12 research outputs found

    Transcriptional Regulation of Grass Secondary Cell Wall Biosynthesis: Playing Catch-Up with Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Secondary cell wall synthesis occurs in specialized cell types following completion of cell enlargement. By virtue of mechanical strength provided by a wall thickened with cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin, these cells can function as water-conducting vessels and provide structural support. Several transcription factor families regulate genes encoding wall synthesis enzymes. Certain NAC and MYB proteins directly bind to the SNBE and AC elements upstream of structural genes and other transcription factors. The most detailed model of this regulatory network is established predominantly for a eudicot, Arabidopsis thaliana. In grasses, both the patterning and the composition of secondary cell walls are distinct from that of eudicots. These differences suggest transcriptional regulation is similarly distinct. Putative rice and maize orthologs of several eudicot cell wall regulators genetically complement mutants of A. thaliana or result in wall defects when constitutively overexpressed; nevertheless, aside from a maize, ZmMYB31, and a switchgrass protein, PvMYB4, function has not been tested in a grass. Similar to the seminal work conducted in A. thaliana, gene expression profiling in maize, rice, and other grasses implicates additional genes as regulators. Characterization of these genes will continue to elucidate the relationship between the transcription regulatory networks of eudicots and grasses

    Vision, challenges and opportunities for a Plant Cell Atlas

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    With growing populations and pressing environmental problems, future economies will be increasingly plant-based. Now is the time to reimagine plant science as a critical component of fundamental science, agriculture, environmental stewardship, energy, technology and healthcare. This effort requires a conceptual and technological framework to identify and map all cell types, and to comprehensively annotate the localization and organization of molecules at cellular and tissue levels. This framework, called the Plant Cell Atlas (PCA), will be critical for understanding and engineering plant development, physiology and environmental responses. A workshop was convened to discuss the purpose and utility of such an initiative, resulting in a roadmap that acknowledges the current knowledge gaps and technical challenges, and underscores how the PCA initiative can help to overcome them.</jats:p

    Transcriptional regulation of grass secondary cell wall biosynthesis: playing catch-up with Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Secondary cell wall synthesis occurs in specialized cell types following completion of cell enlargement. By virtue of mechanical strength provided by a wall thickened with cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin, these cells can function as water-conducting vessels and provide structural support. Several transcription factor families regulate genes encoding wall synthesis enzymes. Certain NAC and MYB proteins directly bind to the SNBE and AC elements upstream of structural genes and other transcription factors. The most detailed model of this regulatory network is established predominantly for a eudicot, Arabidopsis thaliana. In grasses, both the patterning and the composition of the secondary cell walls is distinct from that of eudicots, differences that suggest regulation is likewise distinct. Putative rice and maize orthologs of several eudicot cell wall regulators genetically complement mutants of A. thaliana or result in wall defects when constitutively overexpressed; nevertheless, aside from a maize, ZmMYB31, and a switchgrass protein, PvMYB4, function has not been tested in a grass. Similar to the seminal work conducted in A. thaliana, gene expression profiling in maize, rice, and other grasses implicates additional genes as regulators. Characterization of these genes will continue to elucidate the relationship between the transcription regulatory networks of eudicots and grasses

    Metabotyping as a Stopover in Genome-to-Phenome Mapping.

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    Metabotyping as a Stopover in Genome-to-Phenome Mapping

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    Abstract Predicting phenotypic expression from genomic and environmental information is arguably the greatest challenge in today’s biology. Being able to survey genomic content, e.g., as single-nucleotide polymorphism data, within a diverse population and predict the phenotypes of external traits, represents the holy grail across genome-informed disciplines, from personal medicine and nutrition to plant breeding. In the present study, we propose a two-step procedure in bridging the genome to phenome gap where external phenotypes are viewed as emergent properties of internal phenotypes, such as molecular profiles, in interaction with the environment. Using biomass accumulation and shoot-root allometry as external traits in diverse genotypes of the model grass Brachypodium distachyon, we established correlative models between genotypes and metabolite profiles (metabotypes) as internal phenotypes, and between metabotypes and external phenotypes under two contrasting watering regimes. Our results demonstrate the potential for employing metabotypes as an integrator in predicting external phenotypes from genomic information

    Distinct Preflowering Drought Tolerance Strategies of Sorghum bicolor Genotype RTx430 Revealed by Subcellular Protein Profiling

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    Drought is the largest stress affecting agricultural crops, resulting in substantial reductions in yield. Plant adaptation to water stress is a complex trait involving changes in hormone signaling, physiology, and morphology. Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) is a C4 cereal grass; it is an agricultural staple, and it is particularly drought-tolerant. To better understand drought adaptation strategies, we compared the cytosolic- and organelle-enriched protein profiles of leaves from two Sorghum bicolor genotypes, RTx430 and BTx642, with differing preflowering drought tolerances after 8 weeks of growth under water limitation in the field. In agreement with previous findings, we observed significant drought-induced changes in the abundance of multiple heat shock proteins and dehydrins in both genotypes. Interestingly, our data suggest a larger genotype-specific drought response in protein profiles of organelles, while cytosolic responses are largely similar between genotypes. Organelle-enriched proteins whose abundance significantly changed exclusively in the preflowering drought-tolerant genotype RTx430 upon drought stress suggest multiple mechanisms of drought tolerance. These include an RTx430-specific change in proteins associated with ABA metabolism and signal transduction, Rubisco activation, reactive oxygen species scavenging, flowering time regulation, and epicuticular wax production. We discuss the current understanding of these processes in relation to drought tolerance and their potential implications

    Light-Dependence of Formate (C1) and Acetate (C2) Transport and Oxidation in Poplar Trees.

