240 research outputs found

    Measurement of the Surface Gravity of η\eta Boo

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    Direct angular size measurements of the G0IV subgiant η\eta Boo from the Palomar Testbed Interferometer are presented, with limb-darkened angular size of θLD=2.18940.0140+0.0055\theta_{LD}= 2.1894^{+0.0055}_{-0.0140} mas, which indicate a linear radius of R=2.672±0.028RR=2.672 \pm 0.028 R_\odot. A bolometric flux estimate of FBOL=22.1±0.28×107F_{BOL} = 22.1 \pm 0.28\times 10^{-7} erg cm2^{-2}s1^{-1} is computed, which indicates an effective temperature of TEFF=6100±28T_{EFF}=6100 \pm 28 K and luminosity of L=8.89±0.16LL = 8.89 \pm 0.16 L_\odot for this object. Similar data are established for a check star, HD 121860. The η\eta Boo results are compared to, and confirm, similar parameters established by the {\it MOST} asteroseismology satellite. In conjunction with the mass estimate from the {\it MOST} investigation, a surface gravity of logg=3.817±0.016\log g=3.817 \pm 0.016 [cm s2^{-2}] is established for η\eta Boo.Comment: To appear in March 1, 2007 ApJ v657 n

    Ultrashort dead time of photon-counting InGaAs avalanche photodiodes

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    We report a 1.036 GHz gated Geiger mode InGaAs avalanche photodiode with a detection dead time of just 1.93 ns. This is demonstrated by full recovery of the detection efficiency two gate cycles after a detection event, as well as a measured maximum detection rate of 497 MHz. As an application, we measure the second order correlation function g(2)g^{(2)} of the emission from a diode laser with a single detector which works reliably at high speed owing to the extremely short dead time of the detector. The device is ideal for high bit rate fiber wavelength quantum key distribution and photonic quantum computing.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. Updated to published versio

    Efficient single-photon emission from electrically driven InP quantum dots epitaxially grown on Si(001)

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    The heteroepitaxy of III-V semiconductors on silicon is a promising approach for making silicon a photonic platform for on-chip optical interconnects and quantum optical applications. Monolithic integration of both material systems is a long-time challenge, since different material properties lead to high defect densities in the epitaxial layers. In recent years, nanostructures however have shown to be suitable for successfully realising light emitters on silicon, taking advantage of their geometry. Facet edges and sidewalls can minimise or eliminate the formation of dislocations, and due to the reduced contact area, nanostructures are little affected by dislocation networks. Here we demonstrate the potential of indium phosphide quantum dots as efficient light emitters on CMOS-compatible silicon substrates, with luminescence characteristics comparable to mature devices realised on III-V substrates. For the first time, electrically driven single-photon emission on silicon is presented, meeting the wavelength range of silicon avalanche photo diodes' highest detection efficiency

    Statistical correlation for the composite Boson

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    It is well known that the particles in a beam of Boson obeying Bose-Einstein statistics tend to cluster (bunching effect), while the particles in a degenerate beam of Fermion obeying Fermi-Dirac statistics expel each other (anti-bunching effect). Here we investigate, for the first time, the statistical correlation effect for the composite Boson, which is formed from a spin singlet entangled electron pair. By using nonequilibrium Green's function technique, we obtain a positive cross correlation for this kind of the composite Boson when the external voltage is smaller than the gap energy, which demonstrates that a spin singlet entangled electron pair looks like a composite Boson. In the larger voltage limit, the cross correlation becomes negative due to the contribution of the quasiparticles. At large voltages, the oscillation between Fermionic and Bosonic behavior of cross correlation is also observed in the strong coupling regime as one changes the position of the resonant levels. Our result can be easily tested in a three-terminal normal-superconductor-superconductor (N-S-S) hybrid mesoscopic system

    Bose-Einstein Correlations for Three-Dimensionally Expanding, Cylindrically Symmetric, Finite Systems

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    The parameters of the Bose-Einstein correlation function may obey an {\it MtM_t-scaling}, as observed in S+PbS + Pb and Pb+PbPb + Pb reactions at CERN SPS. This MtM_t-scaling implies that the Bose-Einstein correlation functions view only a small part of the big and expanding system. The full sizes of the expanding system at the last interaction are shown to be measurable with the help the invariant momentum distribution of the emitted particles. A vanishing duration parameter can also be generated in the considered model-class with a specific MtM_t dependence.Comment: 35 pages, ReVTeX, LaTeX, no figures, discussion extende

    Entangled-Photon Imaging of a Pure Phase Object

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    We demonstrate experimentally and theoretically that a coherent image of a pure phase object may be obtained by use of a spatially incoherent illumination beam. This is accomplished by employing a two-beam source of entangled photons generated by spontaneous parametric down-conversion. Though each of the beams is, in and of itself, spatially incoherent, the pair of beams exhibits higher-order inter-beam coherence. One of the beams probes the phase object while the other is scanned. The image is recorded by measuring the photon coincidence rate using a photon-counting detector in each beam. Using a reflection configuration, we successfully imaged a phase object implemented by a MEMS micro-mirror array. The experimental results are in accord with theoretical predictions.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, submittedto Phys. Rev. Let

    Fluctuations of the Initial Conditions and the Continuous Emission in Hydrodynamic Description of Two-Pion Interferometry

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    Within hydrodynamic approach, we study the Bose-Einstein correlation of identical pions by taking into account both event-by-event fluctuating initial conditions and continuous pion emission during the whole development of the hot and dense matter formed in high-energy collisions. Considerable deviations occur, compared to the usual hydro calculations with smooth initial conditions and a sudden freeze-out on a well defined hypersurface. Comparison with data at RHIC shows that, despite rather rough approximation we used here, this description can give account of the mTm_T dependence of RLR_L and RsR_s and improves considerably the one for RoR_o with respect to the usual version.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Anisotropic interactions of a single spin and dark-spin spectroscopy in diamond

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    The nitrogen-vacancy (N-V) center in diamond is a promising atomic-scale system for solid-state quantum information processing. Its spin-dependent photoluminescence has enabled sensitive measurements on single N-V centers, such as: electron spin resonance, Rabi oscillations, single-shot spin readout and two-qubit operations with a nearby 13C nuclear spin. Furthermore, room temperature spin coherence times as long as 58 microseconds have been reported for N-V center ensembles. Here, we have developed an angle-resolved magneto-photoluminescence microscopy apparatus to investigate the anisotropic electron spin interactions of single N-V centers at room temperature. We observe negative peaks in the photoluminescence as a function of both magnetic field magnitude and angle that are explained by coherent spin precession and anisotropic relaxation at spin level anti-crossings. In addition, precise field alignment unmasks the resonant coupling to neighboring dark nitrogen spins that are not otherwise detected by photoluminescence. The latter results demonstrate a means of investigating small numbers of dark spins via a single bright spin under ambient conditions.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Two Mode Photon Bunching Effect as Witness of Quantum Criticality in Circuit QED

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    We suggest a scheme to probe critical phenomena at a quantum phase transition (QPT) using the quantum correlation of two photonic modes simultaneously coupled to a critical system. As an experimentally accessible physical implementation, a circuit QED system is formed by a capacitively coupled Josephson junction qubit array interacting with one superconducting transmission line resonator (TLR). It realizes an Ising chain in the transverse field (ICTF) which interacts with the two magnetic modes propagating in the TLR. We demonstrate that in the vicinity of criticality the originally independent fields tend to display photon bunching effects due to their interaction with the ICTF. Thus, the occurrence of the QPT is reflected by the quantum characteristics of the photonic fields.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure