61 research outputs found

    Direct experimental evidence for quadruplex–quadruplex interaction within the human ILPR

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    Here we report the analysis of dual G-quadruplexes formed in the four repeats of the consensus sequence from the insulin-linked polymorphic region (ACAGGGGTGTGGGG; ILPRn=4). Mobilities of ILPRn=4 in nondenaturing gel and circular dichroism (CD) studies confirmed the formation of two intramolecular G-quadruplexes in the sequence. Both CD and single molecule studies using optical tweezers showed that the two quadruplexes in the ILPRn=4 most likely adopt a hybrid G-quadruplex structure that was entirely different from the mixture of parallel and antiparallel conformers previously observed in the single G-quadruplex forming sequence (ILPRn=2). These results indicate that the structural knowledge of a single G-quadruplex cannot be automatically extrapolated to predict the conformation of multiple quadruplexes in tandem. Furthermore, mechanical pulling of the ILPRn=4 at the single molecule level suggests that the two quadruplexes are unfolded cooperatively, perhaps due to a quadruplex–quadruplex interaction (QQI) between them. Additional evidence for the QQI was provided by DMS footprinting on the ILPRn=4 that identified specific guanines only protected in the presence of a neighboring G-quadruplex. There have been very few experimental reports on multiple G-quadruplex-forming sequences and this report provides direct experimental evidence for the existence of a QQI between two contiguous G-quadruplexes in the ILPR

    Dual binding of an antibody and a small molecule increases the stability of TERRA G-quadruplex.

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    In investigating the binding interactions between the human telomeric RNA (TERRA) G-quadruplex (GQ) and its ligands, it was found that the small molecule carboxypyridostatin (cPDS) and the GQ-selective antibody BG4 simultaneously bind the TERRA GQ. We previously showed that the overall binding affinity of BG4 for RNA GQs is not significantly affected in the presence of cPDS. However, single-molecule mechanical unfolding experiments revealed a population (48%) with substantially increased mechanical and thermodynamic stability. Force-jump kinetic investigations suggested competitive binding of cPDS and BG4 to the TERRA GQ. Following this, the two bound ligands slowly rearrange, thereby leading to the minor population with increased stability. Given the relevance of G-quadruplexes in the regulation of biological processes, we anticipate that the unprecedented conformational rearrangement observed in the TERRA-GQ-ligand complex may inspire new strategies for the selective stabilization of G-quadruplexes in cells.H.M. acknowledges support from NSF CHE-1026532. The Balasubramanian lab is supported by programme funding from Cancer Research UK.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.201408113/abstract;jsessionid=BB18FC03F2AF0C3EB95EC57CCBDB3DB9.f01t01

    Dissection of nanoconfinement and proximity effects on the binding events in DNA origami nanocavity

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    Both ligand binding and nanocavity can increase the stability of a biomolecular structure. Using mechanical unfolding in optical tweezers, here we found that a DNA origami nanobowl drastically increased the stability of a human telomeric G-quadruplex bound with a pyridostatin (PDS) ligand. Such a stability change is equivalent to >4 orders of magnitude increase (upper limit) in binding affinity (Kd: 490 nM → 10 pM (lower limit)). Since confined space can assist the binding through a proximity effect between the ligand-receptor pair and a nanoconfinement effect that is mediated by water molecules, we named such a binding as mechanochemical binding. After minimizing the proximity effect by using PDS that can enter or leave the DNA nanobowl freely, we attributed the increased affinity to the nanoconfinement effect (22%) and the proximity effect (78%). This represents the first quantification to dissect the effects of proximity and nanoconfinement on binding events in nanocavities. We anticipate these DNA nanoassemblies can deliver both chemical (i.e. ligand) and mechanical (i.e. nanocavity) milieus to facilitate robust mechanochemical binding in various biological systems