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    Although apparent light inhibition of leaf day respiration is a widespread reported phenomenon, the mechanisms involved, including utilization of alternate respiratory pathways and substrates and light inhibition of TCA cycle enzymes are under active investigation. Recently, acetate fermentation was highlighted as a key drought survival strategy mediated through protein acetylation and jasmonate signaling. Here, we evaluate the light-dependence of acetate transport and assimilation in Populus trichocarpa trees using the dynamic xylem solution injection (DXSI) method developed here for continuous studies of C1 and C2 organic acid transport and light-dependent metabolism. Over 7 days, 1.0 L of [13C]formate and [13C2]acetate solutions were delivered to the stem base of 2-year old potted poplar trees, while continuous diurnal observations were made in the canopy of CO2, H2O, and isoprene gas exchange together with δ13CO2. Stem base injection of 10 mM [13C2]acetate induced an overall pattern of canopy branch headspace 13CO2 enrichment (δ13CO2 +27‱) with a diurnal structure in δ13CO2 reaching a mid-day minimum followed by a maximum shortly after darkening where δ13CO2 values rapidly increased up to +12‱. In contrast, 50 mM injections of [13C]formate were required to reach similar δ13CO2 enrichment levels in the canopy with δ13CO2 following diurnal patterns of transpiration. Illuminated leaves of detached poplar branches pretreated with 10 mM [13C2]acetate showed lower δ13CO2 (+20‱) compared to leaves treated with 10 mM [13C]formate (+320‱), the opposite pattern observed at the whole plant scale. Following dark/light cycles at the leaf-scale, rapid, strong, and reversible enhancements in headspace δ13CO2 by up to +60‱ were observed in [13C2]acetate-treated leaves which showed enhanced dihydrojasmonic acid and TCA cycle intermediate concentrations. The results are consistent with acetate in the transpiration stream as an effective activator of the jasmonate signaling pathway and respiratory substrate. The shorter lifetime of formate relative to acetate in the transpiration stream suggests rapid formate oxidation to CO2 during transport to the canopy. In contrast, acetate is efficiently transported to the canopy where an increased allocation towards mitochondrial dark respiration occurs at night. The results highlight the potential for an effective integration of acetate into glyoxylate and TCA cycles and the light-inhibition of citrate synthase as a potential regulatory mechanism controlling the diurnal allocation of acetate between anabolic and catabolic processes

    Light-Dependence of Formate (C1) and Acetate (C2) Transport and Oxidation in Poplar Trees

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    Although apparent light inhibition of leaf day respiration is a widespread reported phenomenon, the mechanisms involved, including utilization of alternate respiratory pathways and substrates and light inhibition of TCA cycle enzymes are under active investigation. Recently, acetate fermentation was highlighted as a key drought survival strategy mediated through protein acetylation and jasmonate signaling. Here, we evaluate the light-dependence of acetate transport and assimilation in Populus trichocarpa trees using the dynamic xylem solution injection (DXSI) method developed here for continuous studies of C1 and C2 organic acid transport and light-dependent metabolism. Over 7 days, 1.0 L of [13C]formate and [13C2]acetate solutions were delivered to the stem base of 2-year old potted poplar trees, while continuous diurnal observations were made in the canopy of CO2, H2O, and isoprene gas exchange together with &delta;13CO2. Stem base injection of 10 mM [13C2]acetate induced an overall pattern of canopy branch headspace 13CO2 enrichment (&delta;13CO2 +27&permil;) with a diurnal structure in &delta;13CO2 reaching a mid-day minimum followed by a maximum shortly after darkening where &delta;13CO2 values rapidly increased up to +12&permil;. In contrast, 50 mM injections of [13C]formate were required to reach similar &delta;13CO2 enrichment levels in the canopy with &delta;13CO2 following diurnal patterns of transpiration. Illuminated leaves of detached poplar branches pretreated with 10 mM [13C2]acetate showed lower &delta;13CO2 (+20&permil;) compared to leaves treated with 10 mM [13C]formate (+320&permil;), the opposite pattern observed at the whole plant scale. Following dark/light cycles at the leaf-scale, rapid, strong, and reversible enhancements in headspace &delta;13CO2 by up to +60&permil; were observed in [13C2]acetate-treated leaves which showed enhanced dihydrojasmonic acid and TCA cycle intermediate concentrations. The results are consistent with acetate in the transpiration stream as an effective activator of the jasmonate signaling pathway and respiratory substrate. The shorter lifetime of formate relative to acetate in the transpiration stream suggests rapid formate oxidation to CO2 during transport to the canopy. In contrast, acetate is efficiently transported to the canopy where an increased allocation towards mitochondrial dark respiration occurs at night. The results highlight the potential for an effective integration of acetate into glyoxylate and TCA cycles and the light-inhibition of citrate synthase as a potential regulatory mechanism controlling the diurnal allocation of acetate between anabolic and catabolic processes