10 research outputs found


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    Yield and nutritional value of maize for silage in dependance on type, rate and application of organic manures were investigated in a field semi-operational experiment established near the biogas station in the location of Kolíňany in the years 2004 and 2005. The trial results confirmed a statistically high significant effect of weather conditions on the maize aboveground phytomass yield. Under the infavourable weather conditions of the year 2004 a lower yield (28.01 t.ha-1) was achieved in comparison with the year 2005 (48.33 t.ha-1). When 50 t.ha-1 of biosludge was applied in autumn, the highest yield as well as the highest energy value of aboveground maize phytomass expressed in terms of net energy of lactation (NEL = 6.45 MJ.kg-1 DM) and net energy of fattening (NEF = 6.47 MJ.kg-1 DM) were achieved. Spring application of biosludge decreased the content of dry matter in maize by 20.7 %, and increased the content of crude protein by 13.7 %, crude fibre by 5.5 % and ash by 26.3 % compared to the values achieved at autumn biosludge application. The value of protein truly digested in the small intestine was the highest in treatment fertilized with farm - yard manure with the rate of 40 t. ha-1 (PDIN = 52.33 g.kg-1 DM, PDIE = 77.37 g.kg-1 DM).V poľnom poloprevádzkovom pokuse založenom v blízkosti bioplynovej stanice v lokalite Kolíňany sa sledovala v rokoch 2004 a 2005 úroda a výživná hodnota nadzemnej fytomasy kukurice siatej v závislosti od druhu, dávky a termínu aplikácie organických hnojív. Kukurica siata odrody ANIOU 450 sa pestovala na piesočnato-hlinitej hnedozemi so slabo kyslou pôdnou reakciou, stredným obsahom fosforu, dobrým obsahom draslíka, veľmi vysokým obsahom horčíka a malým obsahom humusu. Experimentálny pozemok je situovaný v kukuričnej výrobnej oblasti, v miernej klimatickej oblasti B 3 (mierne teplá, mierne vlhká) s nadmorskou výškou 192 m n. m. Dlhodobý úhrn zrážok (1951-1980) bol 561 mm, dlhodobá priemerná ročná teplota vzduchu bola 9,7 0C. Pokus bol založený s piatimi variantmi hnojenia, ktoré boli štvornásobne opakované. Na variantoch hnojených organickými hnojivami sa aplikovalo kombinované priemyselné hnojivo NPK 15-15-15 v dávke 250 kg.ha-1. Varianty hnojenia sú diferencované rozdielnymi dávkami organických hnojív: variant 1: nehnojená kontrola, variant 2: NPK + 25 t.ha-1 maštaľného hnoja (MH 25), variant 3: NPK + 50 t.ha-1 biokalu aplikovaného na jeseň (kal jeseň), variant 4: NPK + 40 t.ha-1 maštaľného hnoja (MH 40), variant 5: NPK + 50 t.ha-1 biokalu aplikovaného na jar (kal jar). Výsledky pokusov potvrdili štatisticky vysoko preukazný vplyv pestovateľského ročníka na úrodu nadzemnej fytomasy kukurice siatej. V poveternostne nepriaznivom roku 2004 sa dosiahla nižšia priemerná úroda fytomasy (28,01 t.ha-1) ako v roku 2005 (48,33 t.ha-1). Aplikáciou biokalu na jeseň v dávke 50 t.ha-1 sa dosiahla najvyššia úroda (40,89 t.ha-1) a najvyššia energetická hodnota nadzemnej fytomasy kukurice siatej, vyjadrená hodnotami netto energie laktácie (NEL = 6,45 MJ.kg- 1suš.) a netto energie výkrmu (NEV = 6,47 MJ.kg-1suš.). Jarná aplikácia biokalu v porovnaní s aplikáciou biokalu na jeseň znížila obsah sušiny o 20,7 %, zvýšila obsah N- látok o 13,7 %, vlákniny o 5,5 % a popola o 26,3 %. Hodnota skutočne stráviteľných dusíkatých látok v tenkom čreve bola najvyššia na variante hnojenom maštaľným hnojom v dávke 40 t.ha-1 (PDIN = 52,33 g.kg- 1 suš., PDIE = 77,37 g.kg-1 suš.). Dusíkaté hodnoty na variantoch hnojených biokalom potvrdzujú, že so vzrastajúcou sušinou celých rastlín klesá koncentrácia dusíkatých látok, zatiaľ čo PDIN sa s narastajúcou sušinou znižuje, PDIE sa zvyšuje. Kľúčové slová: kukurica siata, maštaľný hnoj, biokal, úroda, energetická a dusíkatá hodnot

