3,804 research outputs found

    An optical fibre dynamic instrumented palpation sensor for the characterisation of biological tissue

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    AbstractThe diagnosis of prostate cancer using invasive techniques (such as biopsy and blood tests for prostate-specific antigen) and non-invasive techniques (such as digital rectal examination and trans-rectal ultrasonography) may be enhanced by using an additional dynamic instrumented palpation approach to prostate tissue classification. A dynamically actuated membrane sensor/actuator has been developed that incorporates an optical fibre Fabry–Pérot interferometer to record the displacement of the membrane when it is pressed on to different tissue samples. The membrane sensor was tested on a silicon elastomer prostate model with enlarged and stiffer material on one side to simulate early stage prostate cancer. The interferometer measurement was found to have high dynamic range and accuracy, with a minimum displacement resolution of ±0.4μm over a 721μm measurement range. The dynamic response of the membrane sensor when applied to different tissue types changed depending on the stiffness of the tissue being measured. This demonstrates the feasibility of an optically tracked dynamic palpation technique for classifying tissue type based on the dynamic response of the sensor/actuator

    Vitrification of an intermediate level Magnox sludge waste

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    A novel iron containing alkali alkaline earth borosilicate glass has been developed that can vitrify up to 30 wt% (dry weight) of a Magnox sludge waste in a homogeneous wasteform at a melting temperature of 1200C. Ce was used as a simulant of the actinide content in the waste. The waste was spiked with 0.5wt% of Cs2O of which 90% was retained in the glass. 60% of the Cl was also retained. Mg content limited the waste loading as loadings in excess of 30wt% led to the formation of forsterite and in some cases CeO2 and MgFe2O4 based spinels. PCT leach testing of the glasses for periods up to 180 days indicated the formation of an amorphous magnesium (alumino-)silicate hydrated layer on the glass surface together with barium rich crystalline precipitates. No Ce was detected in the leachate

    Dissociation and symptom dimensions of obsessive-compulsive disorder: A replication study

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    Background: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a phenotypically very heterogeneous disease with high rates of comorbid psychiatric pathology. Previous studies have indicated that OCD is associated with higher levels of dissociation. The aims of the present study were to replicate and extend previous findings of a significant link between certain OCD symptom dimensions and dissociation. Methods: The study sample comprised 50 patients with OCD, as confirmed by the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview,who had a score of at least 16 on the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale. All patients were assessed with the short version of the Hamburg Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory and the Dissociative Experience Scale (DES). Correlation analyses and multiple regression analyses were performed to evaluate the relationship between OCD symptom dimensions and dissociation. Results: The checking dimension was most strongly related to dissociation, followed by the symmetry/ordering and obsessive thoughts dimensions. In contrast, no significant relationship was found between dissociation and the washing/cleaning, counting/touching, and aggressive impulses/fantasies dimensions. Multiple regression analyses revealed that: (1) only the checking dimension showed an independent positive correlation with dissociation, and (2) only higher scores on the DES subscale "amnestic dissociation" were associated with higher scores for checking compulsions. Conclusions: Our results suggest that there might be a specific link between checking behavior and dissociation in OCD. Moreover, checking compulsions seem to be particularly associated with amnestic dissociation. Further studies focusing on amnestic dissociation as a potentially important determinant of checking compulsions are warrante

    The oldest fossil record of bandicoots (Marsupialia; Peramelemorphia) from the late Oligocene of Australia

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    Two new late Oligocene representatives of the marsupial order Peramelemorphia (bandicoots and bilbies) from the Etadunna Formation of South Australia are described here. Bulungu muirheadae sp. nov., from Zone B (Ditjimanka Local Fauna [LF]), is represented by several dentaries and isolated upper and lower molars. Bulungu campbelli sp. nov., from Zone C (Ngapakaldi LF), is represented by a single dentary and maxilla. Together, they represent the oldest fossil bandicoots described to date. Both are small (estimated body mass o

    Revision of basal macropodids from the Riversleigh World Heritage Area with descriptions of new material of Ganguroo bilamina Cooke, 1997 and a new species

