173 research outputs found

    KRIT-1/CCM1 is a Rap1 effector that regulates endothelial cell–cell junctions

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    Cerebral cavernous malformation (CCM), a disease associated with defective endothelial junctions, result from autosomal dominant CCM1 mutations that cause loss of KRIT-1 protein function, though how the loss of KRIT-1 leads to CCM is obscure. KRIT-1 binds to Rap1, a guanosine triphosphatase that maintains the integrity of endothelial junctions. Here, we report that KRIT-1 protein is expressed in cultured arterial and venous endothelial cells and is present in cell–cell junctions. KRIT-1 colocalized and was physically associated with junctional proteins via its band 4.1/ezrin/radixin/moesin (FERM) domain. Rap1 activity regulated the junctional localization of KRIT-1 and its physical association with junction proteins. However, the association of the isolated KRIT-1 FERM domain was independent of Rap1. Small interfering RNA–mediated depletion of KRIT-1 blocked the ability of Rap1 to stabilize endothelial junctions associated with increased actin stress fibers. Thus, Rap1 increases KRIT-1 targeting to endothelial cell–cell junctions where it suppresses stress fibers and stabilizes junctional integrity

    Spatial restriction of α4 integrin phosphorylation regulates lamellipodial stability and α4β1-dependent cell migration

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    Întegrins coordinate spatial signaling events essential for cell polarity and directed migration. Such signals from α4 integrins regulate cell migration in development and in leukocyte trafficking. Here, we report that efficient α4-mediated migration requires spatial control of α4 phosphorylation by protein kinase A, and hence localized inhibition of binding of the signaling adaptor, paxillin, to the integrin. In migrating cells, phosphorylated α4 accumulated along the leading edge. Blocking α4 phosphorylation by mutagenesis or by inhibition of protein kinase A drastically reduced α4-dependent migration and lamellipodial stability. α4 phosphorylation blocks paxillin binding in vitro; we now find that paxillin and phospho-α4 were in distinct clusters at the leading edge of migrating cells, whereas unphosphorylated α4 and paxillin colocalized along the lateral edges of those cells. Furthermore, enforced paxillin association with α4 inhibits migration and reduced lamellipodial stability. These results show that topographically specific integrin phosphorylation can control cell migration and polarization by spatial segregation of adaptor protein binding

    Differentially altered social dominance- and cooperative-like behaviors in Shank2- and Shank3-mutant mice

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    Background: Recent progress in genomics has contributed to the identification of a large number of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) risk genes, many of which encode synaptic proteins. Our understanding of ASDs has advanced rapidly, partly owing to the development of numerous animal models. Extensive characterizations using a variety of behavioral batteries that analyze social behaviors have shown that a subset of engineered mice that model mutations in genes encoding Shanks, a family of excitatory postsynaptic scaffolding proteins, exhibit autism-like behaviors. Although these behavioral assays have been useful in identifying deficits in simple social behaviors, alterations in complex social behaviors remain largely untested. Methods: Two syndromic ASD mouse models—Shank2 constitutive knockout [KO] mice and Shank3 constitutive KO mice—were examined for alterations in social dominance and social cooperative behaviors using tube tests and automated cooperation tests. Upon naïve and salient behavioral experience, expression levels of c-Fos were analyzed as a proxy for neural activity across diverse brain areas, including the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and a number of subcortical structures. Findings: As previously reported, Shank2 KO mice showed deficits in sociability, with intact social recognition memory, whereas Shank3 KO mice displayed no overt phenotypes. Strikingly, the two Shank KO mouse models exhibited diametrically opposed alterations in social dominance and cooperative behaviors. After a specific social behavioral experience, Shank mutant mice exhibited distinct changes in number of c-Fos+ neurons in the number of cortical and subcortical brain regions. Conclusions: Our results underscore the heterogeneity of social behavioral alterations in different ASD mouse models and highlight the utility of testing complex social behaviors in validating neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorder models. In addition, neural activities at distinct brain regions are likely collectively involved in eliciting complex social behaviors, which are differentially altered in ASD mouse models. © 2020, The Author(s).1

    A Microchip for High-throughput Axon Growth Drug Screening

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    It has been recently known that not only the presence of inhibitory molecules associated with myelin but also the reduced growth capability of the axons limit mature central nervous system (CNS) axonal regeneration after injury. Conventional axon growth studies are typically conducted using multi-well cell culture plates that are very difficult to use for investigating localized effects of drugs and limited to low throughput. Unfortunately, there is currently no other in vitro tool that allows investigating localized axonal responses to biomolecules in high-throughput for screening potential drugs that might promote axonal growth. We have developed a compartmentalized neuron culture platform enabling localized biomolecular treatments in parallel to axons that are physically and fluidically isolated from their neuronal somata. The 24 axon compartments in the developed platform are designed to perform four sets of six different localized biomolecular treatments simultaneously on a single device. In addition, the novel microfluidic configuration allows culture medium of 24 axon compartments to be replenished altogether by a single aspiration process, making high-throughput drug screening a reality

