898 research outputs found

    Influence of alkali resistant (AR) glass in porcelain clay for vitrified clay pipes

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    The aimed of the present work is to produce porcelain clay reinforced with Alkali Resistant (AR) glass for vitrified clay pipes at minimum sintering temperature. In this study, AR fiberglass as a reinforcement was milled into an average particle size of 90 μm and mixed with porcelain in different weight percentage at 3 wt%, 6 wt%, 9 wt%, and 12 wt%. The sample was prepared by using powder compaction and then fired for 2 hours at 900°C, 1000°C 1100°C and 1200°C. Based on the chemical analysis, it was found that SiO2, Al2O3, Na2O and K2O is the significant element to produce the material. Result of thermal analysis shows that sintering start occurs at 900°C to 1300°C. The result of volume shrinkage, apparent porosity, water absorption, bulk density and flexural strength were recorded for each samples. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to observe the microstructural morphology of samples. It was found that the addition of AR glass can dramatically lowering the apparent porosity as well as water absorption and increase the value of volume shrinkage, bulk density and flexural strength with the rising of sintering temperature. It can be seen that the volume shrinkage is satisfy the typical ceramic shrinkage where is quarter than original dimension which is 31.75%. Based on the result, the favorable properties of porcelain clay sintering were obtained at sintering temperature of 1100°C with addition of 3 wt% AR glass. Thus, the suitable value of apparent porosity, water absorption and density obtained was 0.41%, 6.27% and 2.29g/cm3 respectively. Meanwhile, the maximum value for flexural strength gained was 76.40MPa. Based on the microstructure image, it can be seen that the reduction of porosity and increasing of glassy phase was corresponded to the addition of AR glass and rising of sintering temperature. In conclusion, the objective of this study were achieve to satisfied the value of vitrified clay pipes standard based on EN 295

    Eksistensi Tradisi Jati Suara dalam Acara Khitanan di Desa Darmasari Lombok Timur (Suatu Tinjauan Sejarah Budaya)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah; (1) Untuk mengetahui sejarah Tradisi Jati Suara dalam acara khitanan di Desa Darmasari Kecamatan Sikur  Kabupaten Lombok Timur; (2) Untuk mengetahui proses pelaksanaan Tradisi Jati Suara dalam acara khitanan di Desa Darmasari Kecamatan Sikur Kabupaten Lombok Timur; dan (3) Untuk mengetahui dampak tradisi Jati Suara terhadap kehidupan sosial dan ekonomi masyarakat di Desa Darmasari Kecamatan Sikur Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode sejarah. Metode sejarah dalam pengertian yang lebih umum adalah penelitian suatu atas masalah dengan mengaplikasikan jalan pemecahannya dari perspektif historis. Peneliti menggunakan metode sejarah, karena dalam penelitian ini mengkaji eksistensi tradisi Jati Suara dalam Acara Khitanan di Desa Darmasari Kecamatan Sikur Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Metode sejarah merupakan cara atau teknik dalam merekonstruksi peristiwa masa lampau melalui empat tahapan kerja, yaitu heuristik, kritik sumber, interpretasi, dan historiografi

    Variations in performances in Chinese small and medium enterprises

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    Malaysia, like many developing countries, is encouraging local businesses to take greater role in the management of its economy. While incentives and deregulation measures are offered, variations in performances still persist. Researchers have long been interested in explaining the variance in fi rm performance, as even those firms operating in the same industry and in the same business environment show diff erences in performance outcomes. Numerous paradigms in the literature have been employed to explain the variance in business performance, including the Classical Industry Organisation, the Revisionist school, the New Industrial Organisation school, the PIMS paradigm,the Austrian school, and the Resource-based school. This paper investigates the combined effects of managerial characteristics of owners/managers and business strategy on the firm performance of Chinese small and medium enterprises(SMEs) in Malaysia. Using multivariate relationship, the results of the study did not show any significant correlation between the managerial characteristics of the owners/managers and firm performance outcomes among the Chinese entrepreneurs. Nevertheless, a significant amount of variance in performance outcomes can be explained by firm strategy. Furthermore, several significant correlations were found between managerial characteristics and business strategy