    Evaluation of the Financial Situation in the Firm and Proposals to its Improvement

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá finanční analýzou podniku Barum Continental spol. s.r.o., který se zabývá výrobou pneumatik a jejich komponentů. V práci je použita analýza absolutních ukazatelů, rozdílových ukazatelů, poměrových ukazatelů a analýza soustav ukazatelů. Použitím této metodologie je dosaženo cíle, a to zhodnocení finanční situace podniku Barum Continental s.r.o.. Přínosem firmě tedy jsou vyvozené závěry a doporučení pro zlepšení finanční situace, pomocí kterých firma může dosáhnout prosperity.This bachelor´s thesis deal with financial analysis company Barum Continental spol s.r.o., which produces dwelling sanitary and office units. There is used analysis absolute roadsings, distance roadsings, ratio roadsings and analysis system roadsings in work. By using those methodology is achieved purposes, namely evaluation of financial situation company Barum Continental s.r.o.. Contribution firm are constructive findings and recommendation for improvement financial situation by the help of which firm is able to achieve prosperity.

    Stress Evaluation, Coping and Reduction

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    Diplomová práce na téma „Vyhodnocování, zvládání a snižování stresu“ se zaměřuje na analýzu stresové zátěže u studentů, budoucích manažerů, podnikatelů a dalších profesionálů. Práce objasňuje, co to je stres, jaké jsou příčiny jeho vzniku, jak nás může zvýšené stresové zatížení ovlivnit a jak lze stres zvládat. V praktické části bude porovnávána míra stresové zátěže mezi jednotlivými skupinami studentů a z na základě této analýzy budou specifikovány nejčastější faktory, které studenty nejvíce stresují. Na závěr budou formulována konkrétní doporučení, jak je možno stres snižovat.The master´s thesis on the theme "Stress evaluation, coping and reduction" focuses on the analysis of stress load on students, future managers, entrepreneurs and other professionals. The work explains what stress is, which are the causes of its emergence, how increased stress load can influence us and how to manage stress. In the practical part I will compare the scale of stress load between different groups of students and on the basis of this analysis I will specify the most frequent factors that stress students the most. In conclusion, I will formulate specific recommendations, how stress can be reduced.