    Protocol for Quantitative Analysis of Synaptic Vesicle Clustering in Axons of Cultured Neurons

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    Clustering of synaptic vesicles along the neuronal axons is a critical mechanism underpinning proper synaptic transmission. Here, we provide a detailed protocol for analyzing the distribution of synaptic vesicles in presynaptic boutons of cultured neurons. The protocol covers preparation of cultured neurons, expression of synaptic vesicle-enriched proteins, and quantification procedures. Utilizing neurons from postnatal transgenic mice, this method can be applied to investigate the roles of synaptic genes in regulating vesicle dynamics at synaptic sites. For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Han et al. (2020a). © 2020 The Author(s)1

    Environmental implications of a sandwich structure of a glass fiber-reinforced polymer ship

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    This study presents the findings related to the selection of composite structures for materials with respect to the effectiveness of their lightweight design and environmental impact during the raw material manufacturing phases. The primary raw materials considered were glass fiber, PVC for the core, and polyester resin. In addition, using the same design conditions, such as bottom load, impregnation rate, and production method, a reverse engineering approach was applied to transform the sandwich structure into a single laminate structure, allowing for a comparative quantitative analysis of the reduction in lightweight effectiveness. The results revealed that the sandwich structure was approximately 42.44% lighter than that of the reverse-engineered single-skin laminate structure. A life cycle evaluation was also conducted, and the raw materials required for hull construction were analyzed with SimaPro 9.0 as the LCA tool software, Ecoinvent 3 for inventory analysis, and the ReCiPe 2016 method for environmental impact analysis. PVC foam and polyester resin were identified as highly hazardous for both human and environmental health, whereas fiberglass exhibited the lowest emissions among the materials considered. Furthermore, the sandwich structure offered greater environmental advantages across all damage endpoints than the single-skin laminates. This finding highlights the potential of sandwich structures as a more sustainable option. In practical terms, enhancing the bending strength of the core material in sandwich structures can reduce the thickness of the outer and inner skin members, thereby reducing the weight of ships and significantly reducing potential health risks to human worker health, harm to the ecosystem, and resource demands

    Design of Single-modal Take-over Request in SAE Level 2 & 3 Automated Vehicle

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    Recently, cutting-edge technology has led to the development of automated vehicles, but the limitations of the related technology may lead to hazardous situations. This resulted in the remarkable significance of the interaction between automated vehicles and drivers. In particular, the transition between the driver and the automated vehicle in accordance with Level 3 of SAE J3016 is inevitable, and guidelines or standards regarding the takeover should be provided. Therefore, we aim to prepare the safety guidelines for the takeover and to conduct a comparative test. First, guidelines for visual, auditory, and haptic displays in existing vehicles were examined. Second, preliminary research was conducted on the modality of automated vehicles. Third, we carried out a modality investigation regarding the partially automated vehicle. Based on this, we proposed visual, auditory, and haptic signals for each modality. This will serve as a significant starting point for future research based on multimodal methods

    Slitrk2 controls excitatory synapse development via PDZ-mediated protein interactions

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    Members of the Slitrk (Slit- and Trk-like protein) family of synaptic cell-adhesion molecules control excitatory and inhibitory synapse development through isoform-dependent extracellular interactions with leukocyte common antigen-related receptor protein tyrosine phosphatases (LAR-RPTPs). However, how Slitrks participate in activation of intracellular signaling pathways in postsynaptic neurons remains largely unknown. Here we report that, among the six members of the Slitrk family, only Slitrk2 directly interacts with the PDZ domain-containing excitatory scaffolds, PSD-95 and Shank3. The interaction of Slitrk2 with PDZ proteins is mediated by the cytoplasmic COOH-terminal PDZ domain-binding motif (Ile-Ser-Glu-Leu), which is not found in other Slitrks. Mapping analyses further revealed that a single PDZ domain of Shank3 is responsible for binding to Slitrk2. Slitrk2 forms in vivo complexes with membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) family proteins in addition to PSD-95 and Shank3. Intriguingly, in addition to its role in synaptic targeting in cultured hippocampal neurons, the PDZ domain-binding motif of Slitrk2 is required for Slitrk2 promotion of excitatory synapse formation, transmission, and spine development in the CA1 hippocampal region. Collectively, our data suggest a new molecular mechanism for conferring isoform-specific regulatory actions of the Slitrk family in orchestrating intracellular signal transduction pathways in postsynaptic neurons. © 2019, The Author(s).1