93,336 research outputs found

    Higgs Boson And WLWLW_L W_L Scattering At e−e−e^-e^- Colliders

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    We discuss the Standard-Model Higgs boson production in the channels e−e−→e−e−He^-e^-\to e^-e^- H, e−νW−He^-\nu W^- H, and e−e−ZHWealsoillustratetheenhancementsinthee^-e^- ZH We also illustrate the enhancements in the W^-W^-crosssectionthatwouldresultfromastrongly−interactingHiggssectororfroma cross section that would result from a strongly-interacting Higgs sector or from a H^{--}resonanceinadoublet+tripletscalarfieldmodel.Comment:ContributiontotheProceedingsof resonance in a doublet + triplet scalar field model.Comment: Contribution to the Proceedings of e^-e^-$ Workshop, Santa Cruz, CA, Sept. 4--5, 1995. 13 pages, 5 figs, LaTeX; postscript file available via anonymous ftp at ftp://ucdhep.ucdavis.edu/han/sews/emem_sc.p

    Measuring CP Violating Phases at a Future Linear Collider

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    At a future Linear Collider one will be able to determine the masses of charginos and neutralinos and their pair production cross sections to high accuracies. We show how systematically including the cross sections into the analysis improves the measurement of the underlying mass parameters, including potential CP violating phases. In addition, we investigate how experimental errors will affect the determination of these parameters. We present a first estimate on the lower limit of observable small phases and on the accuracy in determining large phases.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, RevTeX3.1, Version to be published in Physics Letters B, physics setup improved, figures added, conclusions unchange

    On the complexity of computing maximum entropy for Markovian models

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    We investigate the complexity of computing entropy of various Markovian models including Markov Chains (MCs), Interval Markov Chains (IMCs) and Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). We consider both entropy and entropy rate for general MCs, and study two algorithmic questions, i.e., entropy approximation problem and entropy threshold problem. The former asks for an approximation of the entropy/entropy rate within a given precision, whereas the latter aims to decide whether they exceed a given threshold. We give polynomial-time algorithms for the approximation problem, and show the threshold problem is in P CH3 (hence in PSPACE) and in P assuming some number-theoretic conjectures. Furthermore, we study both questions for IMCs and MDPs where we aim to maximise the entropy/entropy rate among an infinite family of MCs associated with the given model. We give various conditional decidability results for the threshold problem, and show the approximation problem is solvable in polynomial-time via convex programmin

    Local Spin Susceptibility of the S=1/2 Kagome Lattice in ZnCu3(OD)6Cl2

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    We report single-crystal 2-D NMR investigation of the nearly ideal spin S=1/2 kagome lattice ZnCu3(OD)6Cl2. We successfully identify 2-D NMR signals originating from the nearest-neighbors of Cu2+ defects occupying Zn sites. From the 2-D Knight shift measurements, we demonstrate that weakly interacting Cu2+ spins at these defects cause the large Curie-Weiss enhancement toward T=0 commonly observed in the bulk susceptibility data. We estimate the intrinsic spin susceptibility of the kagome planes by subtracting defect contributions, and explore several scenarios.Comment: 4 figures; published in PR-B Rapid Communication

    Dynamics of Scalar Field in Polymer-like Representation

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    In recent twenty years, loop quantum gravity, a background independent approach to unify general relativity and quantum mechanics, has been widely investigated. We consider the quantum dynamics of a real massless scalar field coupled to gravity in this framework. A Hamiltonian operator for the scalar field can be well defined in the coupled diffeomorphism invariant Hilbert space, which is both self-adjoint and positive. On the other hand, the Hamiltonian constraint operator for the scalar field coupled to gravity can be well defined in the coupled kinematical Hilbert space. There are 1-parameter ambiguities due to scalar field in the construction of both operators. The results heighten our confidence that there is no divergence within this background independent and diffeomorphism invariant quantization approach of matter coupled to gravity. Moreover, to avoid possible quantum anomaly, the master constraint programme can be carried out in this coupled system by employing a self-adjoint master constraint operator on the diffeomorphism invariant Hilbert space.Comment: 24 pages, accepted for pubilcation in Class. Quant. Gra

    A variational approach for continuous supply chain networks

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    We consider a continuous supply chain network consisting of buffering queues and processors first proposed by [D. Armbruster, P. Degond, and C. Ringhofer, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 66 (2006), pp. 896–920] and subsequently analyzed by [D. Armbruster, P. Degond, and C. Ringhofer, Bull. Inst. Math. Acad. Sin. (N.S.), 2 (2007), pp. 433–460] and [D. Armbruster, C. De Beer, M. Fre- itag, T. Jagalski, and C. Ringhofer, Phys. A, 363 (2006), pp. 104–114]. A model was proposed for such a network by [S. G ̈ottlich, M. Herty, and A. Klar, Commun. Math. Sci., 3 (2005), pp. 545–559] using a system of coupling ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations. In this article, we propose an alternative approach based on a variational method to formulate the network dynamics. We also derive, based on the variational method, a computational algorithm that guarantees numerical stability, allows for rigorous error estimates, and facilitates efficient computations. A class of network flow optimization problems are formulated as mixed integer programs (MIPs). The proposed numerical algorithm and the corresponding MIP are compared theoretically and numerically with existing ones [A. Fu ̈genschuh, S. Go ̈ttlich, M. Herty, A. Klar, and A. Martin, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 30 (2008), pp. 1490–1507; S. Go ̈ttlich, M. Herty, and A. Klar, Commun. Math. Sci., 3 (2005), pp. 545–559], which demonstrates the modeling and computational advantages of the variational approach

    TeV resonances in top physics at the LHC

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    We consider the possibility of studying novel particles at the TeV scale with enhanced couplings to the top quark via top quark pair production at the LHC and VLHC. In particular we discuss the case of neutral scalar and vector resonances associated with a strongly interacting electroweak symmetry breaking sector. We constrain the couplings of these resonances by imposing appropriate partial wave unitarity conditions and known low energy constraints. We evaluate the new physics signals via WW -> tt~ for various models without making approximation for the initial state W bosons, and optimize the acceptance cuts for the signal observation. We conclude that QCD backgrounds overwhelm the signals in both the LHC and a 200 TeV VLHC, making it impossible to study this type of physics in the tt~ channel at those machines.Comment: 15p, add. comments to clarify model, +2 ref., version to appear PR

    Drell-Yan plus missing energy as a signal for extra dimensions

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    We explore the search sensitivity for signals of large extra dimensions at hadron colliders via the Drell-Yan process pp -> l+ l- + E_T(miss) X (l = e,mu) where the missing transverse energy is the result of escaping Kaluza-Klein gravitons. We find that one is able to place exclusion limits on the gravity scale up to 560 GeV at the Fermilab Tevatron, and to 4.0 (3.3) TeV at the CERN LHC, for n = 3 (4) extra dimensions.Comment: 5 pages, 2 PS figs, revised verseion to be published in Physics Letters
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