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    Yield and nutritional value of maize for silage in dependance on type, rate and application of organic manures were investigated in a field semi-operational experiment established near the biogas station in the location of Kolíňany in the years 2004 and 2005. The trial results confirmed a statistically high significant effect of weather conditions on the maize aboveground phytomass yield. Under the infavourable weather conditions of the year 2004 a lower yield (28.01 t.ha-1) was achieved in comparison with the year 2005 (48.33 t.ha-1). When 50 t.ha-1 of biosludge was applied in autumn, the highest yield as well as the highest energy value of aboveground maize phytomass expressed in terms of net energy of lactation (NEL = 6.45 MJ.kg-1 DM) and net energy of fattening (NEF = 6.47 MJ.kg-1 DM) were achieved. Spring application of biosludge decreased the content of dry matter in maize by 20.7 %, and increased the content of crude protein by 13.7 %, crude fibre by 5.5 % and ash by 26.3 % compared to the values achieved at autumn biosludge application. The value of protein truly digested in the small intestine was the highest in treatment fertilized with farm - yard manure with the rate of 40 t. ha-1 (PDIN = 52.33 g.kg-1 DM, PDIE = 77.37 g.kg-1 DM).V poľnom poloprevádzkovom pokuse založenom v blízkosti bioplynovej stanice v lokalite Kolíňany sa sledovala v rokoch 2004 a 2005 úroda a výživná hodnota nadzemnej fytomasy kukurice siatej v závislosti od druhu, dávky a termínu aplikácie organických hnojív. Kukurica siata odrody ANIOU 450 sa pestovala na piesočnato-hlinitej hnedozemi so slabo kyslou pôdnou reakciou, stredným obsahom fosforu, dobrým obsahom draslíka, veľmi vysokým obsahom horčíka a malým obsahom humusu. Experimentálny pozemok je situovaný v kukuričnej výrobnej oblasti, v miernej klimatickej oblasti B 3 (mierne teplá, mierne vlhká) s nadmorskou výškou 192 m n. m. Dlhodobý úhrn zrážok (1951-1980) bol 561 mm, dlhodobá priemerná ročná teplota vzduchu bola 9,7 0C. Pokus bol založený s piatimi variantmi hnojenia, ktoré boli štvornásobne opakované. Na variantoch hnojených organickými hnojivami sa aplikovalo kombinované priemyselné hnojivo NPK 15-15-15 v dávke 250 kg.ha-1. Varianty hnojenia sú diferencované rozdielnymi dávkami organických hnojív: variant 1: nehnojená kontrola, variant 2: NPK + 25 t.ha-1 maštaľného hnoja (MH 25), variant 3: NPK + 50 t.ha-1 biokalu aplikovaného na jeseň (kal jeseň), variant 4: NPK + 40 t.ha-1 maštaľného hnoja (MH 40), variant 5: NPK + 50 t.ha-1 biokalu aplikovaného na jar (kal jar). Výsledky pokusov potvrdili štatisticky vysoko preukazný vplyv pestovateľského ročníka na úrodu nadzemnej fytomasy kukurice siatej. V poveternostne nepriaznivom roku 2004 sa dosiahla nižšia priemerná úroda fytomasy (28,01 t.ha-1) ako v roku 2005 (48,33 t.ha-1). Aplikáciou biokalu na jeseň v dávke 50 t.ha-1 sa dosiahla najvyššia úroda (40,89 t.ha-1) a najvyššia energetická hodnota nadzemnej fytomasy kukurice siatej, vyjadrená hodnotami netto energie laktácie (NEL = 6,45 MJ.kg- 1suš.) a netto energie výkrmu (NEV = 6,47 MJ.kg-1suš.). Jarná aplikácia biokalu v porovnaní s aplikáciou biokalu na jeseň znížila obsah sušiny o 20,7 %, zvýšila obsah N- látok o 13,7 %, vlákniny o 5,5 % a popola o 26,3 %. Hodnota skutočne stráviteľných dusíkatých látok v tenkom čreve bola najvyššia na variante hnojenom maštaľným hnojom v dávke 40 t.ha-1 (PDIN = 52,33 g.kg- 1 suš., PDIE = 77,37 g.kg-1 suš.). Dusíkaté hodnoty na variantoch hnojených biokalom potvrdzujú, že so vzrastajúcou sušinou celých rastlín klesá koncentrácia dusíkatých látok, zatiaľ čo PDIN sa s narastajúcou sušinou znižuje, PDIE sa zvyšuje. Kľúčové slová: kukurica siata, maštaľný hnoj, biokal, úroda, energetická a dusíkatá hodnot


