166 research outputs found

    Additional Evidence Supporting a Model of Shallow, High-Speed Supergranulation

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    Recently, Duvall and Hanasoge ({\it Solar Phys.} {\bf 287}, 71-83, 2013) found that large distance [Δ][\Delta] separation travel-time differences from a center to an annulus [δtoi][\delta t_{\rm{oi}}] implied a model of the average supergranular cell that has a peak upflow of 240ms−1240\rm{ms^{-1}} at a depth of 2.3Mm2.3\rm{Mm} and a corresponding peak outward horizontal flow of 700ms−1700\rm{ms^{-1}} at a depth of 1.6Mm1.6\rm{Mm}. In the present work, this effect is further studied by measuring and modeling center-to-quadrant travel-time differences [δtqu][\delta t_{\rm{qu}}], which roughly agree with this model. Simulations are analyzed that show that such a model flow would lead to the expected travel-time differences. As a check for possible systematic errors, the center-to-annulus travel-time differences [δtoi][\delta t_{\rm{oi}}] are found not to vary with heliocentric angle. A consistency check finds an increase of δtoi\delta t_{\rm{oi}} with the temporal frequency [ν][\nu] by a factor of two, which is not predicted by the ray theory

    Multiple scattering of waves by a pair of gravitationally stratified flux tubes

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    We study the near-field coupling of a pair of flux tubes embedded in a gravitationally stratified environment. The mutual induction of the near-field {\it jackets} of the two flux tubes can considerably alter the scattering properties of the system, resulting in sizable changes in the magnitudes of scattering coefficients and bizarre trends in the phases. The dominant length scale governing the induction zone turns out to be approximately half the horizontal wave length of the incident mode, a result that fits in quite pleasantly with extant theories of scattering. Higher-β\beta flux tubes are more strongly coupled than weaker ones, a consequence of the greater role that the near-field jacket modes play in the such tubes. We also comment on the importance of incorporating the effects of multiple scattering when studying the effects of mode absorption in plage and interpreting related scattering measurements. That the near-field plays such an important role in the scattering process lends encouragement to the eventual goal of observationally resolving sub-wavelength features of flux tubes using techniques of helioseismology.Comment: ApJ, submitted, 15 pages 7 figure

    Impact of Locally Suppressed Wave sources on helioseismic travel times

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    Wave travel-time shifts in the vicinity of sunspots are typically interpreted as arising predominantly from magnetic fields, flows, and local changes in sound speed. We show here that the suppression of granulation related wave sources in a sunspot can also contribute significantly to these travel-time shifts, and in some cases, an asymmetry between in and outgoing wave travel times. The tight connection between the physical interpretation of travel times and source-distribution homogeneity is confirmed. Statistically significant travel-time shifts are recovered upon numerically simulating wave propagation in the presence of a localized decrease in source strength. We also demonstrate that these time shifts are relatively sensitive to the modal damping rates; thus we are only able to place bounds on the magnitude of this effect. We see a systematic reduction of 10-15 seconds in pp-mode mean travel times at short distances (∼6.2\sim 6.2 Mm) that could be misinterpreted as arising from a shallow (thickness of 1.5 Mm) increase (∼\sim 4%) in the sound speed. At larger travel distances (∼24\sim 24 Mm) a 6-13 s difference between the ingoing and outgoing wave travel times is observed; this could mistakenly be interpreted as being caused by flows.Comment: Revised version. Submitted to Ap

    Numerical Models of Travel-Time Inhomogeneities in Sunspots

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    We investigate the direct contribution of strong, sunspot-like magnetic fields to helioseismic wave travel-time shifts via two numerical forward models, a 3D ideal MHD solver and MHD ray theory. The simulated data cubes are analyzed using the traditional time-distance center-to-annulus measurement technique. We also isolate and analyze the direct contribution from purely thermal perturbations to the observed travel-time shifts, confirming some existing ideas and bring forth new ones: (i) that the observed travel-time shifts in the vicinity of sunspots are largely governed by MHD physics, (ii) the travel-time shifts are sensitively dependent on frequency and phase-speed filter parameters and the background power below the p1p_1 ridge, and finally, (iii) despite its seeming limitations, ray theory succeeds in capturing the essence of the travel-time variations as derived from the MHD simulations.Comment: 13 Pages, 3 Figures. ApJ Letters Accepte

    An absorbing boundary formulation for the stratified, linearized, ideal MHD equations based on an unsplit, convolutional perfectly matched layer