    Intramolecular Folding in Human ILPR Fragment with Three C-Rich Repeats

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    Enrichment of four tandem repeats of guanine (G) rich and cytosine (C) rich sequences in functionally important regions of human genome forebodes the biological implications of four-stranded DNA structures, such as G-quadruplex and i-motif, that can form in these sequences. However, there have been few reports on the intramolecular formation of non-B DNA structures in less than four tandem repeats of G or C rich sequences. Here, using mechanical unfolding at the single-molecule level, electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA), circular dichroism (CD), and ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy, we report an intramolecularly folded non-B DNA structure in three tandem cytosine rich repeats, 5'-TGTC4ACAC4TGTC4ACA (ILPR-I3), in the human insulin linked polymorphic region (ILPR). The thermal denaturation analyses of the sequences with systematic C to T mutations have suggested that the structure is linchpinned by a stack of hemiprotonated cytosine pairs between two terminal C4 tracts. Mechanical unfolding and Br2 footprinting experiments on a mixture of the ILPR-I3 and a 5′-C4TGT fragment have further indicated that the structure serves as a building block for intermolecular i-motif formation. The existence of such a conformation under acidic or neutral pH complies with the strand-by-strand folding pathway of ILPR i-motif structures

    Quality Research Follows the Power Law

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    Research output can be evaluated with productivity and impact, which are quantified by the numbers of publications and citations, respectively. The H-index unifies both factors. However, as an extensive variable, it grows with quantity of research output and favors senior researchers over juniors. In this report, by analyzing the data of the world top 2% scientists (n = 179,597) from an online database, we found that H-index follows power laws with both impact and productivity in a minimalist fitting with only one free parameter. We propose intensive indices (QN and QC) to measure quality research by comparing the actual H-index of a researcher with the power-law fitted H-indices from the top 2% scientists with the same numbers of publications and citations respectively. We further calculated a dynamic research quality (Q1=QN/QC) and a reduced index (Q2=(QNQC)0.5) to evaluate research quality over time. We rationalized that the power law dependency of quality research is due to its heterogeneous production pathways that require extra effort with respect to "regular” research output. A major advantage of these indices is that they are relative to the academic peers with similar accomplishments in publications and citations, and therefore, are independent of career stages. Another advantage is that the average indices are close to 1.0, giving an easily comprehensible physical significance of the indices

    Confined space facilitates G-quadruplex formation 8

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    Figure 3b and 4d-GQ in medium nanocage<br

    Detecting the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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    https://kent-islandora.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/node/10688/11464-thumbnail.jpgThe COVID-19 pandemic has created huge damage to society and brought panic around the world. Such panic can be ascribed to the seemingly deceptive features of COVID-19: Compared to other deadly viral outbreaks, it has medium transmission and mortality rates. As a result, the severity of the causative coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, was deeply underestimated by society at the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak. Based on this, in this review, we define the viruses with features similar to those of SARS-CoV-2 as the Panic Zone viruses. To contain those viruses, accurate and fast diagnosis followed by effective isolation and treatment of patients are pivotal at the early stage of virus breakouts. This is especially true when there is no cure or vaccine available for a transmissible disease, which is the case for the current COVID-19 pandemic. As of July 2020, more than 100 kits for COVID-19 diagnosis on the market have been surveyed in this review, while emerging sensing techniques for SARS-CoV-2 are also discussed. It is of critical importance to rationally use these kits for efficient management and control of the Panic Zone viruses. Therefore, we discuss guidelines to select diagnostic kits at different outbreak stages of the Panic Zone viruses, SARS-CoV-2 in particular. While it is of utmost importance to use nucleic acid based detection kits with low false negativity (high sensitivity) at the early stage of an outbreak, the low false positivity (high specificity) gains importance at later stages of the outbreak. When society is set to reopen from the lockdown stage of the COVID-19 pandemic, it becomes critical to have immunoassay based kits with high specificity to identify people who can safely return to society after their recovery from SARS-CoV-2 infections. Finally, since a massive attack from a viral pandemic requires a massive defense from the whole society, we urge both government and the private sector to research and develop affordable and reliable point-of-care testing (POCT) kits, which can be used massively by the general public (and therefore called massive POCT) to contain Panic Zone viruses in the future. Link to published version included, and author\u27s accepted version included here.</p