309 research outputs found

    Remote Control and Monitoring Via Internet on Distributed Data Acquisition

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    The concept of remote control and monitoring becomes an essential feature in many systems nowadays. Remote control allows clients to control their homes from any places, whereas remote monitoring provides the clients the ability to monitor their home or premises when they are away. The key advantage of this application is client has the ability to control and monitor their home remotely for security and safety reasons. From the analysis have been made, in Malaysia, Internet subscribers are growing rapidly from one year to another. The demand of having remote technology using Internet has made this area favourable, thus, it is chosen to be studied and discussed extensively in this thesis. A method of developing a remote control and monitoring system based on distributed data acquisition using the Internet is established. This system is based on client/server system in which the host computer where the program is installed, is set as a server where static IP address is assigned. For the purpose of control and monitoring tasks, the main program that consists the status of appliances is displayed. It is a user friendly system with good graphical user interface (GUI). The program is developed using the features in LabVIEW version 6i and its Internet Developer Toolkit. The I/O modules attached to the appliances are connected directly to the server via serial port. These I/O modules are based on the concept of data acquisition system (DAQ). The appliances can be controlled from the client PC by browsing the server website. Some necessary data are required to be sent to the server. Once the server is running, monitoring capability is enabled. Generally, this system is part of smart technology that has been developed to increase our quality of life, provide convenience environment and also act as an active partner in managing our busy life. It is a very user-friendly system with good GUI that gives a client an easy working environment. In a nutshell, this system gives a better security for the homes owner by giving them an authority to control and monitor their house from anywhere

    Tasawur teori pembangunan lazim: analisis daripada perspektif tasawur Islam

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    Dalam membangunkan negara umat Islam dan menyelesaikan masalah berkaitan Islam, ada sesetengah pihak dalam kalangan umat Islam mendakwa teori pembangunan lazim (PL) boleh digunakan asalkan ia tidak bertentangan dengan syariat Islam. Pemikiran sebegini telah lama wujud dalam ekonomi Islam. Ia dikenali sebagai aliran pemikiran akomodatif-modifikasi dengan sifat elektisme-metodologik. Berhubung isu inilah, kajian ini dilakukan bagi mencapai dua tujuan utama. Pertama, mengenal pasti latar belakang kemunculan teori PL serta tasawurnya dan kedua, menganalisis tasawur teori PL tersebut daripada perspektif tasawur Islam. Kajian kualitatif yang berbentuk penjelasan ini menggunakan kaedah analisis kandungan untuk mengenal pasti dan menganalisis elemen-elemen tasawur teori PL. Kajian ini mendapati teori PL tidak boleh digunakan untuk membangunkan negara-negara umat Islam dan menyelesaikan masalah berkaitan Islam, kerana falsafah atau tasawurnya jelas berpaksikan Falsafah Pasca-Klasikal dan Falsafah Radikal. Apabila teori PL berpaksikan kedua-dua falsafah ini, maka matlamat akhir pembangunan itu hanya terhad untuk mendapatkan keuntungan ekonomi semata-mata; manusia dianggap sebagai makhluk ekonomi; menafikan Allah SWT sebagai Pencipta sumber alam; agama dianggap sebagai alat pembangunan dan elemen-elemen asas tasawurnya hanya berbentuk mendatar (tidak mempunyai hubungan dengan Allah SWT)

    Islam and Social Well-Being: Maintaining Economic Security and Beyond

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    The main features of the socio-economic security system in the early period of Islamic administration can be enumerated as follows: Head of the State was conscious about the social economic security of the citizens, institution of Zakahand Bait- al-Malwas effectively used for people’s benefit and financial/material safeguard assistance system was implemented for all the citizens irrespective of class and creed. Triggered by the phenomena of contemporary Muslim countries, relative lack of social economic security coverage, especially for non-contributory groups, slows the rate of poverty reduction, causes social instability and raises social justice concerns. This paper argues that the state ability to provide means for social economic security, contributes to sustaining long term stability because the provision of services reduces by offsetting the effect of poverty and inequality in society. Meanwhile, social security programmes have become part and parcel of the socio-economic fabric of all the industrialised nations and of most others as well. However, the paper argues that economic security does not represent overall human needs. The paper explores the conceptual links between economic security with the fulfilment of non-economic needs which despite the recent surge of critical views about welfare state and its social security agenda, most of social welfare advocates do not often talk about. Hence the aim of this paper is twofold: first, to offer a summary compilation of the Qur’anic and Sunnatic model of social well-being through economic safeguard measure which consisted of both contributory and non-contributory schemes, second, to provide a framework for action in achieving social well-being through fulfilment of human needs. The central question asked in this paper: (i) what is the Islamic scheme for social economic security? and (ii) is there any curative measure that must be taken to cure the present deterioration within the modern social welfare system? Answers to the questions will provide pertinent and relevant insight for better understanding of the comprehensive perspective of social well-being in its relation to social economic security


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    The Ban Nua Muslim community is a Muslim community that is smack in themiddle of the non-Muslim community (Buddhist) in Hatyai, Thailand. Althoughthey are a small community and are is such a predicament, they are still able toimplement Islamic-based development (IbD). In other words, they are able todevelop an Islamic community complete with numerous infrastructures such as amosque, not only as a place for prayer but it has a clinic, a library, a conferencehall, a cooperative and a Zakat Centre (Baitul Zakat). Besides that, this Islamiccommunity has a school that adheres to the Islamic education system. They notonly have worked hard to develop the physical aspects but also the spiritualaspects. The physical aspects were developed through general religious servitudesuch as employment, seeking knowledge, stimulating the community’s economy, business and homestay services, while the spiritual aspects were developed through specific religious servitudes such as prayers, fasting, running the Zakat Centre, reciting the al-Qur’an, devotional recitations (zikr) and giving alms (sadaqah). The question is what tasawwur (worldview) was used to design their development? and how was the tasawwur formed? To answer both thesequestions, this article has two objectives. First, to identify the tasawwur that has designed the development of the Ban Nua Islamic community; and second, to analyse the developmental worldview of the Ban Nua Islamic community. Thefindings from the qualitative research had found that the development of the Ban Nua Islamic community in Hatyai, Thailand was designed according to altasawwur al-Islamiy (Islamic worldview). It has three main elements such asibadah (religious servitude), imarah (general or social leadership) and khalifah(religious leadership). Based on this tasawwur the development of the Ban NuaIslamic community in Hatyai, Thailand was implemented

    Providing Dynamic TXOP for QoS Support of Video Transmission in IEEE 802.11e WLANs

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    The IEEE 802.11e standard introduced by IEEE 802.11 Task Group E (TGe) enhances the Quality of Service (QoS) by means of HCF Controlled Channel Access (HCCA). The scheduler of HCCA allocates Transmission Opportunities (TXOPs) to QoS-enabled Station (QSTA) based on their TS Specifications (TSPECs) negotiated at the traffic setup time so that it is only efficient for Constant Bit Rate (CBR) applications. However, Variable Bit Rate (VBR) traffics are not efficiently supported as they exhibit nondeterministic profile during the time. In this paper, we present a dynamic TXOP assignment Scheduling Algorithm for supporting the video traffics transmission over IEEE 802.11e wireless networks. This algorithm uses a piggybacked information about the size of the subsequent video frames of the uplink traffic to assist the Hybrid Coordinator accurately assign the TXOP according to the fast changes in the VBR profile. The proposed scheduling algorithm has been evaluated using simulation with different variability level video streams. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm reduces the delay experienced by VBR traffic streams comparable to HCCA scheduler due to the accurate assignment of the TXOP which preserve the channel time for transmission.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1602.0369

    Jurang integrasi kemahiran employabiliti di Malaysia: satu kajian empirikal graduan kejuruteraan Kolej Komuniti

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    Keperluan adanya kemahiran employability yang mantap dalam kalangan graduan merupakan satu kriteria yang penting untuk membolehkan mereka mendapat tempat di pasaran pekerjaan. Justeru itu, kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk melihat samaada terdapat jurang atau tidak di antara elemen kemahiran employabiliti yang telah diintergrasikan semasa proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (pdp) dengan kemahiran employabiliti yang penting dan perlu dikuasai oleh graduan bidang elektrik berdasarkan perspektif graduan Kolej Komuniti dengan majikan di industri. Kajian tinjauan ini melibatkan seramai 103 majikan di industri dan 162 graduan bidang elektrik di Kolej Komuniti. Melalui analisis Ujian-T yang dijalankan, hasil dapatan kajian menunjukkanterdapat jurang yang signifikan di antara elemen kemahiran employabiliti iaitu kemahiran komunikasi, kemahiran pengurusan maklumat, kemahiran pengurusan diri, kemahiran etika dan moral profesional, kemahiran kepimpinan dan kemahiran berpasukan yang telah diintergrasikan semasa proses pdp dengan kemahiran tersebut yang penting dan perlu dikuasai oleh graduan bidang elektrik berdasarkan perspektif graduan Kolej Komuniti dengan majikan di industri. Oleh yang demikian, pensyarah-pensyarah di Kolej Komuniti haruslah bertindak dengan memainkan peranan penting serta bertanggungjawab di dalam memberi tumpuan serta mengintergrasikan ke semua kemahiran employabiliti yang dikenalpasti penting dan perlu dikuasai oleh graduan semasa sesi pdp dijalankan. Selain itu, penambahbaikan kurikulum yang melibatkan pihak industri serta komitmen pdp yang efektif dari pensyarah amat penting dalam mengatasi masalah jurang kemahiran yang merangkumi penguasaan kemahiran employabiliti dalam kalangan graduan Kolej Komuniti