    Selective emulsion liquid membrane extraction of silver from photographic waste industries

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    The field of liquid membrane technology is currently undergoing a rapid expansion in research as well as its application as an industrial separation process. Liquid membrane can be manipulated to selectively separate a specific solute from a mixture and even to extract a solute against its concentration gradient. A liquid membrane system comprises of three liquid phases; feed phase, liquid membrane organic phase and receiving phase. Liquid membrane can be prepared using support or as emulsion (unsupported) liquid membrane. Emulsion liquid membrane is a liquid membrane in which the membrane phase of an emulsion is dispersed into the feed phase to be treated. This method was investigated as an alternative process for the recovery of silver from photographic waste, which contains various metals ions such as silver, iron, sodium and potassium. The important parameters governing the extraction process of silver such as agitation speed, homogenizer speed, surfactant and carrier concentrations, type of diluents, treat ratio and types of stripping solution were investigated. This process has been conducted in a batch system using a mixer-settler. The results show that the mobile carrier Cyanex 302 is selective towards silver and almost completely extract silver over the other metals that existed in the photographic waste. The optimum silver extraction was obtained by using 0.03 M Cyanex 302, 3 % (w/v) Span 80, 250 rpm stirring speed, 1.0 M thiourea in 1.0 M H2SO4 stripping agent, 1:5 of treat ratio, and kerosene as a diluents. The experimental result also shows that the emulsion liquid membrane system could be recycled twice having 80% of silver was extracted. In addition, theoretical studies show that the developed model could predict the extraction performance of the system understudied as obtained from experimental data

    Pelestarian Lingkungan Pesisir Melalui Ritual Nyalamaq Dilauq di Desa Tanjung Luar Keruak Lombok Timur

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    Pelestarian lingkungan pesisir melalui ritual belum banyak diungkap. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pelestarian lingkungan pesisir melalui ritual nyalamaq dilauq di Desa Tanjung Luar Kecamatan Keruak Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Metode penelitian menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan model interaktif terdiri atas pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan simpulan/verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa: 1) terdapat tiga versi mengenai awal mula penyelenggaraan ritual nyalamaq dilauq; versi pertama, ritual awalnya dilakukan oleh suku Mandar bernama Mara'dia Ma'danuang untuk mengusir wabah penyakit; versi kedua, ritual dilakukan oleh suku Bajo untuk mengenang dan menghargai leluhur mereka bernama Punggawa Rattung dan Mbo Bisu yang menghilang ditelan laut dan menjelma menjadi karang yang diyakini menjadi penjaga pantai dan laut, dan versi ketiga, ritual dilakukan sejak peresmian pendirian douane di Tanjung oleh Kolonial Belanda sehingga dikenal nyalamaq palabuang; 2) prosesi ritual nyalamaq dilauq terdiri atas tiga tahap, yaitu persiapan; pelaksanaan, dan penutupan; dan 3) pelestarian lingkungan melalui ritual nyalamaq dilauq terkait empat hal, yaitu mengelola dan melindungi sumber daya pesisir-laut, menjaga keseimbangan ekosistem laut, mencegah pencemaran lingkungan pesisir dan laut, dan meminimalisasi konflik lingkungan kawasan pesisir

    Repurposing Typical Institutional Hall As Temporary Covid-19 Quarantine Stations In Johor: A Review Study In KKTM

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    The current situation of the world with the pandemic of COVID 19 has brought a mass conversion of places as a temporary shelter recently. In Malaysia, the list of gazetted sites by the government for the COVID quarantine stations were being retrieved in March 2020 to facilitate Ministry of Health in coping with the sporadic diseases. To achieve lower production cost and rapid execution of disaster shelter for the pandemic, possible open plan spaces in institutional building will be identified to perform temporary medical shelter. Resuscitation area, wards, pharmacy, x-ray room, staff room and meeting rooms are among the required spaces in determining the medical layout planning of the particular quarantine station. A descriptive and qualitative design was being used based on the literature review and case studies in order to get the information and to identify clear demarcation of circulation and movement in the quarantine station. Ultimately, foreseeing holistic changes and novel solutions in construction industry in Malaysia, this result will contribute to further assist authorities to gazette other institutional hall as transitional stay which will be become the norms nowadays