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    Perfectly matched layers are a very efficient and accurate way to absorb waves in media. We present a stable convolutional unsplit perfectly matched formulation designed for the linearized stratified Euler equations. However, the technique as applied to the Magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) equations requires the use of a sponge, which, despite placing the perfectly matched status in question, is still highly efficient at absorbing outgoing waves. We study solutions of the equations in the backdrop of models of linearized wave propagation in the Sun. We test the numerical stability of the schemes by integrating the equations over a large number of wave periods.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted, A &

    Seismic Constraints on Interior Solar Convection

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    We constrain the velocity spectral distribution of global-scale solar convective cells at depth using techniques of local helioseismology. We calibrate the sensitivity of helioseismic waves to large-scale convective cells in the interior by analyzing simulations of waves propagating through a velocity snapshot of global solar convection via methods of time-distance helioseismology. Applying identical analysis techniques to observations of the Sun, we are able to bound from above the magnitudes of solar convective cells as a function of spatial convective scale. We find that convection at a depth of r/R⊙=0.95r/R_\odot = 0.95 with spatial extent ℓ<20\ell <20, where ℓ\ell is the spherical harmonic degree, comprise weak flow systems, on the order of 15 m/s or less. Convective features deeper than r/R⊙=0.95r/R_\odot = 0.95 are more difficult to image due to the rapidly decreasing sensitivity of helioseismic waves.Comment: accepted, ApJ Letters, 5 figures, 10 pages (in this version

    Testing Helioseismic-Holography Inversions for Supergranular Flows Using Synthetic Data

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    Supergranulation is one of the most visible length scales of solar convection and has been studied extensively by local helioseismology. We use synthetic data computed with the Seismic Propagation through Active Regions and Convection (SPARC) code to test regularized-least squares (RLS) inversions of helioseismic holography measurements for a supergranulation-like flow. The code simulates the acoustic wavefield by solving the linearized three-dimensional Euler equations in Cartesian geometry. We model a single supergranulation cell with a simple, axisymmetric, mass-conserving flow. The use of simulated data provides an opportunity for direct evaluation of the accuracy of measurement and inversion techniques. The RLS technique applied to helioseismic-holography measurements is generally successful in reproducing the structure of the horizontal flow field of the model supergranule cell. The errors are significant in horizontal-flow inversions near the top and bottom of the computational domain as well as in vertical-flow inversions throughout the domain. We show that the errors in the vertical velocity are due largely to cross talk from the horizontal velocity.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figues, accepted for publication in Solar Physic

    Solar Dynamics, Rotation, Convection and Overshoot

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    We discuss recent observational, theoretical and modeling progress made in understanding the Sun's internal dynamics, including its rotation, meridional flow, convection and overshoot. Over the past few decades, substantial theoretical and observational effort has gone into appreciating these aspects of solar dynamics. A review of these observations, related helioseismic methodology and inference and computational results in relation to these problems is undertaken here.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figures, Space Science Review

    Benchmarking Fast-to-Alfven Mode Conversion in a Cold MHD Plasma

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    Alfv\'en waves may be generated via mode conversion from fast magneto-acoustic waves near their reflection level in the solar atmosphere, with implications both for coronal oscillations and for active region helio-seismology. In active regions this reflection typically occurs high enough that the Alfv\'en speed aa greatly exceeds the sound speed cc, well above the a=ca=c level where the fast and slow modes interact. In order to focus on the fundamental characteristics of fast/Alfv\'en conversion, stripped of unnecessary detail, it is therefore useful to freeze out the slow mode by adopting the gravitationally stratified cold MHD model c→0c\to0. This provides a benchmark for fast-to-Alfv\'en mode conversion in more complex atmospheres. Assuming a uniform inclined magnetic field and an exponential Alfv\'en speed profile with density scale height hh, the Alfv\'en conversion coefficient depends on three variables only; the dimensionless transverse-to-the-stratification wavenumber κ=kh\kappa=kh, the magnetic field inclination from the stratification direction θ\theta, and the polarization angle ϕ\phi of the wavevector relative to the plane containing the stratification and magnetic field directions. We present an extensive exploration of mode conversion in this parameter space and conclude that near-total conversion to outward-propagating Alfv\'en waves typically occurs for small θ\theta and large ϕ\phi (80∘80^\circ--90∘90^\circ), though it is absent entirely when θ\theta is exactly zero (vertical field). For wavenumbers of helioseismic interest, the conversion region is broad enough to encompass the whole chromosphere.Comment: 14 pages plus supplementary tables. Astrophys J (accepted 25 May 2011). Two ancillary animations (animated gif) attache
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