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    V roku 2005-2006 bol v repárskej výrobnej oblasti, skúmaný vplyv hnojenia na formovanie úrodotvorných prvkov a úrody pri troch odrodách sóje fazuľovej. Pri odrodách Korada, Supra a OAC Vision bol zisťovaný počet rastlín na m2, počet strukov na rastline, počet semien v struku, HTS, úroda semena, úroda stoniek a zberový index. Varianty hnojenia: I. nehnojená kontrola, II. LAV 27 % (40 kg ha-1 č.ž. N) v rastovej fáze tvorby prvého páru pravých listov, III. Humix komplet (dávka 8 l.ha-1) aplikovaný v rastovej fáze tvorby prvého páru pravých listov (4 l.ha-1) a pred kvitnutím (4 l.ha-1), IV. Humix komplet v dávke 8 l.ha-1 aplikovaný v rastovej fáze tvorby prvého páru pravých listov. Úrodu semena a stoniek sóje vysokopreukazne ovplyvnila odroda, hnojenie a podmienky ročníka. Preukazne najvyššiu úrodu semena dosiahla odroda Korada (4,04 t.ha-1). Pri odrodách OAC Vision a Supra bola úroda v intervale 3,74-3,84 t.ha-1. Štatisticky preukazne úrodu semien a stoniek ovplyvnila delená dávka Humixu komplet (III. var.). Hnojením došlo k zvýšeniu podielu semien k nadzemnej fytomase, čo bolo vyjadrené zberovým indexom.In 2005 and 2006, the influence of fertilization was investigated on forming of yield components and yield of three soybean varieties in sugar beet growing area. Varieties Korada, Supra and OAC Vision were grown. Number of plants per m2, number of pods per plant, number of seeds in pod, thousand seeds weight, yield of seeds, yield of stems and harvest index were examined. Variants of fertilization: I. non-fertilized control, II. LAV 27 % (40 kg ha-1 net nutrient of N) in growing stage of first pair of true leaves unfolded, III. Humix komplet (rate 8 l.ha-1) applied in growing stage of first pair of true leaves unfolded (4 l.ha-1) and in growing stage of first flower buds visible (4 l.ha-1), IV. Humix komplet in rate 8 l.ha-1 applied in growing stage of first pair of true leaves unfolded. The yields of seeds and stems were high significantly influenced by variety, fertilization and year. The significantly highest yield of seeds was achieved by Korada variety (4,04 t.ha-1). Varieties OAC Vision and Supra reached yields in interval 3,74-3,84 t.ha-1. Split rate of Humix komplet (III var) significantly influenced yield of seeds and stems. The fertilization have increased weight of seeds in proportion to aboveground phyto-mass weight, what was expressed by harvest index

    Evaluation of the Financial Situation in the Firm and Proposals to its Improvement

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    This bachelor´s thesis deal with financial analysis company Barum Continental spol s.r.o., which produces dwelling sanitary and office units. There is used analysis absolute roadsings, distance roadsings, ratio roadsings and analysis system roadsings in work. By using those methodology is achieved purposes, namely evaluation of financial situation company Barum Continental s.r.o.. Contribution firm are constructive findings and recommendation for improvement financial situation by the help of which firm is able to achieve prosperity


