landfill isincome forscavengers, salesof organic fertilizer granules, andutilization ofmethane gas with vertical progressive well, worthIDR 4.563.429.654.00in the first year. The totalloss purchase ofwaterdue to pollutionof IDR 29.250.000,00. Based on theeconomic analysistechniquesonthe interest rateof 12%obtainedNPV ofIDR3.546.036.809.00, BCRof 1.06, Payback Periodof16.61 years, IRR of15.60% and PI of 41,52%. These resultsindicatethe landfillredesignprojectBlondo Landfill SemarangRegencyfeasible to go project