    A survey on cluster-based routing protocols in wireless sensor networks

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    In recent years, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have become interesting for a wide range of applications and a hot research area. Cluster-based routing protocols are more adequate for WSN among different types of routing protocols due to the higher energy utilization rate and being more scalable. In this study, cluster-based routing protocols have been reviewed. In addition, the advantages and objectives of this group of routing protocols are sketched out. Furthermore, several cluster-based routing protocols are analyzed in detail and compared according to the several important metrics. In conclusion, the study is summarized and finalized with some directions for future cluster-based routing protocols

    Agile-SD: A Linux-based TCP Congestion Control Algorithm for Supporting High-speed and Short-distance Networks

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    Recently, high-speed and short-distance networks are widely deployed and their necessity is rapidly increasing everyday. This type of networks is used in several network applications; such as Local Area Networks (LAN) and Data Center Networks (DCN). In LANs and DCNs, high-speed and short-distance networks are commonly deployed to connect between computing and storage elements in order to provide rapid services. Indeed, the overall performance of such networks is significantly influenced by the Congestion Control Algorithm (CCA) which suffers from the problem of bandwidth under-utilization, especially if the applied buffer regime is very small. In this paper, a novel loss-based CCA tailored for high-speed and Short-Distance (SD) networks, namely Agile-SD, has been proposed. The main contribution of the proposed CCA is to implement the mechanism of agility factor. Further, intensive simulation experiments have been carried out to evaluate the performance of Agile-SD compared to Compound and Cubic which are the default CCAs of the most commonly used operating systems. The results of the simulation experiments show that the proposed CCA outperforms the compared CCAs in terms of average throughput, loss ratio and fairness, especially when a small buffer is applied. Moreover, Agile-SD shows lower sensitivity to the buffer size change and packet error rate variation which increases its efficiency.Comment: 12 Page


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    Kajian ini bertujuan meneliti dan menganalisis kos penanaman (KP) dan kos sara hidup (KSH) dalam amalan perakaunan zakat padi di Malaysia, sama ada ia ditolak daripada pendapatan kasar (PK) atau pun tidak. Di Malaysia, terdapat pelbagai kaedah perakaunan zakat padi yang diamalkan. Ada negeri yang tidak menolak kedua-dua kos tersebut; ada pula negeri yang menolak KP sahaja; dan ada juga yang bertindak menolak kedua-duanya daripada PK. Persoalannya, kenapakah terdapat negeri yang membenarkan KP ditolak daripada PK sedangkan fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh majoriti negeri di Malaysia tidak membenarkan KP tersebut ditolak daripada PK? Kenapakah pula terdapat negeri yang bukan sahaja membenarkan penolakan KP, malah turut ditolak KSH? Apakah asas mereka dalam hal ini? Bagi menjawab kesemua persoalan ini, perbincangan dalam kajian ini dibahagikan kepada dua bahagian. Pertama, mengenal pasti KP dan KSH dalam amalan perakaunan zakat padi di Malaysia; dan kedua, menganalisis KP dan KSH dalam amalan perakaunan zakat padi di Malaysia berdasarkan pandangan fuqaha’. Berdasarkan analisis kandungan terhadap data primer dan sekunder, kajian ini mendapati kebanyakan negeri di Malaysia tidak membenarkan penolakan KP dan KSH daripada PK, kecuali empat buah negeri iaitu Perlis, Pulau Pinang, Sabah dan Sarawak. Sabah dan Sarawak hanya membenarkan penolakan KP daripada PK, manakala Perlis dan Pulau Pinang bukan sahaja membenarkan penolakan KP, malah turut menolak KSH daripada PK. Meskipun berbeza dengan negeri-negeri lain, amalan perakaunan zakat padi di keempat-empat buah negeri ini masih selari dengan pandangan fuqaha’