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    The relationship of basal macropodids (Marsupialia: Macropodoidea) from the Oligo-Miocene of Australia have been unclear. Here, we describe a new species from the Bitesantennary Site within the Riversleigh's World Heritage Area (WHA), Ganguroo bites n. sp., new cranial and dental material of G. bilamina, and reassess material previously described as Bulungamaya delicata and 'Nowidgee matrix'. We performed a metric analysis of dental measurements on species of Thylogale which we then used, in combination with morphological features, to determine species boundaries in the fossils. We also performed a phylogenetic analysis to clarify the relationships of basal macropodid species within Macropodoidea. Our results support the distinction of G. bilamina, G. bites and B. delicata, but 'Nowidgee matrix' appears to be a synonym of B. delicata. The results of our phylogenetic analysis are inconclusive, but dental and cranial features suggest a close affinity between G. bilamina and macropodids. Finally, we revise the current understanding of basal macropodid diversity in Oligocene and Miocene sites at Riversleigh WHA

    Exciting dark matter in the galactic center

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    We reconsider the proposal of excited dark matter (DM) as an explanation for excess 511 keV gamma rays from positrons in the galactic center. We quantitatively compute the cross section for DM annihilation to nearby excited states, mediated by exchange of a new light gauge boson with off-diagonal couplings to the DM states. In models where both excited states must be heavy enough to decay into e^+ e^- and the ground state, the predicted rate of positron production is never large enough to agree with observations, unless one makes extreme assumptions about the local circular velocity in the Milky Way, or alternatively if there exists a metastable population of DM states which can be excited through a mass gap of less than 650 keV, before decaying into electrons and positrons.Comment: Dedicated to the memory of Lev Kofman; 16 pages, 9 figures; v3 added refs, minor changes, accepted to PR

    Biases in Multi-Year Management Financial Forecasts: Evidence From Private Venture-Backed U.S. Companies

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    This paper studies the properties and determinants of managers’ multi-year financial forecasts. Using one- to five-year-ahead forecasts reported by private venture-backed firms, we ask whether, by how much, and why biases in managers’ forecasts of revenues, expenses and profits depend on the forecasting horizon and the verifiability of assets. We find that profitability forecasts contain a strategic component, in that [1] one-year-ahead revenue (expense) forecasts are slightly and asymmetrically pessimistic (optimistic), while five-year-ahead forecasts are hugely and asymmetrically optimistic (pessimistic); and [2] biases in revenue and expense forecasts are larger, the harder to verify or more intangible-intensive are firms’ assets

    Market-to-Revenue Multiples in Public and Private Capital Markets

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    The behavior and determinants of market-to-revenue ratios in public and private capital markets is examined. Three samples are analysed: (1) all publicly traded stocks listed at some time on the New York Stock Exchange/American Stock Exchange/National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System in the 1980—2004 period; (2) sample of over 300 so-called ‘internet companies’ in the 1996—2004 period; and (3) over 5500 privately held venture capital-backed companies in the 1992—2004 period. Both company size and the most recent revenue growth rate are found to explain significant variation across companies in their market-to-revenue multiples — smaller companies and companies with higher recent revenue growth rates have higher multiples. We also document how the capital market appears to use a broad-based information set when setting market-to-revenue multiples for companies with negative revenue growth rates — transitory revenue growth components appear to be identified (in a probabilistic sense) by the capital market. Contrary to much anecdotal comment, we present evidence that the capital market behaved directionally along the lines predicted by capital market theory in the pricing of internet stocks in the 1996—2004 period

    On the combination of omics data for prediction of binary outcomes

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    Enrichment of predictive models with new biomolecular markers is an important task in high-dimensional omic applications. Increasingly, clinical studies include several sets of such omics markers available for each patient, measuring different levels of biological variation. As a result, one of the main challenges in predictive research is the integration of different sources of omic biomarkers for the prediction of health traits. We review several approaches for the combination of omic markers in the context of binary outcome prediction, all based on double cross-validation and regularized regression models. We evaluate their performance in terms of calibration and discrimination and we compare their performance with respect to single-omic source predictions. We illustrate the methods through the analysis of two real datasets. On the one hand, we consider the combination of two fractions of proteomic mass spectrometry for the calibration of a diagnostic rule for the detection of early-stage breast cancer. On the other hand, we consider transcriptomics and metabolomics as predictors of obesity using data from the Dietary, Lifestyle, and Genetic determinants of Obesity and Metabolic syndrome (DILGOM) study, a population-based cohort, from Finland