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    V poľnom maloparcelovom pokuse založenom na experimentálnej báze Dolná Malanta bola v rokoch 2004 a 2005 sledovaná bilancia rastlinných živín v päť honovom osevnom postupe pri konvenčnom (B1) a minimalizačnom obrábaní pôdy (B2) v interakcii s hnojením priemyselnými hnojivami a využitím organickej hmoty vedľajšieho produktu (slama) a pozberových zvyškov. Hodnotené plodiny boli pestované v nasledovnom slede: kukurica siata na zrno - pšenica letná f. ozimná - jačmeň jarný s podsevom ďateliny lúčnej - ďatelina lúčna - hrach siaty + medziplodina horčica biela. Najvyšší deficit dusíka (- 62,2 kg.ha-1.rok-1), fosforu (- 24,0 kg.ha-1.rok-1) a draslíka (- 89,2 kg.ha-1.rok- 1) bol zistený na kontrolnom nehnojenom variante. Negatívna bilancia dusíka bola zistená aj na variante hnojenom priemyselnými hnojivami pri oboch spôsoboch obrábania pôdy, s vyšším deficitom pri konvenčnom obrábaní pôdy (- 25,4 kg.ha-1.rok-1). Na variante hnojenom priemyselnými hnojivami a zapracovaní vedľajšieho produktu predplodiny (PZ) bol zistený nízky bilančný prebytok dusíka (8 kg.ha-1.rok-1 - B1; 11,5 kg.ha-1.rok-1 - B2). Kladná bilancia fosforu na variantoch so zapracovanými pozberovými zvyškami (3,9 kg.ha-1.rok-1) môže prispieť k dosiahnutiu dobrej zásoby fosforu v pôde. Zistená negatívna bilancia draslíka pohybujúca sa od - 89,2 kg.ha-1.rok-1 (kontrola) do - 22 kg.ha-1.rok-1 (var. PZ) je akceptovateľná vzhľadom k vysokému obsahu prístupného draslíka na pokusnom pozemku.The nutrient balance of five crop rotation systems under conventional and minimal tillage with interaction of different fertilization treatments was investigated at the experimental station of Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra Dolná Malanta, during 2004-2005. The five-field crop rotation of maize (Zea mays L.) - winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) - spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) underseeded with red clover - red clover (Trifolium pratense) - common pea (Pisum sativum L.) and mustard as catch crop was used. The most serious deficit of nitrogen (- 62.2 kg.ha-1.yr-1), phosphorus (- 24.0 kg.ha-1.yr-1) and potassium (- 89.2 kg.ha-1.yr-1) was on control treatments. Deficit of nitrogen was also found-out in treatments with mineral fertilizers application. However higher deficit of nitrogen (- 25.4 kg.ha-1.yr- 1) was registered under conventional tillage. In treatment fertilized with mineral fertilizers together with by - product of pre - crop incorporation into soil (PZ), small balance surplus of nitrogen (8 kg.ha-1.yr-1 - B1, 11.5 kg. ha-1.yr-1 - B2, respectively) was calculated. The positive balance of phosphorus achieved in treatments with into soil incorporated by - products of pre - crops (in both systems of soil cultivation amounting value of 3.9 kg.ha-1.yr-1) can contribute to good supply of phosphorous in soil. The negative balance of potassium fluctuating from - 89.2 kg.ha-1.yr-1 (control treatment) to - 22 kg.ha-1.yr-1 (PZ) is acceptable owing to high content of available potassium in soil of experimental stand


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    Yield and nutritional value of maize for silage in dependance on type, rate and application of organic manures were investigated in a field semi-operational experiment established near the biogas station in the location of Kolíňany in the years 2004 and 2005. The trial results confirmed a statistically high significant effect of weather conditions on the maize aboveground phytomass yield. Under the infavourable weather conditions of the year 2004 a lower yield (28.01 t.ha-1) was achieved in comparison with the year 2005 (48.33 t.ha-1). When 50 t.ha-1 of biosludge was applied in autumn, the highest yield as well as the highest energy value of aboveground maize phytomass expressed in terms of net energy of lactation (NEL = 6.45 MJ.kg-1 DM) and net energy of fattening (NEF = 6.47 MJ.kg-1 DM) were achieved. Spring application of biosludge decreased the content of dry matter in maize by 20.7 %, and increased the content of crude protein by 13.7 %, crude fibre by 5.5 % and ash by 26.3 % compared to the values achieved at autumn biosludge application. The value of protein truly digested in the small intestine was the highest in treatment fertilized with farm - yard manure with the rate of 40 t. ha-1 (PDIN = 52.33 g.kg-1 DM, PDIE = 77.37 g.kg-1 DM)