    Application of system identification method coupled with evolutionary algorithms for the optimization of power consumption in a pem fuel cell propulsion system / Suhadiyana Hanapi

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    Fuel cell vehicles have the potential to address the problems surrounding the ICE vehicle, without forcing any significant restrictions on vehicle performance, driving range or refueling time. The fuel cells will however need to work at different operating points because of the dynamic load characteristic where current is drawn instantaneously from the load source connected to the fuel cell stack during transient conditions. Research on fuel cell vehicle design is therefore imperative in order to improve vehicle performance in term of energy usage and durability, increase efficiency and reduce the fuel costs. This thesis makes a number of key contributions to the advancement of fuel cell vehicle design within two main research areas; powertrain system design based on quality energy, and optimization system based on biology based algorithms. With regards to powertrain design, this research first evaluates the quantitative and qualitative energy efficiency and fuel consumption of the hydrogen fuel cell propulsion system under various system design configuration conditions. Exergy analysis was performed for each type of plant. Three alternative configurations of a vehicle system were considered namely, without DC/DC converter, with DC/DC converter on the supercapacitors side and with DC/DC converter on the PEM fuel cell side. In the process of evaluating the best system configuration, Multi-Criteria Decision Making technique (MCDM) through the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), was used for evaluation, comparison and applicability assessment. The ability to construct accurate mathematical models of real systems is an important part of the control parameters in prototype PEM fuel cell systems for vehicles. Secondly, in this research, an empirical dynamic model of the PEM fuel cell system in vehicles was analyzed and validated using the system identification method

    Customers' satisfaction on internet banking services : study on conventional banks in Kota Kinabalu / Raemah Hanapi

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    This study aims to examine the e-serv1ce quality dimensions on the level of customers' satisfaction internet banking services by Conventional Bank. Other than that, this study also to determine the greatest factors affects the customers' satisfaction. Four independent variables had been identified that affect the level of customer satisfactions. There are reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and efficiency. The dependent variable for this study is customers' satisfaction. Literature review has been used to support dependent and independent variables. One of the most popular methods for measuring the online service quality is Zeithaml et al. (2002). There are about 100 internet banking service user have been selected in the sampling tools to provide information for the study. Data were analyzing using Statistical Package for the Social Science and described by the Data Analysis Statistics and Applied Statistics (SPSS). Result showed that the customers are satisfied on internet banking service offered by conventional bank. As for reliability and efficiency become the greatest e-service quality dimensions that are affect the level of customers' satisfaction

    Preparation And Characterization Of Ph-Sensitive Fish Gelatin Film Containing Anthocyanins Extracted From Rambutan Peel

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    This study aimed to prepare and characterize a pH sensitive film for intelligent packaging based on fish gelatin doped with anthocyanins extracted from red rambutan peel. The pH sensitive film was prepared by solvent casting method and total anthocyanin content of rambutan peel was determined by pH differential method. The characterization of the film was observed through mechanical, morphological and physical properties of the film. The result from FTIR spectra and SEM of cross section of the films reflects there are intermolecular interactions between fish gelatin and anthocyanins of rambutan peel. The thickness, tensile strength and elongation at break of the films were affected by the concentration of RPE. However, moisture content and water barrier properties of the film were not affected by the concentration of RPE. In addition, the light barrier ability of RPFG film that shown by UV-vis light transmittance is directly proportional with the concentration of incorporated RPE. The color response of the film in the acidic (pH 4) and alkaline (pH 9) showed a low intensity of red color and a low intensity of green respectively. At pH 4 and 9, RPFG3 has the highest ΔE* value compared with RPFG1 and RPFG2 which indicates RPFG3 film has good visual color variability depending on the pH value. Thus, fish gelatin film incorporated with anthocyanins extracted from rambutan peel has a potential to use as a pH indicator of intelligent packaging