8 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Terpaan Iklan Kosmetika Lipstik Dengan Motivasi Membeli Produk Kosmetika Lipstik

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    Periklanan merupakan suatu proses komunikasi memegang peranan yang cukup penting dalam perindustrian barang dan jasa, juga berperan dalam membentuk pola serta pendapat umum. Variable bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah intensitas terpaan iklan kosmetika lipstick yaitu jumlah kekerapan, berapa kali responden mendapat terpaan iklan kosmetika lipstick di media massa. Variabel tak bebasnya adalah motivasi mahasiswa dalam membeli produk kosmetika lipstick yang meliputi kebutuhan konsumen untuk menggunakan kosmetika lipstick, kesenangan dalam menggunakan lipstick, penciptaan peningkatan perasaan yang bersifat emosional ( lebih percaya diri). Populasi penelitian mahasiswa FISIP-UPN ”Veteran” Jawa Timur sebanyak 374 mahasiswi. Teknik penarikan sample menggunakan “Simple Random Sampling “, yang ditentukan ukuran sampel minimal kurang lebih 10 % sehigga diperoleh sampel sebanyak 73 responden. Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui penyebaran dan pengisian angket dari responden sebagai sample. Tenik analisis data menggunakan analisis Chi-kuadrat, yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya hubungan antara intensitas dan kebutuhan, kesenangan serta kepercayaan diri dalam menggunakan lipstick. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terbukti adanya hubungan yang cukup berarti antara terpaan iklan kosmetika lipstick dengan motivasi membeli produk kosmetika lipstick yang didorong oleh kebutuhan konsumen untuk menggunakan kosmetika lipstick, kesenangan dalam menggunakan lipstick dan penciptaan peningkatan perasaan yang bersifat emosional (lebih percaya diri

    Transisi Kelembagaan Dan Isi Siaran Radio PEMDA Menjadi Radio Publik Lokal Di Jawa Timur

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    The existence of Local Government Radio (namely Radio Khusus Pemerintah Daerah, abbreviated as RKPD) in East Java Province, Indonesia faced many problems in post implementing of Broadcasting Act No. 32/2002. This study used constructivism paradigm. The method used in this research is descriptive research with qualitative analysis. This research conducted observation, indepth interview, limited discussion to collect data; complemented with secondary data. The research uses purposive sampling technique. The data analyzed along with data interpretation and narrative report writing. By the research, it is found that RKPD faced complex problems regarding transition of both institutions and broadcasting content programs. Until recent time, RKPD did not have a standard design to be a public radio, both in the institutional aspect and broadcasting content program. In fact, there were various types of institution and legal entities as result of interpreting the act. The Broadcasting content program was also still dominated by the government interest. The program also discussed public issues minimally and gave limited access for the public to participate and engage. Institutional design and broadcasting program should be designed according to act No. 32/2002 as public radio that reflected the interests of public and supporting of public servic

    Interelasi Subsistem Komunikasi Pemerintah dalam Pengembangan Kambing Kaligesing di Purworejo

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    Government communication system encounter extension and selling complexity. The aim of the study is to know how interrelation of government communication sub system in encounter extension and selling complexity in Kaligesing goat farming in Purworejo regency. The theory of the study is communication system in perspective of Niklas Luhmann. The study was used explorative case study method. The result of the study showed that extension sub system and breeding sub system not optimal in interrelation. So, information which produced and reproduced not solved complexity effectively

    Konstruksi Pemberitaan Konflik Indonesia Vs Malaysia Di Surat Kabar (

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    Confrontation between Indonesia and Malaysia frequently occurs. The conflicts between the two of nations then and now are always repeated and never go over. Since the Soekarno regime until Yudhoyono regime always comes up with several problems. On August 13, 2010, confrontation between Indonesia and Malaysia repeatedly happened. In the waters of Tanjung Berakit, Marine Police Malaysia (MPM) have arrested Indonesian officials (Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP)). Those reality has attracted a news media attentions for reporting. Jawa Pos and Kompas have performed Tanjung Berakit incident on the front pages for nearly a month. Both Jawa Pos and Kompas Kompas have published the reality in different perspective. Each of them constructs reality based on their views. Wanting to inves­tigate the construction of news media above, this study uses framing theory to analyze the method of framing models Zongdang Pan and Gerald Kosicki M. It operationalizes the four dimensions of structural text news: syntax, script, thematic, and rhetorical. This study found that Jawa Pos constructs reality reporting on the arrest of three KKP officer by Marine Police Malaysia as a conflict between two countries that attacks each other. Both are en­emies which opposites to each other. Malaysia has always been challenging Indonesia while Indonesia is not able to compensate. Disappointment refers to the Indonesian government. Jawa Pos thought that the settlement with take up arms can be done. Unlike The Jawa Pos case, Kompas constructs reporting on the arrest of three KKP officersis not a conflict be­tween the two countries. It can be seen from the attitude of both countrie thatis very contra­dictory. If Indonesia is really angry with Malaysia, in reserve Malaysia is keeps in silent as if nothing happened. Even Malaysia considers that Indonesia is their friend. Kompas does not want to deteriorate their relationship. Indonesia and Malaysia are the two allied coun­tries for mutual benefit. Kompas considers that Keeping a cool head may be the best solution for resolving the conflict. Maturity and politeness should be put forward

    The Complexity of Government Communication System in Ettawa Crossbed (Ec) Goat Farming in Purworejo

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    The study is aimed to determine the complexity of the environment that is faced by the government communication system and regulation that was used to resolve the issue. The theory used is communication system in the perspective of Niklas Luhmann. The research method used is ethnography. The population of the study are in Purworejo which becomes center of crossbreed Ettawa goat farming. Data collection technique is conducted throught interviews and observations. The results of data analysis show that the government communication system has made regulations to resolve the real problems of crossbreed Ettawa goat farming that is done by breeders. When the government communication system produces the regulation, environmental issue has grown more complex. So the regulation that was made becomes irrelevant to the demands and challenge in the crossbreed Ettawa goat farming. The government communication system is slow in reducing the complexity of the environment and producing regulation

    Social Capital and Communication Systems of Ettawa Goat Breeders in Purworejo Regency

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the social capital and communication system of Ettawa goat breeders (Peranakan Ettawa/PE) Kaligesing race in Purworejo. The study used the theory of social capital and communication systems in the perspective of Niklas Luhmann. The method of this study employed ethnography. Social capital of breeders is developed within farmers' groups (Poktan). The existing social capitals in Poktan include trust, network, and norms. Social capital of trust is seen in the management of membership dues/contribution, poktan board transparency, division of work, and goat farming with nggaduh system. Network appears in the cooperation between Poktan with other Poktan, instructors/educator, traders/markets, universities, villages and districts. Norms are seen in the agreement on the division of dues, waragan group, and the breeders who use goats as debt guarantee and youth Poktan rules that prohibit breeders to sell the goats before lambing