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    V roku 2005-2006 bol v repárskej výrobnej oblasti, skúmaný vplyv hnojenia na formovanie úrodotvorných prvkov a úrody pri troch odrodách sóje fazuľovej. Pri odrodách Korada, Supra a OAC Vision bol zisťovaný počet rastlín na m2, počet strukov na rastline, počet semien v struku, HTS, úroda semena, úroda stoniek a zberový index. Varianty hnojenia: I. nehnojená kontrola, II. LAV 27 % (40 kg ha-1 č.ž. N) v rastovej fáze tvorby prvého páru pravých listov, III. Humix komplet (dávka 8 l.ha-1) aplikovaný v rastovej fáze tvorby prvého páru pravých listov (4 l.ha-1) a pred kvitnutím (4 l.ha-1), IV. Humix komplet v dávke 8 l.ha-1 aplikovaný v rastovej fáze tvorby prvého páru pravých listov. Úrodu semena a stoniek sóje vysokopreukazne ovplyvnila odroda, hnojenie a podmienky ročníka. Preukazne najvyššiu úrodu semena dosiahla odroda Korada (4,04 t.ha-1). Pri odrodách OAC Vision a Supra bola úroda v intervale 3,74-3,84 t.ha-1. Štatisticky preukazne úrodu semien a stoniek ovplyvnila delená dávka Humixu komplet (III. var.). Hnojením došlo k zvýšeniu podielu semien k nadzemnej fytomase, čo bolo vyjadrené zberovým indexom.In 2005 and 2006, the influence of fertilization was investigated on forming of yield components and yield of three soybean varieties in sugar beet growing area. Varieties Korada, Supra and OAC Vision were grown. Number of plants per m2, number of pods per plant, number of seeds in pod, thousand seeds weight, yield of seeds, yield of stems and harvest index were examined. Variants of fertilization: I. non-fertilized control, II. LAV 27 % (40 kg ha-1 net nutrient of N) in growing stage of first pair of true leaves unfolded, III. Humix komplet (rate 8 l.ha-1) applied in growing stage of first pair of true leaves unfolded (4 l.ha-1) and in growing stage of first flower buds visible (4 l.ha-1), IV. Humix komplet in rate 8 l.ha-1 applied in growing stage of first pair of true leaves unfolded. The yields of seeds and stems were high significantly influenced by variety, fertilization and year. The significantly highest yield of seeds was achieved by Korada variety (4,04 t.ha-1). Varieties OAC Vision and Supra reached yields in interval 3,74-3,84 t.ha-1. Split rate of Humix komplet (III var) significantly influenced yield of seeds and stems. The fertilization have increased weight of seeds in proportion to aboveground phyto-mass weight, what was expressed by harvest index


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    Nowadays in scientific literature many opposing data are presented of the impacts of vermicompost extract on the quantity and quality of crop production. Therefore, the principal objective of two independent experiments was to study the effects of vermi-extracts, which were applied before maize sowing into soil and during the growing season on the maize leaves, on its phytomass formation. The first, field experiment consisted of 9 variants. Variant 1 was the control one without the extract application. We studied the effect of the rising doses (90, 130, 170, 210 dm3·ha-1) of vermi-extract applied into soil before the maize sowing in the variants E1, E2, E3, E4. In the variants E1+E, E2+E, E3+E, E4+E along with the rising doses of vermi-extract was also applied the uniform dose of vermi-extract (40 dm3·ha-1) at the growth stage BBCH 15. The second, pot experiment was pursued in the vegetation cage and comprised 3 variants: variant 1 was the control, in the variants 2 and 3 the foliar application of vermi-extract was used. The vermi-extract was applied once (growth stage BBCH 12) in the variant 2 and in the variant 3 it was used twice (at growth stages BBCH 12 and BBCH 16). The achieved results show that the vermi-extract applied in the presowing period increased the yield of maize grains if the application doses were 130–170 dm3·ha-1. The positive or negative impact of the foliar application by vermi-extract on the yield of maize grains depended on the period of application and the grown cultivar. In order to increase the starch content in grains it was more suitable to carry out the presowing vermi-extract application than during the growing season. The presowing application and the foliar application of vermi-extract tended to decrease the nitrogen content in grain. The foliar application of vermi-extract had the positive impact on the plant height and stalk thickness of the maize plants only in short term. The information obtained from the first half of maize growing season related to the plant height and stalk thickness was not the appropriate indicator for the assessment of maize grain yields